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Convertible top compartment lid and convertible frozen

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I purchased my 2004 c4s cab 2 weeks ago, have driven it almost everyday since, yesterday, I went to put the top down, it went down all the way, but the convertible top compartment lid stopped moving before and is remaining in the up position while the top is down. Now it won't move, nor will the convertible...neither goes up or down. I tried to play with compartment lid Allen screw, it doesn't seem to move the lid up or down, I do hear clicking when I press the rocker button on the dash, but that's all, the car received a 30k service by an authorized dealer when I took possession, I met the seller at that dealership to consummate the transaction, dealer indicated that they saw no immediate capex requirements.

So, I guess my questions are as follows:

1. Is it possible that it's low or out of hydraulic fluid? I wouldn't think so since I would think this was checked by the dealer as part of the servicing.

2. Is it the lid motor? I saw no indication that the motor was slowing or about to die.

3. Is it the micro sensors?

4. Is it maybe just out of calibration? And an easy fix?

5. If I were to disconnect and reconnect the car battery or give it a charge, would this make a difference? The car was starting fine for the days prior to this and other electricals were fine.

6. Whats my worst case cost to get this rectified? I am thinking that I may use an independent garage, there is a guy in my area who appears to be factory certified through 2009 and a Porsche only servicer.

7. Lastly, while on issues with the top, I have a couple scratches (not tares) that are driving me nuts (looks like a cat was scratching the top, I heard of a place that sells the haartz A5 canvas and you use your original glass (auto top factory llc) can I simply and at no major cost, replace only the canvas and not the remaining top pieces?

When I bought the car I thought it was a steal, now I feel like the car is stealing from me...time fretting and trouble shooting and cash to fix...

Any advise and/or comments would be appreciated.

Thanks, BW

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Thanks Loren. Any idea of how much i may be looking st to fix this, worst case?

BTW, regarding my last post which you responded to earlier this week about my car not turning over first try, that problem seems to have gone away on its own, haven't had that problem since about a day after my postings. I believe the heat shield or clamps are the issue on my exhaust noise, and will have this checked out when I bring the car in.

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Figure 1 hour labor to do the diagnosis and tell you what is wrong.

Anything else at this time would be a pure guess as it could be just a calibration (less than 1 hour labor) to a bad hydraulic drive which would be $500-$600 plus a couple hours labor.

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