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997 carrera 4 gearbox or clutch problem

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Hi guys, NEED HELP.

Just stopped off at a friends house and returned to car after 20 minutes or so. Car is a 2006 Porsche 997 carrera 4 cab. When i got back in the car it was already in gear so i put my foot on the clutch started up and pulled off. Tried to change gear and it would not change up or down. So i turned off the ignition and the gear leaver engages all gears fine with the exception of 1st which is a little notchy ( thats how its always been) I am able to engage any gear without the engine running then start the car and it will move when i let the clutch out but you cannot change gear while engine is running only when its turned off.

Clutch was replaced about 8000 miles ago with no problems, fluid is all fine with no loss or leaks visable. Car does seem to move very slightly with clutch pressed right down and in gear, bitting point is a little lower aswell i think. Had no previous issues in the run up to this problem only that sometimes when engine is hot its occasionly knotchy when putting in to first from standstill but have read`this is a commom problem.

Have searched various forums but cannot find anybody whos had a similar problem. Its saturday afternoon and im stranded, depending on peoples knowledge of the problem dictates where i take the car for repair, please please help as im blocking my friends driveway.

Regards Tim :cursing:

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There is a TSB on your clutch master cylinder. The part has been updated and is rather easy to change out. Be sure to flush the complete hydraulic system with new fluid.

Hi, many thanks for the reply, are you able to elaberate, also sorry if im being dumb but what is a tsb and youve obviously heard of this berfore,

Regards Tim


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TSB = Technical Service Bulletin.

Here is a link to what wvicary is referring to... Clutch Pedal Does Not Fully Reach Its Original Position

Hi Loren, DOHHH! ,in england tsb stands for trustees savings bank (lol) , so are we assuming its the clutch master cylinder and is this a common fault taking in to account the symptoms, have you heard of this particular problem before ?, i do know a tech who works at a porsche main dealer so would be no problem for him to change the master cylinder, cant get hold of him at the moment, i was thinking Gearbox, Gearbox = $$$$$$, $$$$$$$ = Stress.

Regards Tim


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There is a TSB on your clutch master cylinder. The part has been updated and is rather easy to change out. Be sure to flush the complete hydraulic system with new fluid.

Hi , DOHHH! ,in england tsb stands for trustees savings bank (lol) , so are we assuming its the clutch master cylinder and is this a common fault taking in to account the symptoms, have you heard of this before ?, i do know a tech who works at a porsche main dealer so would be no problem for him to change the master cylinder, cant get hold of him at the moment, i was thinking Gearbox, Gearbox = $$$$$$,

Regards and many thanks Tim


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The problem that I've seen with these slave cylinders is the plastic tip on the end of the piston breaks causing metal to metal contact against the clutch fork. Every one I've seen has required a new clutch fork as well as a new slave.

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The problem that I've seen with these slave cylinders is the plastic tip on the end of the piston breaks causing metal to metal contact against the clutch fork. Every one I've seen has required a new clutch fork as well as a new slave.

Hi guys, just an update on the gearbox / clutch problem.

Well as car would not go in to gear i decided to leave car at my friends overnite until another friend who is a porsche tech could look at it for me the next morning.

As if you couldnt guess, when i returned in the morning gearbox / clutch worked fine no problems whatsoever, so to be on the safe side we bled the clutch and flushed thru with new fluid and it has been fine since (9 days now), however to be on the safe side i have ordered the revised slave cylinder just in case, seems the gremlins were at work.

Many thanks for all your replys, thats what makes this forum the number one porsche diagnostics centre bar none:renntech: :thankyou: :clapping: :cheers:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have just had my 2006 carrera 2s (44K miles) in at Porsche to check the clutch, 1st & 2nd are notchy most of the time, cold or warm, and the bite point is about 2inch from the carpet. They said nothing was wrong, but I know sooner or later, more sooner, a new clutch will be required. The other thought I had was that there was air in the clutch system - anyone know where the bite point should be? and if removing any air from the system might make the pedal feel better

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