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Help... Multiple Symptoms... 92k Miles CayS

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I have searched & searched and always do so to eliminate the classic "do a search" reply... In doing a search, the inevitable has happened which similar to reading WebMD, i now think my car has every problem in the book... Help me with these symptoms and understand which route to take and what my problems might be... I think I've narrowed it to 2 problems

MY04 Cayenne S w 92k Miles

1) At very low speeds 1-7mph, hear a very faint almost whine noise when accelerating...

2) While driving full highway speed, slight vibration in steering area

3) A general car vibration that is getting progressively worse, center arm rest area, especially at a stop (but in Drive)

4) Shifting in D (90% of the time I've owned the car, I've used the manual shifting) has become pretty rough when using true automatic with gear in D, from 1 to 2 and really 2 to 3 or in the city most down-shifts (6 to 5, 5 to 4)

From everything I have searched slash been told by my mechanic that I may need to fix, I have decided its hopefully one of these (if not both) items....

1) Cardan shaft replacement

2) Engine mount replacement

Given your experiences, do those 2 items typically align with my symptoms? How much in parts & labor for each :eek: ... Could the above be playing a part in #4? If i have gone too long without replacing the above could I be looking at a bigger transmission or valve body related job because of #4?

I won't be driving the car in the meantime would appreciate any possible insight!!


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1) I had exactly the same whining noise, and It was cardan shaft center bearing.

2) Have you checked your tires, wheel alignment?

3) Could be collapsed hydraulic engine mounts, transmission mount.

4) Hard upshift 1-2 is TCM related, Look for TSB at this page. Rough 'clunk' downshifts are Valve body related. I had the same problems, so I changed TCM and Valve body, and all shifting problems are gone,

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@gbratk very helpful, I appreciate it... pretty much what I had gathered from my searches... Since it sounds like I'm about to drop an arm & a leg let's break this down further (what'd you pay for these jobs when you had them done or did them?)

1) cardan shaft center bearing can be purchased online to replace the OEM - what labor is involved with that? 2 hours?

2) less of a priority given the rest, but yes due for an alignment now that I took my snow tires off and put summers back

3) I had replace engine mounts on the to-do list with my local indy, and if I recall it would have been a $1100 job... what is involved and how much labor?

4) This sounds brutal but also sounds like I shouldn't drive the car until this is taken car of?! The valve body, I have seen posts where I can buy one online, how much labor beyond buying the part itself am I looking at? What about TCM? I have seen plenty of posts where people replace one or the other, but sounds like I need to knock out both?

Any input from all on the labor (in hours since pricing varies coast to coast) would be beneficial... I just did water pump, thermostat, pipes, etc. so this hitting me literally 2 months later isn't fun but such is life owning a MY04

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1) I changed only center bearing by myself. Bearing cost was around 100€, and it took around 4 hours to do the whole job.

2) Well I had slight vibrations on highway driving. Last week I had alignment done, and changed winter 19'' with summer 21'' and all vibrations are gone.

3) The good thing is, that you can change engine mounts without removing engine on the S. On the Turbo you have to take out the engine from the car to do this job.

4) I changed valve body by myself, and it was easy job. It take one day to do it, coz you have to cool down the car, and it cost me around 1300€ with OE valve body, filter, gasket, and Mobil ATF. I would change body first, than clear TCM adaptations, and maybe you'll not need to change TCM. I can say, that this job is worth every penny.

I also have 04 CS, and he cost me lots of thousands € last year, but I still love it :) I love driving much more than the destination. :)

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@gbratk thanks again for your input... very helpful! Re: #3, how much were the mounts (about $130?) and even if engine doesn't need to be removed how much of a job is it, time or cost wise...

for other members, I live in a city (SF) and thus don't have any of the tools I used to have, nor the space, and frankly don't have the comfort or DIY expertise for something of the magnitude of a valve body replacement... Anyone out there that has done this that wants to make some cash and not require me to shell out $110-145/hr at the local Bay Area Euro indy's I have used in the past??

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  • 7 months later...

1) I changed only center bearing by myself. Bearing cost was around 100€, and it took around 4 hours to do the whole job.

2) Well I had slight vibrations on highway driving. Last week I had alignment done, and changed winter 19'' with summer 21'' and all vibrations are gone.

3) The good thing is, that you can change engine mounts without removing engine on the S. On the Turbo you have to take out the engine from the car to do this job.

4) I changed valve body by myself, and it was easy job. It take one day to do it, coz you have to cool down the car, and it cost me around 1300€ with OE valve body, filter, gasket, and Mobil ATF. I would change body first, than clear TCM adaptations, and maybe you'll not need to change TCM. I can say, that this job is worth every penny.

I also have 04 CS, and he cost me lots of thousands € last year, but I still love it :) I love driving much more than the destination. :)

Can you describe the sound of the carrier bearing you started to hear and where it was coming from in the cabin area. I have a video clip, maybe you could listen and let me know if it is the same.


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It was high pitched whine noise, coming from center console area. It started whining around 20km/h and it was not stop till go under 20km/h. It was extremely annoying.

Where can I find your clip? Let me know, I'll listen it and let you know If I had the same sound.

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  • 6 months later...

It was high pitched whine noise, coming from center console area. It started whining around 20km/h and it was not stop till go under 20km/h. It was extremely annoying.

Where can I find your clip? Let me know, I'll listen it and let you know If I had the same sound.


Edited by orthotist
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I have had the bearing inspected and they report everything thing is fine.

Question though! Is the rubber around the the bearing shaft the area that fails and then people just replace the bearing because of the thumping sound? I don't hear of many people replacing it becasue of the bearing sound though or them saying that replacing the bearing fixed the sound that we are describing.

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The Bearing itself doesn't fail, it is the rubber support that does the cushioning around the bearing that fails. Also, if you run the codes the engine mount should give you a code if it has failed as it is monitored also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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