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Clear side marker installation for 2011

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just installed a set last week. The owner's manual shows how to replace the bulb in the side marker lens. It is the same process for changing the lens itself. You need to pull back the protective panel in the wheel well (removal of 3 or 4 screws will give you access to the side marker. Then, you need to insert a screwdriver behind the plastic clip on the installed side marker (this can be a bit challenging since it's hard to locate the clip). Once you get the screwdriver in place, press the side marker out (it is held into place with two pressure clips. The whole side marker pops out and then it is easy to swap out the new lens/bulb.

I was a bid timid with the first light, but once I realized I wasn't going to break anything, replacing the second one took all of 10 minutes.

If you already installed the clear side marker, did you decide to go with the amber bulbs or the white ones? I guess it is only street legal to go with the amber, but I think the while bulbs look much better/eye catching.

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  • 1 month later...

I just replaced them on a 2011 Turbo. The first one took 40 minutes and the second about ten. My suggestion is to push on the back of the marker toward the front of the car without pressing the "safety clip". Once the front fastener disengages you can press the "safety clip" and apply pressure on the back toward the rear of the car to release the second fastener.

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  • 2 months later...

After reading this forum on Saturday, I went about replacing my amber side markers with clear side markers. After partially removing the wheel well liner like this forum and the owner manual suggests I struggled to remove the first side marker. After about 20 minutes, the first amber marker was out. What a chore. Now that I could see specifically how and where the marker attached (with pressure clips) I decided to take a different approach on the second side...

1. Slip a piece of fishing line (I used 40lb test) under the front point of the side marker. You may have to put a little pressure on top or bottom of the lens to free up a gap to get the line completely under the point of the light.

2. Carefully work the line back from the point 1/2 to 3/4 inch toward the center of the light.

3. Holding both end of the fishing line, give the line a firm tug, not too hard. This will unclip the lens form front pressure clip and partially from the rear pressure clip

4. Carefully remove the lens the rest of the way from the rear pressure clip and a slight tilt will also release the safety clip as well.

5. Remove the bulb from the amber lens, replace bulb with amber bulb, align slots on bulb gasket with clear lens align tabs on clear lens with pressure clips on vehicle and press lens into place.

Total time expended on first side (using the owner’s manual method) 30 minutes by the time I put everything back together.

Total time expense on second side 4 minutes.

I hope this helps everyone save some time so you can spend less time with your hand(s) wedged up inside the fender well and more time behind the wheel.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Thanks for the help. Better than fishing line: Xerox box strap. You know, those infuriatingly tough yellow straps that bind together the box of paper reams? BUT be cautious, some straps are definately better than others. I found one that is approx 1/4" wide, and very smooth (yellow). The typical one is almost 1/2" wide, and practically serrated.

But when you find a nice, thin, smooth strap, KEEP IT! It's also the best thing for removing badges off vehicles.

Anyway, it does the exact same thing, but it's more comfortable on your hands due to the much larger surface area that you're pulling on. Also might be easier on the lenses, since again it's putting pressure on a larger area.

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  • 3 months later...

After reading this forum on Saturday, I went about replacing my amber side markers with clear side markers. After partially removing the wheel well liner like this forum and the owner manual suggests I struggled to remove the first side marker. After about 20 minutes, the first amber marker was out. What a chore. Now that I could see specifically how and where the marker attached (with pressure clips) I decided to take a different approach on the second side...1. Slip a piece of fishing line (I used 40lb test) under the front point of the side marker. You may have to put a little pressure on top or bottom of the lens to free up a gap to get the line completely under the point of the light.2. Carefully work the line back from the point 1/2 to 3/4 inch toward the center of the light.3. Holding both end of the fishing line, give the line a firm tug, not too hard. This will unclip the lens form front pressure clip and partially from the rear pressure clip4. Carefully remove the lens the rest of the way from the rear pressure clip and a slight tilt will also release the safety clip as well.5. Remove the bulb from the amber lens, replace bulb with amber bulb, align slots on bulb gasket with clear lens align tabs on clear lens with pressure clips on vehicle and press lens into place.Total time expended on first side (using the owners manual method) 30 minutes by the time I put everything back together.Total time expense on second side 4 minutes.I hope this helps everyone save some time so you can spend less time with your hand(s) wedged up inside the fender well and more time behind the wheel.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! This technique is perfect - saved a great deal of time and was exactly as described. Absolutely no damage. First side took 2 min, second side took 40 seconds.

Wonderful post - an excellent technique!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know who you are, but you are a real man of genius! Thanks, you saved me from hours of frustration...

After reading this forum on Saturday, I went about replacing my amber side markers with clear side markers. After partially removing the wheel well liner like this forum and the owner manual suggests I struggled to remove the first side marker. After about 20 minutes, the first amber marker was out. What a chore. Now that I could see specifically how and where the marker attached (with pressure clips) I decided to take a different approach on the second side...1. Slip a piece of fishing line (I used 40lb test) under the front point of the side marker. You may have to put a little pressure on top or bottom of the lens to free up a gap to get the line completely under the point of the light.2. Carefully work the line back from the point 1/2 to 3/4 inch toward the center of the light.3. Holding both end of the fishing line, give the line a firm tug, not too hard. This will unclip the lens form front pressure clip and partially from the rear pressure clip4. Carefully remove the lens the rest of the way from the rear pressure clip and a slight tilt will also release the safety clip as well.5. Remove the bulb from the amber lens, replace bulb with amber bulb, align slots on bulb gasket with clear lens align tabs on clear lens with pressure clips on vehicle and press lens into place.Total time expended on first side (using the owners manual method) 30 minutes by the time I put everything back together.Total time expense on second side 4 minutes.I hope this helps everyone save some time so you can spend less time with your hand(s) wedged up inside the fender well and more time behind the wheel.

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  • 1 month later...

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