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Need To Remove AC System Need Some Help

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Hey guys,


So my compressor wouldn't kick on the other day and after trying everything I new to do and scanning with Durametrics and finding nothing I took it to my trusted Indy.  He found no faults either and said his hunch was the compressor is plugged b/c of debris and that I needed a new one.  He put his gauges on the system and when revving the car the high pressure side didn't move hardly at all and he said it should go way down and that as many as he has replaced he is sure.  I trust him implicitly, he is a friend as well.  With that said he is moving in a few weeks across the country and is backed up solid, he said he "might" be able to get me in but not to get my hopes up.  He said I shouldn't hesitate to do the job and then just bring it to him to pull the vacuum and recharge the system.  I always do all the work to all my cars, only the Cayenne has ever gone to him and it is only because I don't have the coding abilities so I am mechanically inclined.  He said the AC system is straight forward to remove, but he wants the compressor, dryer/condenser, etc. all replaced because of the crud that shot out of the system through his gauges.  He said once it is all out I would need to flush the lines with an assload of brake cleaner.  I have a lift in my garage so I'm thinking I'm going to tackle this, not really because I want to  but because I feel like there is a definite possibility he will not be able to get me in before he leaves and I don't trust the other hack shops I know of around here.  My thought is, if nothing else I can do most of the job so he has time to help if needed, but if I wait that window closes as he is shutting down his shop and plans to be gone by March unfortuantely.  Has anyone tackled this job that can give some advice/pointers?  I'm trying to get my hands on a service manual now but all I can find is from ebay sellers, if someone else has, or could send me the pages pertaining to this it would be greatly appreciated.  I plan on filming the whole thing so it can be a diy for anyone in the future, but any guidance before I start would really help put me more in a favorable mindset.  I'm already a little ticked I just bought the car and have this **** problem to deal with :(  Thanks for any help!

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On 30/01/2018 at 8:00 PM, cfiiman said:

Hey guys,


So my compressor wouldn't kick on the other day and after trying everything I new to do and scanning with Durametrics and finding nothing I took it to my trusted Indy.  He found no faults either and said his hunch was the compressor is plugged b/c of debris and that I needed a new one.  He put his gauges on the system and when revving the car the high pressure side didn't move hardly at all and he said it should go way down and that as many as he has replaced he is sure.  I trust him implicitly, he is a friend as well.  With that said he is moving in a few weeks across the country and is backed up solid, he said he "might" be able to get me in but not to get my hopes up.  He said I shouldn't hesitate to do the job and then just bring it to him to pull the vacuum and recharge the system.  I always do all the work to all my cars, only the Cayenne has ever gone to him and it is only because I don't have the coding abilities so I am mechanically inclined.  He said the AC system is straight forward to remove, but he wants the compressor, dryer/condenser, etc. all replaced because of the crud that shot out of the system through his gauges.  He said once it is all out I would need to flush the lines with an assload of brake cleaner.  I have a lift in my garage so I'm thinking I'm going to tackle this, not really because I want to  but because I feel like there is a definite possibility he will not be able to get me in before he leaves and I don't trust the other hack shops I know of around here.  My thought is, if nothing else I can do most of the job so he has time to help if needed, but if I wait that window closes as he is shutting down his shop and plans to be gone by March unfortuantely.  Has anyone tackled this job that can give some advice/pointers?  I'm trying to get my hands on a service manual now but all I can find is from ebay sellers, if someone else has, or could send me the pages pertaining to this it would be greatly appreciated.  I plan on filming the whole thing so it can be a diy for anyone in the future, but any guidance before I start would really help put me more in a favorable mindset.  I'm already a little ticked I just bought the car and have this **** problem to deal with :(  Thanks for any help!

I had issues with my AC sounds the same as yours, low pressure looks normal but high pressure doesn't move and ultimately the compressor control valve was all that needed to be replaced and worked brilliant after even in hot middle east. No need for 1,000's dollar of parts and labour. 

I bought the CCV and had local garage discharge system, swap CCV, vaccum for 20mins then, add 5ml of oil, regas to 1150grams(if 4 zone) or 750grams (if 2 zone). 

You can check my post, I think I wrote a decent amount of info and pictures. 

CCV is held in with a Circlip and is accessible from underneath without removing anything except the undertray.

Found it after I wrote above.........


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