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P1128 code and oil leak pic

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post-33721-1256517451_thumb.jpgHi. I keep getting P1128 cel on my 00 box S. Ive tightened all the intake hose clamps and cleaned the maf and thottle body but the light came back. I dont see any leaks or broken hoses. Secondly is this oil leak bad ,would it effect the clutch? Should I try an oil stopleak additive. I was planning to change the oil soon last time was last july. Thanks for the advisement.
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post-33721-1256517451_thumb.jpgHi. I keep getting P1128 cel on my 00 box S. Ive tightened all the intake hose clamps and cleaned the maf and thottle body but the light came back. I dont see any leaks or broken hoses. Secondly is this oil leak bad ,would it effect the clutch? Should I try an oil stopleak additive. I was planning to change the oil soon last time was last july. Thanks for the advisement.

For your second question, IMO it's not a good idea to try an oil stopleak additive. It might have some unintended consequences on some other parts of the engine mechanicals.

You didn't specify how severe the oil leak is or where it is coming from or showing up on the outside of the engine/transmission case. The photo is not a clear enough shot to get a really good idea of where the leak is, and we can't tell how many drops per hour or if it's leaving a slight puddle or a few drops on the garage floor, etc...

If it's a slight oil leak and your weather permits it, some have had good luck with stopping such a leak by just going to a slightly heavier weight oil such as 10W40 or 15W40. Pedro, of Pedrosgarage.com, has done just that and his Boxster is nearing 190K miles, IIRC. He's located in Florida.

If the oil leak is slight and coming from your Rear Main Seal, it's not a crucial problem that must be dealt with immediately. The next time you replace the clutch you could deal with the RMS and not have much additional labor involved.

If the oil leak is coming from the Intermediate Shaft Bearing flange, that MIGHT be a different situation entirely. Jake Raby of Flat6 innovations has stated that this is sometimes a precursor to the failure of the IMS bearing and should be dealt with ASAP to avoid possible complications ($$$$).

The difficulty, of course, is in differentiating between the two as the transmission must usually be pulled in order to see exactly where the oil is coming from.

Since you are due for an oil change, I would try the slightly heavier weight oil first and see how that pans out. YMMV.

Regards, Maurice.

Edited by 1schoir
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It seems like it is a slow hanging drip with a small spot on the ground. I use mobile 1 0-40 weight oil. As for the code, it is rich on the 1-3 bank side. would I look for anything in particular on the engine pass B) side?

A "slow hanging drip" with a small spot on the ground while using Mobil 1 0W40 seems like the perfect candidate for going with slightly heavier weight oil. In your case, it might stop the drip entirely.

If it were my car (I'm in the vicinity of NYC), that's the first thing I would try at the upcoming oil change.

Regards, Maurice.

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