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Steering wheel replacement

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I've had a 34cm Techart wheel for quite a while and I'm extremely pleased with with it. You'll find a pics or two here: http://www.swisscarsightings.com/indepth/pages/indepthporsche996turbo.html

Sorry for the topic change, but what is the spec on your car. Why the cage. Its good to see a car being used, ie dirty and not just a polish collector.

How do you find your TT in the snow, any traction problems. Do you feel the front wheels doing much.

If you would like to make this a PM no problems.

Sorry again for going off topic. :offtopic: :oops: I just had to ask seeing the great photos of your car.



Edited by Sunnyside
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Frank did you read the signature of Pierre? :D

He is really using that car in any conditions and everywhere!

With winter tires is ok but the roads in Switzerland are more that ok in the winter time :)

Hi Alex,

Uhmm, no I didn't. It always helps to read the small print :D

Cheers, :cheers:


Edited by Sunnyside
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here is the DIY I used


I have searched for some info on steering wheel replacement. I am intrested in putting aftermarket wheel on car. Is this involved swap? Does anyone have a brand the suggest that is a direct bolt on that they have used and recommend?


Edited by fdorn
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Sorry for the topic change, but what is the spec on your car. Why the cage. Its good to see a car being used, ie dirty and not just a polish collector.

How do you find your TT in the snow, any traction problems. Do you feel the front wheels doing much.

If you would like to make this a PM no problems.

Sorry again for going off topic. :offtopic: :oops: I just had to ask seeing the great photos of your car.



Sorry for being OT, I'll make it short... ;)

I first went for a chassis upgrade (H&R/Sportec), bucket seats (GT3), rollbar, 6-pts harnesses, steering wheel, etc. All that because I used to do a loooot of trackdays. Despite of that, the first clutch easily survived 217'000km. Then came the first power upgrade (Sportec 3, 540hp). Amazing! Later, after an engine failure (due to a bad design from Porsche, nothing to do with the upgrade), Sportec rebuilt the engine and found a bit more power (591hp, 823Nm). ohooooo! :)

Despite of that, I still drive the car under any conditions. Because of a broken ABS sensor, I even passed last winter with no ABS/PSM at all. And survived it! ;) Actually, I even went to ski holidays with it... And yes, on snow, you can feel the traction going to the front, no doubt. But since it's max 37-39% of the whole power that's sent there, the car's main character still remains rear-based.

So yeah, the car just passed 362'000km and bucket seats and rollcage are gone: I have another track toy and (most important!) became a dad 2 years ago, so needed some room for the baby seat... ;) But the 591hp are still here and still well in use!

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Sorry for the topic change, but what is the spec on your car. Why the cage. Its good to see a car being used, ie dirty and not just a polish collector.

How do you find your TT in the snow, any traction problems. Do you feel the front wheels doing much.

If you would like to make this a PM no problems.

Sorry again for going off topic. :offtopic: :oops: I just had to ask seeing the great photos of your car.



Sorry for being OT, I'll make it short... ;)

I first went for a chassis upgrade (H&R/Sportec), bucket seats (GT3), rollbar, 6-pts harnesses, steering wheel, etc. All that because I used to do a loooot of trackdays. Despite of that, the first clutch easily survived 217'000km. Then came the first power upgrade (Sportec 3, 540hp). Amazing! Later, after an engine failure (due to a bad design from Porsche, nothing to do with the upgrade), Sportec rebuilt the engine and found a bit more power (591hp, 823Nm). ohooooo! :)

Despite of that, I still drive the car under any conditions. Because of a broken ABS sensor, I even passed last winter with no ABS/PSM at all. And survived it! ;) Actually, I even went to ski holidays with it... And yes, on snow, you can feel the traction going to the front, no doubt. But since it's max 37-39% of the whole power that's sent there, the car's main character still remains rear-based.

So yeah, the car just passed 362'000km and bucket seats and rollcage are gone: I have another track toy and (most important!) became a dad 2 years ago, so needed some room for the baby seat... ;) But the 591hp are still here and still well in use!

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for the info.

I have just read it .

I restore Classic Split Screens on and off so I have been posting on a few VW site the last few days so took my eye off Renntech for a day or so :oops:

Back now though :renntech:

What Turbos do you have. K16's or bigger. I'm on 16's and chasing power. I think I have reached the limit for small Turbos.


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Sorry for the topic change, but what is the spec on your car. Why the cage. Its good to see a car being used, ie dirty and not just a polish collector.

How do you find your TT in the snow, any traction problems. Do you feel the front wheels doing much.

If you would like to make this a PM no problems.

Sorry again for going off topic. :offtopic: :oops: I just had to ask seeing the great photos of your car.



Sorry for being OT, I'll make it short... ;)

I first went for a chassis upgrade (H&R/Sportec), bucket seats (GT3), rollbar, 6-pts harnesses, steering wheel, etc. All that because I used to do a loooot of trackdays. Despite of that, the first clutch easily survived 217'000km. Then came the first power upgrade (Sportec 3, 540hp). Amazing! Later, after an engine failure (due to a bad design from Porsche, nothing to do with the upgrade), Sportec rebuilt the engine and found a bit more power (591hp, 823Nm). ohooooo! :)

Despite of that, I still drive the car under any conditions. Because of a broken ABS sensor, I even passed last winter with no ABS/PSM at all. And survived it! ;) Actually, I even went to ski holidays with it... And yes, on snow, you can feel the traction going to the front, no doubt. But since it's max 37-39% of the whole power that's sent there, the car's main character still remains rear-based.

So yeah, the car just passed 362'000km and bucket seats and rollcage are gone: I have another track toy and (most important!) became a dad 2 years ago, so needed some room for the baby seat... ;) But the 591hp are still here and still well in use!

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for the info.

I have just read it .

I restore Classic Split Screens on and off so I have been posting on a few VW site the last few days so took my eye off Renntech for a day or so :oops:

Back now though :renntech:

What Turbos do you have. K16's or bigger. I'm on 16's and chasing power. I think I have reached the limit for small Turbos.


go to k16/16g :P

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Sorry for the topic change, but what is the spec on your car. Why the cage. Its good to see a car being used, ie dirty and not just a polish collector.

How do you find your TT in the snow, any traction problems. Do you feel the front wheels doing much.

If you would like to make this a PM no problems.

Sorry again for going off topic. :offtopic: :oops: I just had to ask seeing the great photos of your car.



Sorry for being OT, I'll make it short... ;)

I first went for a chassis upgrade (H&R/Sportec), bucket seats (GT3), rollbar, 6-pts harnesses, steering wheel, etc. All that because I used to do a loooot of trackdays. Despite of that, the first clutch easily survived 217'000km. Then came the first power upgrade (Sportec 3, 540hp). Amazing! Later, after an engine failure (due to a bad design from Porsche, nothing to do with the upgrade), Sportec rebuilt the engine and found a bit more power (591hp, 823Nm). ohooooo! :)

Despite of that, I still drive the car under any conditions. Because of a broken ABS sensor, I even passed last winter with no ABS/PSM at all. And survived it! ;) Actually, I even went to ski holidays with it... And yes, on snow, you can feel the traction going to the front, no doubt. But since it's max 37-39% of the whole power that's sent there, the car's main character still remains rear-based.

So yeah, the car just passed 362'000km and bucket seats and rollcage are gone: I have another track toy and (most important!) became a dad 2 years ago, so needed some room for the baby seat... ;) But the 591hp are still here and still well in use!

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for the info.

I have just read it .

I restore Classic Split Screens on and off so I have been posting on a few VW site the last few days so took my eye off Renntech for a day or so :oops:

Back now though :renntech:

What Turbos do you have. K16's or bigger. I'm on 16's and chasing power. I think I have reached the limit for small Turbos.


go to k16/16g :P

Cool, Thanks.


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What Turbos do you have. K16's or bigger. I'm on 16's and chasing power. I think I have reached the limit for small Turbos.

All I know is that Sportec calls them "SPORTEC Turbolader K16.550". They seem to work not bad... :cheers:

Edited by pierre
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  • 4 months later...

Pursuing steering wheel change on 01 996 turbo

If I get a "sport" wheel that dosent have air bag am i asking for problems? Can I remove stock and run car with wheel minus air bag? Is there a DIY on how to install/remove anywhere (havent seen one)

some specifics: this is a cosmentic and pratical change for me. I am 6'3" and dont fit in car real well, I want a wheel that is flat on bottom so my knees have more clearence and I like the look. I would like a wheel that is thicker, dont know what stock thickness is and having issue deciphering what "CM" measurements relates to on adds for wheels. It this the thickness or wheel circumference?

Lots of issues here. thanks for help

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Pursuing steering wheel change on 01 996 turbo

If I get a "sport" wheel that dosent have air bag am i asking for problems? Can I remove stock and run car with wheel minus air bag? Is there a DIY on how to install/remove anywhere (havent seen one)

some specifics: this is a cosmentic and pratical change for me. I am 6'3" and dont fit in car real well, I want a wheel that is flat on bottom so my knees have more clearence and I like the look. I would like a wheel that is thicker, dont know what stock thickness is and having issue deciphering what "CM" measurements relates to on adds for wheels. It this the thickness or wheel circumference?

Lots of issues here. thanks for help


Here is nice DIY with photos which includes the steps for removal and replacement of the steering wheel (even though it's a DIY aimed at installing an OBC hack):


Note that you have to get a long-bladed torx screwdriver to access the two torx screws at the back of the steering wheel. It's difficult or impossible to do with a torx bit on the end of a ratchet because the access holes at the back of the steering wheel are too small.

Regards, Maurice.

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Thanks Maurice

Thats involved. You think I need to do all that to replace a wheel? I need to dig that deep in steering colum? I need to get some info on air bag and not using it. I also want it fit without gaps in colum and use maintain all stock levers. I am sure there is a set up.

Thanks again

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Thanks Maurice

Thats involved. You think I need to do all that to replace a wheel? I need to dig that deep in steering colum? I need to get some info on air bag and not using it. I also want it fit without gaps in colum and use maintain all stock levers. I am sure there is a set up.

Thanks again


You only have to follow the directions up to page 7, and then install the new wheel by following the directions in reverse. You don't have to remove (and/or disconnect) anything other than the airbag (by removing the two T30 Torx screws and pulling off the connector), the steering wheel nut and the steering wheel.

It shouldn't take more than 1/2 hour.

Regards, Maurice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone available to give me some additional information?

found Steering wheel I would like to add to 01 996 TT. Momo. Distributor of wheel claims it bolts directly to stock column, might need spacers? I thought I would need a adapter hub to install. Also, plan on NOT using the air bag with this wheel. Anyone have any experience with NOT using air bag with aftermarket wheel and or any problems that will surface from disconnecting this important life saving device? looked at all aftermarket sites and cant any technical questions answered by any of them.


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  • 4 years later...

Hi All, reserecting an old thread, did a search couldn't find anything else, though I suspect it's out there.  need a DIY procedure for swapping out a 996TT steering wheel.  Have same 3 spoke wheel with thicker padding and want to install it.  The links to pdf's above are all broken.  Anybody have a good procedure?  Nothing on youtube, can't seem to find much.

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