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I really can't believe this... It is worst than the M6, really...(in terms of various problems)

Battery is new, like few months, original Porsche battery.

Well, I used the car yesterday, but a few moments ago, I went to the car, entry&drive would not work, ok I tried the button on the remote, nothing... Then I've unlocked with the key, put the key in the ignition and nothing.

Of course the key got stuck there, but I got it out in the end...

What in the name of... ???? what could have caused the battery to die over the night ?

We have +33 degrees C now, I did not forget any light or whatever stuff on, there is no siren with the alarm etc.

Cayenne Turbo...

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Have you checked the battery connections under the driver seat? If the battery is fairly new, the connections may not have been tightened adequately. On a friend's Cayenne, we found the ground strap from the battery to the body was not tight at the point of connecting to the body (not the terminal). The vehicle was exhibiting the same symptoms you describe.

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Yes I just did, after I read your post, the connections are fine...Thank you for your opinion :)

It must me something else.

I will need to jump start it and make a big fuss at the dealer.

Edited by poleposition
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Sounds like you have a battery draw issue. Something continued to run after you shut the car off. This is normally not too difficult to diagnose. There are jump start connections under the hood so you don't have to do all the rubbish of removing 2 bolts and tilting the seat back...

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Yes, I know, I've checked under the seat to verify the connections...

These guys here, at my Porsche dealer, could not diagnose a missing wheel, seriously, they are that dumb... it took them 3 sessions to diagnose a faulty parking sensor.

Nearest other Porsche service is in Hungary <_<

But i have encountered the same cretinism at BMW dealers so...

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What year is your vehicle? There was a problem with the positive battery cable from the alternator to the battery on early models. There are several modules that can stay on causing a battery drain and many TBS's addressing these issues. Drains are difficult to locate on vehicles using a CAN-BUS system as you can't do the old trick of pulling fuses to locate the faults.

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Interesting... the year is 2005.

Also I've noticed, even after the battery was changed with a new one, that if I stop the engine but leave the contact on, even with the radio turned off, I get that message "electrical load"... bla bla something, after just maybe 5 minutes or so !

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Does your vehicle have two batteries? The main battery is located under the left front seat and a second battery dedicated for engine cranking is located in the rear spare tire area. Not all had the second battery fitted.

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  • 7 months later...

What year is your vehicle? There was a problem with the positive battery cable from the alternator to the battery on early models.

Could you please detail on that ? Were is that cable exactly ?

It is doing it again, now with the 3rd new battery.

With the car shut down, after about 15 minutes, the consumption is 0.4 something like that if i remember correctly.

So it could be that cable you mentioned.

I was reading on the web that Tuareg owners are also complaining about mysterious battery discharge.

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That's odd! I thought it's the otherway around! I have a BOSE Sub in the back AND I have a 2nd battery. I had to buy a spare to bring along when I take a long trip just in case.


I too have seen a Cayenne with the Bose sub over the second battery.

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Still... I do not understand the purpose of the Auxiliary Battery.

"All Cayenne models can optionally be equipped with a backup battery (starter battery). This backup battery ensures that the vehicle can still be started even if the vehicle battery (main battery) is discharged. The capacity of the backup battery is 480 A/85 Ah.

If two batteries are fitted to the vehicle (main battery and backup battery), these are connected or disconnected to the bus bar in the power distributor through a relay. The switching of the two batteries is controlled independent of the load management (function is integrated in the vehicle electrical system control unit).

The starter relay of the 2nd battery is actuated parallel to the starter relay. That means for every start the starter is supplied from both batteries. The backup battery is disconnected from the vehicle electrical system when the engine is switched off and then supplies just one consumer, the vehicle electrical system control unit.

For crash protection purposes, the backup battery is designed using fleece technology."

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That's odd! I thought it's the otherway around! I have a BOSE Sub in the back AND I have a 2nd battery. I had to buy a spare to bring along when I take a long trip just in case.


I too have seen a Cayenne with the Bose sub over the second battery.

Ok, just removed the SUB, and there is no aux battery on my car.

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  • 1 year later...

what did you find out? i am having the same issue with my 04 S... battery last summer, batter in Dec. and the last battery lasted 3 weeks from porsche. charge is good. had to get a jump, drove to dealer and battery was charged enough to start the car.

dont get it.


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  • 2 years later...

I know mien has 2 and am debating what to do. I replaced the rear and Porsche is telling me they have a Moll battery for the front that would go under the front seat. It's $400 not installed. Do you have any recommendations on Batteries for a 04 turbo?



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