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What after-market speakers are in your 996?

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I am looking to upgrade the factory speakers in my 996 and would like opinions on speakers members have installed. Anything to look out for? Did you use a local installer?

Thanks in advance...

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I am looking to upgrade the factory speakers in my 996 and would like opinions on speakers members have installed. Anything to look out for? Did you use a local installer?

Thanks in advance...

I used MB Quart (I was somewhat partial to keeping the parts in the car German, though there are numerous other great lines out there like JL Audio). I did it myself, but it wasn't a quick job. Two main things to watch out for:

1) Speaker DEPTH. You have a very limited depth in the back seats (at least for a cabriolet, not sure about a hardtop), and just a little more on the dash. The majority of aftermarket speakers will not fit, so be sure to check the dimensions or confirm fitment for the 996. I wish I could tell you off the top of my head what it was, but it's been about three years since I did this. Just remove one of the speakers from the back seat and measure the depth on that speaker.

2) Speaker Mounting - you want to use the factory grills/mounts because of the unique fit in the car, but aftermarket speakers will not be a direct fit to this grill. I had to use a dremel tool to modify the back side of the grill, chop off part of the original speaker, glue part of the original speaker to the replacement speaker and then screw it to the grill. If you are not comfortable with fabricating changes to the grill, you'll want to have a professional installer. A professional installer will probably even have more convenient ways to get the speaker mounted to the grill without as much fabrication and labor.

3) If you still have your Becker radio (I kept mine for a factory look and because it is very flexible with inputs and outputs) and you're connecting the speakers to the original factory wiring WITHOUT an aftermarket amp, you'll want to experiment with modifying the sound settings. The stereo comes pre-configured with a nonlinear eq configuration that is optimal for the factory speakers, but not optimal for aftermarket speakers. You can change the factory stereo to a linear eq output (see the Becker manuals found in this forum under Quick Menu at the top), then after going linear, modify the bass and treble to suit. An aftermarket linear equalizer such as a JL Audio Cleansweep is not necessary because the Becker Stereo provides the linear eq output option - I confirmed this in several email discussions with JL Audio. Alternatively, if you use an aftermarket amplifier, you'll want to get the line out connector from Becker North America and use the RCA plugs to feed the amp, in which case the output will already be linear and you won't need to mess with the settings on the Becker.

I personally still use the speaker connections from the Becker CDR-220 to drive my MB Quarts, and I also use the line out plug to drive an Infinity Basslink that I have in the front trunk.

Good luck!

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Well, I have done a full stereo replacement including door and dash speakers. I used the Focal speakers that Rod at Car Audio Innovations recommended. It takes a little work to get them to fit into the odd mountings Porsche uses but they sound great! I am also using a custom built sub box with two JL Audio 8" subs that go behind the rear seats. Very clean install and except for the in-dash Nav unit it looks mostly stock. Rod can source the Focal speakers for you if you want them.


I am looking to upgrade the factory speakers in my 996 and would like opinions on speakers members have installed. Anything to look out for? Did you use a local installer?

Thanks in advance...

Do you have door speakers or not?

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Thanks guys. I do have door speakers, in addition to the dash and rear speakers. I am looking to replace all of them at once. I was also thinking abot woofers behind the rear seats, so that is good to know too.

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Since you are in Petaluma, you might want to check out Rod at Car Audio Innovations. He specializes in Porsche and is located in Sacramento.


Thanks guys. I do have door speakers, in addition to the dash and rear speakers. I am looking to replace all of them at once. I was also thinking abot woofers behind the rear seats, so that is good to know too.
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  • 4 weeks later...

On my 2001 996 cabrio tiptronic I replaced the plastic stuff Porsche installs off-factory with a set of dual cones wide band Pioneers that fits in the dash, a pair of MB quarts 1.5" tweeters that fit next to it, same Poineers in the rear and a pair of original (but second-hand) 6" Porsche woofers on a 300W JVC mono amp on the subwoofer output of the CDR22. To get the speakers in the dashboard, I reused the frame that the Porsche speakers came with; just some drilling to get the holes in the right place and glue did the rest. Because the original door panels for subwoofers are quite expensive, I modified the standard panels: removed the storage compartment and made a speaker cover to fit behind the hole. To pull it flat against the door I could not use the standard plastic clips, since there is to much tension on it (it stood about a quarter of an inch open). I needed to use a long screw that fits in the catch where the clips normally go, so no drilling required. All speakers in their original places, completely invisible and the sound is A1. My Porsche dealer found me two very small Porsche badges to cover the screw heads. Total operation took about half a day to complete.

Edited by mpcevat
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