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Anyone ever do a RUF conversion?

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I have a C2, and am considering shipping my car to Dallas......for about $26K the RUF Auto Centre promises 80-100 increase in HP.

Anyone looked into this? A Co-worker owns two RUF vehicles...and they are amazing, snarling beasts of driving perfection....


Edited by MistahH
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I have a C2, and am considering shipping my car to Dallas......for about $26K the RUF Auto Centre promises 80-100 increase in HP.

A friend bought a new Boxster S (987) and had it sent to Ruf in Dallas for a Carrera S engine swap with the powerkit, some suspension tweaking, Ruf wheels, etc. I think there was an article about it several months back in Excellence. He didn't have anything negative to say about the experience, and owning one of those things definitely puts you into a special crowd. It wasn't cheap. I drove it and observed it was like driving 80% of a Carrera GT for 20% of the price. A very fast, well behaved daily driver that will blow away just about anything on the road, exotic or not. If you figure Ruf has a lot more experience with Carreras than Boxsters, you can draw your own conclusion about satisfaction.

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I have a C2, and am considering shipping my car to Dallas......for about $26K the RUF Auto Centre promises 80-100 increase in HP.

A friend bought a new Boxster S (987) and had it sent to Ruf in Dallas for a Carrera S engine swap with the powerkit, some suspension tweaking, Ruf wheels, etc. I think there was an article about it several months back in Excellence. He didn't have anything negative to say about the experience, and owning one of those things definitely puts you into a special crowd. It wasn't cheap. I drove it and observed it was like driving 80% of a Carrera GT for 20% of the price. A very fast, well behaved daily driver that will blow away just about anything on the road, exotic or not. If you figure Ruf has a lot more experience with Carreras than Boxsters, you can draw your own conclusion about satisfaction.


Thanks so much for your reply. I am actually going for it, my car ships next week to Dallas....and I am pretty excited. I am also doing some suspesion upgrades too, so rounding things out to about $30K total. As far as the "look" of my car, it is going to stick with its 19" Classics all the way around, and no body kit upgrades either...I want 'er to look stock.

I will post here again when I get it back.

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I have a C2, and am considering shipping my car to Dallas......for about $26K the RUF Auto Centre promises 80-100 increase in HP.

A friend bought a new Boxster S (987) and had it sent to Ruf in Dallas for a Carrera S engine swap with the powerkit, some suspension tweaking, Ruf wheels, etc. I think there was an article about it several months back in Excellence. He didn't have anything negative to say about the experience, and owning one of those things definitely puts you into a special crowd. It wasn't cheap. I drove it and observed it was like driving 80% of a Carrera GT for 20% of the price. A very fast, well behaved daily driver that will blow away just about anything on the road, exotic or not. If you figure Ruf has a lot more experience with Carreras than Boxsters, you can draw your own conclusion about satisfaction.


Thanks so much for your reply. I am actually going for it, my car ships next week to Dallas....and I am pretty excited. I am also doing some suspesion upgrades too, so rounding things out to about $30K total. As far as the "look" of my car, it is going to stick with its 19" Classics all the way around, and no body kit upgrades either...I want 'er to look stock.

I will post here again when I get it back.

You will not be disappointed - they guys in Dallas are the best and the Ruf conversion kit "rocks".

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  • 1 year later...


Sorry to get in here a bit late but thought you might be interested.

We had a Ruf technician come over to Singapore to install a Kompressor (supercharger) kit onto a customers 997 C2S

2 years ago. What can I say, the car is amazing. 30.000km, absolutely no reliability issues, looks better than factory and it will out run GT3's and it's hard on the tail of 996 turbos as well.

You definitely wont be disappointed if you have this conversion done.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to get in here a bit late but thought you might be interested.

We had a Ruf technician come over to Singapore to install a Kompressor (supercharger) kit onto a customers 997 C2S

2 years ago. What can I say, the car is amazing. 30.000km, absolutely no reliability issues, looks better than factory and it will out run GT3's and it's hard on the tail of 996 turbos as well.

You definitely wont be disappointed if you have this conversion done.


EZ911,I just noticed that you completed the RUF upgrade in Singapore. I'm in the region and thinking about it for my 2008 C4S X51. I'm not sure what engine components they replace, no doubt the carbon intake is wasted and probably the intake manifold, perhaps you can advise. How many kms did you have on it before the conversion? Where was the work done in Singapore and what was the RUF warranty provided? If it's not too rude to ask, what was the cost?

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Sorry to get in here a bit late but thought you might be interested.

We had a Ruf technician come over to Singapore to install a Kompressor (supercharger) kit onto a customers 997 C2S

2 years ago. What can I say, the car is amazing. 30.000km, absolutely no reliability issues, looks better than factory and it will out run GT3's and it's hard on the tail of 996 turbos as well.

You definitely wont be disappointed if you have this conversion done.


EZ911,I just noticed that you completed the RUF upgrade in Singapore. I'm in the region and thinking about it for my 2008 C4S X51. I'm not sure what engine components they replace, no doubt the carbon intake is wasted and probably the intake manifold, perhaps you can advise. How many kms did you have on it before the conversion? Where was the work done in Singapore and what was the RUF warranty provided? If it's not too rude to ask, what was the cost?

Sorry, no comment needed on changes to the engine, it is quite clear on the RUF website.

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  • 16 years later...

Greetings, I do have a 2006 C4S modified by RUF same year i bought the car in Dominican Republi, they sent somebody to install the superchager and let me tell you, there are no regrets avout it, so if you have the chance to do it go for.

I am 67 years old and still loving to drive that car.


Fernandp Fernandez


ruf 4.jpeg

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