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2000 porsche boxter mass air flow sensor

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hi ,i was wondering if anybody had any answers for cause my mechanic is a little stupid,

i went it to my car the other day and started the car ,started fine and i went to accelerate and got nothing,i towed it to a mechanic

i guess a few hours later my mechanic started it and it was ok,he said he drove it in the garage

the rpm gage moved a couple of cm,i have a manual 5 speed,anyways i called around and a couple of guys think it's the MAF SENSOR

and also i dont know if i have electric acceleration or not

i need help asap


please email me at tino007@shaw.ca

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hi ,i was wondering if anybody had any answers for cause my mechanic is a little stupid,

i went it to my car the other day and started the car ,started fine and i went to accelerate and got nothing,i towed it to a mechanic

i guess a few hours later my mechanic started it and it was ok,he said he drove it in the garage

the rpm gage moved a couple of cm,i have a manual 5 speed,anyways i called around and a couple of guys think it's the MAF SENSOR

and also i dont know if i have electric acceleration or not

i need help asap


please email me at tino007@shaw.ca

If you unplug the MAF you should still be able to drive the car.

Try this then move on...

Edited by seafeye
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could be the MAF. as seafeye suggested, unclip the MAF's wiring harness (but leave the MAF installed). the car will then run in 'default' mode.

we don't know if your car is electric acceleration (drive-by-wire) either if you don't tell us the model year. ;)

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could be the MAF. as seafeye suggested, unclip the MAF's wiring harness (but leave the MAF installed). the car will then run in 'default' mode.

we don't know if your car is electric acceleration (drive-by-wire) either if you don't tell us the model year. ;)


its a 2000 porsche boxter

how do i find out if its electric acceleration or not

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could be the MAF. as seafeye suggested, unclip the MAF's wiring harness (but leave the MAF installed). the car will then run in 'default' mode.

we don't know if your car is electric acceleration (drive-by-wire) either if you don't tell us the model year. ;)


its a 2000 porsche boxter

how do i find out if its electric acceleration or not

can i drive in default mode,will it drive normal

will the 0bd scanner tell me if the maf is not working

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its a 2000 porsche boxter

how do i find out if its electric acceleration or not

can i drive in default mode,will it drive normal

will the 0bd scanner tell me if the maf is not working

MY2000+ are e-Gas (electronic acceleration), so yours is e-Gas.

yes, you can drive in default mode. it will drive normally. it may act strange on first startup as it adapts engine settings. this should clear up in a few seconds if it even happens at all, and should be fine for all subsequent starts.

no, an OBDII reader will not tell you if the MAF is not working (unless there is a specific code that means 'MAF not working' - but i don't think there is.)

is your Check Engine Light on or has it ever been on? if not, i don't think you'd have any codes to read.

a dealer or someone with a PST2 (Porsche System Tester) could diagnose the MAF by looking at the MAF parameters (voltage, etc.)

there is also a way to test the MAF yourself with a multi-meter. i'll see if i can find the instructions.

but for now, disconnect the MAF wiring, remove the neg battery cable for a few minutes (this will reset the engine controller) - (have your radio code if your radio needs one - for a 2000 i think you do), then reconnect the neg battery cable and start the car. see what happens...

i had a bad MAF and eventually the car sputtered to a stall. i disconnected the MAF (and reset the engine controller) and the car never ran better in it's life. i was amazed.

some people find that cleaning their MAF can clear up problems and/or extend the life of the MAF. see this page and the section called 'Try the MAF first' to learn how to clean it. http://mike.focke.googlepages.com/checkeng...ssairflowsensor

if you do need a new MAF, do yourself a favor and save some money on it. a new MAF should cost around $250. and you could install it in 2 minutes. here's my 10 year-old installing mine! even a caveman could do it! :lol:


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its a 2000 porsche boxter

how do i find out if its electric acceleration or not

can i drive in default mode,will it drive normal

will the 0bd scanner tell me if the maf is not working

MY2000+ are e-Gas (electronic acceleration), so yours is e-Gas.

yes, you can drive in default mode. it will drive normally. it may act strange on first startup as it adapts engine settings. this should clear up in a few seconds if it even happens at all, and should be fine for all subsequent starts.

no, an OBDII reader will not tell you if the MAF is not working (unless there is a specific code that means 'MAF not working' - but i don't think there is.)

is your Check Engine Light on or has it ever been on? if not, i don't think you'd have any codes to read.

a dealer or someone with a PST2 (Porsche System Tester) could diagnose the MAF by looking at the MAF parameters (voltage, etc.)

there is also a way to test the MAF yourself with a multi-meter. i'll see if i can find the instructions.

but for now, disconnect the MAF wiring, remove the neg battery cable for a few minutes (this will reset the engine controller) - (have your radio code if your radio needs one - for a 2000 i think you do), then reconnect the neg battery cable and start the car. see what happens...

i had a bad MAF and eventually the car sputtered to a stall. i disconnected the MAF (and reset the engine controller) and the car never ran better in it's life. i was amazed.

some people find that cleaning their MAF can clear up problems and/or extend the life of the MAF. see this page and the section called 'Try the MAF first' to learn how to clean it. http://mike.focke.googlepages.com/checkeng...ssairflowsensor

if you do need a new MAF, do yourself a favor and save some money on it. a new MAF should cost around $250. and you could install it in 2 minutes. here's my 10 year-old installing mine! even a caveman could do it! :lol:


I had great luck with:


fast shipping and new parts.

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its a 2000 porsche boxter

how do i find out if its electric acceleration or not

can i drive in default mode,will it drive normal

will the 0bd scanner tell me if the maf is not working

MY2000+ are e-Gas (electronic acceleration), so yours is e-Gas.

yes, you can drive in default mode. it will drive normally. it may act strange on first startup as it adapts engine settings. this should clear up in a few seconds if it even happens at all, and should be fine for all subsequent starts.

no, an OBDII reader will not tell you if the MAF is not working (unless there is a specific code that means 'MAF not working' - but i don't think there is.)

is your Check Engine Light on or has it ever been on? if not, i don't think you'd have any codes to read.

a dealer or someone with a PST2 (Porsche System Tester) could diagnose the MAF by looking at the MAF parameters (voltage, etc.)

there is also a way to test the MAF yourself with a multi-meter. i'll see if i can find the instructions.

but for now, disconnect the MAF wiring, remove the neg battery cable for a few minutes (this will reset the engine controller) - (have your radio code if your radio needs one - for a 2000 i think you do), then reconnect the neg battery cable and start the car. see what happens...

i had a bad MAF and eventually the car sputtered to a stall. i disconnected the MAF (and reset the engine controller) and the car never ran better in it's life. i was amazed.

some people find that cleaning their MAF can clear up problems and/or extend the life of the MAF. see this page and the section called 'Try the MAF first' to learn how to clean it. http://mike.focke.googlepages.com/checkeng...ssairflowsensor

if you do need a new MAF, do yourself a favor and save some money on it. a new MAF should cost around $250. and you could install it in 2 minutes. here's my 10 year-old installing mine! even a caveman could do it! :lol:


I had great luck with:


fast shipping and new parts.

thanks for your help ,i appreciate it

so if i can unplug the maf and the car will drive normally ,why dont i just do that instead of buying a new one

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thanks for your help ,i appreciate it

so if i can unplug the maf and the car will drive normally ,why dont i just do that instead of buying a new one

Cause gas is at $3.17/gallon.

And when your car gets up to operating temperature it won't be operating properly.

The MAF measures the quality of air, maybe quality isn't the right word but it measures

the temp/density/weight of the air and sends it to the computer. The computer then can

determine how much fuel to mix into the air. Until we get direct injection in Porsches

the mixture is taken place in the intake manifold and then down to the intake valve.

If the mixture is not right you may burn up your catalitic converter. Too little fuel.

So spend the $220. Cause you don't want to be buying a new exhaust.

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Also, beware there was a mid-year change in the MAF design in MY2000. There are many versions of the eGas MAF, but the first is not compatible with the latter ones. Most places only sell the newer versions. If you use the newer version, you will need to get your ECU reflashed to support the newer MAF. Contrary to what some believe, it is not a setting that the dealer can set. Make sure you get the right version MAF. If you have trouble finding the original eGas version, PM me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The numer is located on the MAF itself.

Should be 996.606.124.00 for the old version of the ECU and 986.606.125.01 for the new version.

Just order the MAF with number you have in your car today.

Good luck!

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