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Swapping a '99 3.4L for a 2001 3.4L Issues?

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I am undertaking a small project. Swapping a bad 3.4L engine out of a '99 Cab, and replacing it with a 3.4L  2001 engine.  The main difference between the two, is that the '99 is a manual throttle and the 2001 is an electronic throttle.  There might be more, but I am not sure.  The Cab is a Tiptronic, and the 2001 engine is out of a 5 speed.  I will be removing the clutch and swapping the flex plate.


I have taken VERY careful notes, and tons of pictures of the strip down of both engines, step by step.  My plan is to replace all the parts on the 2001, with the parts off the '99, including the throttle body, intake, sensors, and fuel injectors.  I will also be swapping over the wiring harness, so the 2001 engine has the '99 wiring harness.  Hopefully, the DME in the '99 won't know the difference.


Is this as straight forward as I think it is, or are there any issues that I should be aware of and address?

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Unfortunately I can't speak to engine swaps but had seen someone did an Audi engine into a Porsche sometime ago.  Seems like they mated pretty well given their genes but a Japanese engine and German car sounds like a bigger challenge.  I couldn't help but wonder when I read your post if it wouldn't be easier to have the Porsche motor rebuilt rather than swapping or if there's some benefit I'm missing.


Another option is a company called Renegade Hybrids (or something like that) out of Las Vegas.  They do a Chevy LS1 V8 into different Porsche cars and I had ran across them back when I felt impending doom of an IMS failure on my Boxster S - which has yet to materialize.  They may be able to assist with wiring harness or adapters you need given the differences in parts but may turn out to be a square peg / round hole.  Just thought I'd throw that out there if it's of any benefit.


In any event, sounds like an interesting project and hope to see posts as your project moves along.

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On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 7:08 AM, mkaunitz said:

You will also have a different ECU so I don’t think you can do this as easily

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Same ECU.  Swapping over all the items off the old engine, onto the new engine.  The ECU is staying in the car with the same wiring harness.  The wiring harness on the engine will be swapped over, as will all the sensors and the throttle body.  I don't believe the ECU will be able to tell the difference in engines.  Both are 3.4L, same sensors, and same wiring harness.  Am I missing something?

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The 1999 3.4 and the 2001 3.4 are nearly identical. The 99 uses a cable throttle body and DME 5.2.2 where as the 01 uses e-gas and DME 7.2. Your 99 wiring harness will also have a few extra wires for the Tiptronic change-over valve. ALL you really need to do to use the 2001 3.4 in a 1999 3.4 car is to swap the intake , throttle body and wire harness from the 99 engine to the 01 engine.(and of course remove the flywheel and clutch and install the flexplate).

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