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Top Malfunction

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Yup. the plastic ball joint on the control arm either broke or popped off. It will be white and you will see it with the deck lid up. They break all the time and you cannot just buy the balljoint. You have to buy the arm too. My OPC charged me $80 CDN. Check this thread.

http://www.renntech....xster-987-roof/ Heres another thread where you may get just the plastic ball joint.


Edited by zedex
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Yup. the plastic ball joint on the control arm either broke or popped off. It will be white and you will see it with the deck lid up. They break all the time and you cannot just buy the balljoint. You have to buy the arm too. My OPC charged me $80 CDN. Check this thread.

http://www.renntech....xster-987-roof/ Heres another thread where you may get just the plastic ball joint.


Thanks for the reply, and you are right, BOTH pushrods are broken. I heard a loud pop about 6 weeks ago on the right side, and did not know what it was. When the left side went, the top would not actuate. I looked on several forums and think I will attempt the fix myself. There is no damage to the drainage pan. I lowered the top and removed the broken cap pieces only, leaving the rods in place to measure. Now, I need to know if anyone can point me to where I can get the pushrods for a 2006, or the email address of the fellow in the Netherlands to get the caps. All help is VERY much appreciated

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Yup. the plastic ball joint on the control arm either broke or popped off. It will be white and you will see it with the deck lid up. They break all the time and you cannot just buy the balljoint. You have to buy the arm too. My OPC charged me $80 CDN. Check this thread.

http://www.renntech....xster-987-roof/ Heres another thread where you may get just the plastic ball joint.


Thanks for the reply, and you are right, BOTH pushrods are broken. I heard a loud pop about 6 weeks ago on the right side, and did not know what it was. When the left side went, the top would not actuate. I looked on several forums and think I will attempt the fix myself. There is no damage to the drainage pan. I lowered the top and removed the broken cap pieces only, leaving the rods in place to measure. Now, I need to know if anyone can point me to where I can get the pushrods for a 2006, or the email address of the fellow in the Netherlands to get the caps. All help is VERY much appreciated


PM Sent with the info.

Regards, Maurice.

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Thank you Maurice. I will order the caps ASAP. I look forward to working on my own car for once. Also, I can manually operate the top very easily with 2 fingers, so I don't think there is anything going on with the top. I will check the drain pan again as you suggest. Should the caps be lubricated in any way on installation ?

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Thank you Maurice. I will order the caps ASAP. I look forward to working on my own car for once. Also, I can manually operate the top very easily with 2 fingers, so I don't think there is anything going on with the top. I will check the drain pan again as you suggest. Should the caps be lubricated in any way on installation ?


There are few things as satisfying as working on your own car and getting the job done right! cheers.gif

Just make sure that you put the new plastic ball cups on with the same number of turns as the old ones were on so as to keep the overall length of the pushrods the same.

You can put a small dab of white lithium grease inside the plastic ball cup before you press them on to their respective steel balls.

While you are at it, you can spray some lubricant (either white lithium grease or Krytox) in the channel that the black plastic slider at the base of each clamshell arm rides back and forth on.

Regards, Maurice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, got all my parts, thanks Maurice for the Netherlands tip. Had to by another pushrod, as one was bent. Once I got started, took about 40 minutes to complete the project. Made sure both assembled rods were the same length, (I used liquid whiteout to mark bolt position as well as the neoprene cap position on the all-thread). I placed the clamshell at it's highest point, and then snapped the rods onto the ball joints. I then manually articulated the top until I could reattach the nut that bolts on the rod, (loosely). After propping up the back of the top, (under the rear window), I was able to move the top slightly until the bolt corresponded with the whiteouted area. I then tightened both bolts. The top worked flawlessly. Thanks for all the help. This was the first time I have worked on my own Porsche since my 1976 914 2.0, which I worked on constantly. Time for a beer !:cheers:

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Well, got all my parts, thanks Maurice for the Netherlands tip. Had to by another pushrod, as one was bent. Once I got started, took about 40 minutes to complete the project. Made sure both assembled rods were the same length, (I used liquid whiteout to mark bolt position as well as the neoprene cap position on the all-thread). I placed the clamshell at it's highest point, and then snapped the rods onto the ball joints. I then manually articulated the top until I could reattach the nut that bolts on the rod, (loosely). After propping up the back of the top, (under the rear window), I was able to move the top slightly until the bolt corresponded with the whiteouted area. I then tightened both bolts. The top worked flawlessly. Thanks for all the help. This was the first time I have worked on my own Porsche since my 1976 914 2.0, which I worked on constantly. Time for a beer !:cheers:


Excellent work! You deserve that beer! cheers.gif, and maybe another one! cheers.gif

These Boxsters are more reliable than the 914's and they can be just as much fun to work on (most of the time) rolleyes.gif!

Regards, Maurice.

Edited by 1schoir
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