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Becker Traffic Pro into a MY 2003 ?

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I'm about putting a Becker Traffic Pro into my 03 Boxster.

Due to the help of this forum I now know that I need to hardwire the new unit.

Could somebody give me some directions with the following, please

- where to pick up the speedo signal

- where to pick up the reverse signal


where are the speaker cables? There is no plug with speaker cables going into the CDR23 so I guess

they are somewhere at the amp (non Bose) in the front trunk.

What are the colors of the cables or the pin out of the amp?

Thanks a lot in advance, any help would safe me a lot of measuring and searching!

I promise to write up a DIY after its finished.

Edited by 916sp
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- where to pick up the speedo signal

- where to pick up the reverse signal

to hook up to the reverse signal, you need to connect the provided wire+connector you got with the HU to a wire under the passenger seat (UK car) and then plug into socket A position 2 of the HU loom. if you remove the seat you'll see a control box and a bundle of wires. The reverse signal wire is a black wire with a blue stripe and should be included in one of the bundles capped off with a black cap

pm me your email and i'll send you the write up i did for a 2000 boxster (no sound pack)

the speed signal should already be hooked up to your existing head unit going into socket A position 1 of the HU loom

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Good luck with a very difficult project.

The reason I say that is because you are attempting to install an analog radio into a car that uses a MOST digital fiber-optic bus to connect to the radio, speakers, amplifier, etc. Starting in 2003 all Porsche radios were MOST and not compatible with earlier systems.

That is why you can't find the speaker cables (there aren't any, its all digital to the amp), same with reverse and speedometer signals, digital on the bus.

Short of completely replacing everything involved, you are going to have a tough time getting it to work.

Good news is that since your radio is only for <02 cars, you should not have a problem selling it.

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As I said before, this is not easy on a MOST car. KarlS did it on a 2004 GT3 but he did not have the amp in the trunk. There are 2 versions of the CDR-23. One that has an intermal amp and one that has the external amp in the trunk. Karl had the internal amp version. You have the external amp version.


One thing that was talked about then was to program the car with the PST2 to tell the car that there was no radio. The other thing I remember was how to get your 12 volts from the iginition switch. Back then I suggested the cell phone connector. I do not now how Karl resolved this issue.

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Thanks for your input guys!

I got it to work. Took me 5 hours last night from start to the first "guided ride".

It is not that complicated just time consuming.

PLUG A Head Unit and Antenna

My biggest concern was where to get the speed - and reverse signal. What a nice surprise, when I found out

that they are already present in plug A. They are just not used for the optical system (according to the CDR23


The only wire missing is a switched 12V, which I took directly from the Ignition Switch.

The Antenna Plug does not fit so I used EU-10 and VW-20 Adapters from installer.com



PLUG B - Speakers

First I routed new speaker cables from the new head unit to the front trunk.

The stock amp has to go, whats left are two plugs, one for the MOST sytem and the power / speaker plug.

As the MOST plug is not used anymore, I wrapped it with electric tape and tucked it behind the brake fluid reservoir

cover (careful here - do not bend the glasfiber to hard).

Looking at the power / speaker plug there are round female plugs where the speaker out cables from

the new head unit have to connect. In other words, you plug in the stock harness at this point to connect the

speakers. This saves runing new wires to the speakers.

I used 2.5mm miniature banana plugs which fit pefect


The sound is a little "thin". The stock amp makes significantly more bass than the 4 x 18 Watts integrated amp.

I need to see whether I get used to it.

It can be done!

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