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B&M SSK Installed--a few questions

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I finally did the mod everyone raves about, and I must say I can't believe I drove my '04 C4S for 8 months without it! I bought the in-the car unit from Brandywine for $199, and the install was quite easy, using the OEM method which does away with marking and measuring the cables.

The following items were not mentioned by either the B&M or Porsche instructions:

1. The original shifter had a small white rectangular plastic clip attached to the left pivot ball. The B&M ball is slightly larger, and it could not be transferred.(This is the part which fits into the white plastic casing on the left side of the shifter--perhaps the reverse gear?)

2.The left cable is not very firmly attached, even when the black plastic cap is snapped in. In fact, I had to remover the center console after my first attempt, because the cable had slipped off and I had no reverse gear.

I hope I didn't screw up somewhere--it works great, but I'm a bit concerned.

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Even though my reverse has not popped out yet, I think I made the same mistake.. I don't think I have the retaining clip. I searched all over the place for it but no luck. I will take it apart again tonight to see if its no stuck to the box anywhere, the grease from the shifter may have caused it to stick to the plastic.

BTW, The B&M instructions are ok, but not great..

you don't need the white square w/ the bm. there is a plastic retaining clip that pops into the left/reverse rod end, sounds like you don't have that in, that's what holds it in place.

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I think you two guys have similar, but different problems. I did the BM and the Porsche ssk on my C4S and didn't have a clip issue, maybe I got lucky. I thought you (Bav) were missing the retaining clip that snaps on the rod end, if you're not, check the rod end itself, may be fractured/broken. If that's the case, just replace it.

Red, I think your problem is with the forward gear cable, you just need to re-install and adjust it. If you didn't have the clip that retains the reverse cable rod end on the shift tower, then you need a reverse rod end as well, it includes the clip.

Maybe Loren or Tool Pants could chime in and shed some light.


Edited by C4S Surgeon
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I cannot figure out what part(s) you are talking about.

He took the clip off (or it wasn't there) that holds the reverse cable connector to the white plastic block. For MY04 a different cable and connector is used as the C4S has LSD. PET shows a special clip only for LSD cars.
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Is it this part or something that looks like it?

Yes I think that's it... Not sure if I had it or not bc i've never seen it.. But c4s stated that something is suppose to go in there.. How is that held in place? bc when I tried to pop it out I heard a "Pling" like something snapped off but didnt see anything fly hahahha I'm gonna look for it but chances are its lost..

BTW, is that a separate part that can be bought or ordered from the dealer?

You guys are awesome.. :)

BTWW, what the heck is an LSD? (limited slip Diff?)

Wait a sec, mine doesn't go in like that.. I think the c4s's are different then the c2's. After I take the wifey out to dinner i'm going to open that puppy up again and see what's going on.. I'll post some pics.. I'm im not mistaken I have the white cylinfer at the end of the cable end that plugs into another white hole that is attached to the shift box lever.

Edited by redduck996
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I found the problem--In Toolpant's picture you can see that the black plug (which I have) fits into the white sleeve inside the black ring end of the left cable. I had mounted the cable end 180 degrees the wrong way, so that the white part faced against the outside gear housing. That way the black plug could not lock the cable in place, and it kept slipping off (It fell off on my way home tonight and I had no reverse and weird shift linkage!). When I finally got home and took everything apart, I figured it out, and it works! The cable can only be attached in this way, so you have to be careful to have the white liner face out before you push the plug in--it then locks in place, and requires some force to snap off.

Thanks for all the help--I'm sure this will help the next guy....

Edited by bavarian
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I put in an EVO shift link and tested it before I put in the B&M, and the cable connector came off. I too had to turn it 180 degrees so that the the round black plastic keeper held it in place. I thought that was the problem, but your part number threw me off because it is for something else.

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I put in an EVO shift link and tested it before I put in the B&M, and the cable connector came off.  I too had to turn it 180 degrees so that the the round black plastic keeper held it in place.  I thought that was the problem, but your part number threw me off because it is for something else.

Mine can be put on both sides.. If I rotate it 180 degrees I could still get it in place.. I think I lost my black cap... take a look..


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I do I do.. So that's what that "pling" sound was.. :) I didnt see anything fly out so I didnt think anything of it.. Geesh, what piece could be anywhere in the car or garage floor for I had both doors wide open.. hahahaha Is that retaingn clip held on by a pin or spring? Would it have had enough force to pop out at that velocity?

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My car seems to be shifting ok, but everyone has gotten me paranoid.. I don't think My cables are aligned perfectly. SHould I get the tool and re-adjust? I'm thinking my shifting could get/feel better if I did so..What do you guys think, worth it or waste of time?

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The all plastic keeper has a shaft with a barb on the end so that it is not supposed to pop out. You must have pried the cable connector off so the keeper went flying. With a thin blade you remove the keeper and put it in a safe place so it will not get lost. :P Then the connector just pulls off.

I do not know if you can buy just the keeper. You might have to buy a connector to get the keeper. I would have to ask the parts department if they have a connector and if a keeper is in the bag. Or, you can do what Evan from FDV did as you can see from his picture, and use a metal screw instead of the plastic keeper. In his picture the screw has not yet been screwed in all the way.


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Glad it worked.

Don't bother trying to adjust things now that everything is working ok. Besides, I don't think that the adjustment tool will fit the BM anyway.

Go out and drive your car, give yourself a pat on the back for getting the mod done yourself!


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