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The good and the ugly part of my trip to Maine....

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My wife and I went to the cost of Maine and did 2047 kilometers with the TT. But this trip included some issues. Some that I was aware of before departure and some completely new.

First, in the middle of the trip my left front headlight (xenon) stop working. I switch the light bulb with the right hand one , no fix. And last night I switch the litronic control unit and that was at fault. $641.00 at Pelican and I got a used one (tight budget) on Ebay for $138.00 shipped. I remove the bottom cover of this unit and found the circuit board with a burnt spot. part # 996-631-183-00

Yesterday morning, about three hours from Montreal, the key remote stop working. Since last night I am reading every single post on this subject, tried every reset, battery car disconnect, battery upside down in the remote, press the door open while opening the door with the key, did many other strange thing but no joy ;-( For the first time , I guess, I am going to go to a Porsche dealer, bad bad bad....

About 5 kilometers from my home I got the brake pads wear warning. I was aware of the pads getting to an end but did not worry because I still had about 3/8 left. But was surprised to see how early this warning comes on. I still have over 1/4 inch of meat !!!! This sensor is too far out.....

And finally, but this one, I know it was coming, the two rear tires are completely gone!

So my car is on jacks, ready to replace the 4 discs and brake pads, plus tires also I got some Motul RBF600 to replace the brake fluid. Decided to remove the calipers on all four postion but one fitting got damaged on the left rear position . I had to order the small pipe $12.00....

Sometimes I feel that I purchase a car that I will not be able to keep for a long time due to the high maintenance cost, even if I do most of my maintenance, but now I am hit hard and I have to concentrate on the pleasure I had driving this car in the curved road and long high speed straight lines.... May be I will survived this bad times sad.gif

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Sorry to hear of your misfortunes - but, in my mind, its much more of a nuisance than anything else.

I will do whatever it takes to help you 'survive this bad time'. Speaking for myself - you have helped me so much with sooo many issues that I am not sure who I would turn to if you vanished from Reen or 6.

If you go the F40 route, I will be forced to folllow which will result in plunder the kids college funds and forceing them to eat rice 3 times a day.

Life is too short not to enjoy the car you drive. For me - the enjoyment far outways the expenses. :drive:

Edited by fdorn
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My wife and I went to the cost of Maine and did 2047 kilometers with the TT. But this trip included some issues. Some that I was aware of before departure and some completely new.

First, in the middle of the trip my left front headlight (xenon) stop working. I switch the light bulb with the right hand one , no fix. And last night I switch the litronic control unit and that was at fault. $641.00 at Pelican and I got a used one (tight budget) on Ebay for $138.00 shipped. I remove the bottom cover of this unit and found the circuit board with a burnt spot. part # 996-631-183-00

Yesterday morning, about three hours from Montreal, the key remote stop working. Since last night I am reading every single post on this subject, tried every reset, battery car disconnect, battery upside down in the remote, press the door open while opening the door with the key, did many other strange thing but no joy ;-( For the first time , I guess, I am going to go to a Porsche dealer, bad bad bad....

About 5 kilometers from my home I got the brake pads wear warning. I was aware of the pads getting to an end but did not worry because I still had about 3/8 left. But was surprised to see how early this warning comes on. I still have over 1/4 inch of meat !!!! This sensor is too far out.....

And finally, but this one, I know it was coming, the two rear tires are completely gone!

So my car is on jacks, ready to replace the 4 discs and brake pads, plus tires also I got some Motul RBF600 to replace the brake fluid. Decided to remove the calipers on all four postion but one fitting got damaged on the left rear position . I had to order the small pipe $12.00....

Sometimes I feel that I purchase a car that I will not be able to keep for a long time due to the high maintenance cost, even if I do most of my maintenance, but now I am hit hard and I have to concentrate on the pleasure I had driving this car in the curved road and long high speed straight lines.... May be I will survived this bad times sad.gif

Glad that you enjoyed your trip, and I am confident you will survive these bad times! drive1.gif

The tires wearing out and the brake pads wearing down are to be expected with any car, even those that don't bring you any part of the driving pleasure you get out of your Porsche.

The Litronic Control Unit should not have burnt out, but you did very well diagnosing it and getting one on eBay for $138.

As for the remote on the key... don't get me started on that one. The dealers have a stranglehold on that situation, so we just have to work a little harder to figure out a way around their little monopoly. It makes for a healthy market!

So, all in all, considering what this has cost you so far (as long as the remote does not hit you too hard), you are doing okay. As soon as you take it out for another spin you'll feel better. cheers.gif

Let us know how the remote situation is resolved.

Regards, Maurice.

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JP, don't worry about the expense too much, it was just a roll of the dice that so much hit you at once.

My boys with E46 M3's are all worried about Vanos issues that seems to be part of the DNA of the car. When it lets go, it's grenade time! By the time the brake sensors come on in the M3, the rotors are toast!

Unless you want to drive a "toaster", just part of the formula for driving a great ride.


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Hi JP,

Sorry to hear about your problems. As you will know I post on here and 6. You will have seen the problems I have had and will still have. It seems to me its part of the course.

I still have random key issues. Took it in to OPC for warranty repair and it started working again . It has been doing this on and off for a while. I need it to do it at the OPC then the warranty will fix the problem. If they know what it is....

Keep us informed on the key issue. It is one of the regular problems most people complain about, that and the Alarm module. IMO.

Good Luck and keep the faith.


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It is really nice from you guys to help me go through this bad moment. Of course, if I have problem with something you are always there to help me and other members to found a cure to different defects. But sometimes things are difficult to deal with. I probably had too much to deal with at the same times.

Thanks to you fdorn (Frank) you are really a nice person. I will always enjoy reading your post about your adventure on the track (I really envy you) and I will keep the F40 as a dream car. Can you imagine the cost of a 4 wheels brake jobs tongue.gif.

Maurice and Boston Duce, every time I see one of your post, I know I am dealing with experience people that know what they are talking about. I always read your comments with interest. Thanks to keep me back to reality and thanks for your encouragement.

Sunnyside, you are new to the forums and really really active. I remember reading somewhere that you have a lot of experience with cars. Your numerous answers to different problems people have had show that you are a very knowledgeable person. Thanks for your encouragement and please stay with us.

This morning I have raised my sleeves and start working on this beast. Did the Gbox mod, retorqued the drive shafts (in case) and did a good clean-up, Now I am waiting for the parts to arrived..... Thanks again J.P.


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It is really nice from you guys to help me go through this bad moment. Of course, if I have problem with something you are always there to help me and other members to found a cure to different defects. But sometimes things are difficult to deal with. I probably had too much to deal with at the same times.

Thanks to you fdorn (Frank) you are really a nice person. I will always enjoy reading your post about your adventure on the track (I really envy you) and I will keep the F40 as a dream car. Can you imagine the cost of a 4 wheels brake jobs tongue.gif.

Maurice and Boston Duce, every time I see one of your post, I know I am dealing with experience people that know what they are talking about. I always read your comments with interest. Thanks to keep me back to reality and thanks for your encouragement.

Sunnyside, you are new to the forums and really really active. I remember reading somewhere that you have a lot of experience with cars. Your numerous answers to different problems people have had show that you are a very knowledgeable person. Thanks for your encouragement and please stay with us.

This morning I have raised my sleeves and start working on this beast. Did the Gbox mod, retorqued the drive shafts (in case) and did a good clean-up, Now I am waiting for the parts to arrived..... Thanks again J.P.


This is the attitude that i like, keep up the good work JP!

ps. for everybody is hard in these days but when you go out in the night with the windows down the radio off just to cruise in the 996turbo all the problems disappear :P

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It is really nice from you guys to help me go through this bad moment. Of course, if I have problem with something you are always there to help me and other members to found a cure to different defects. But sometimes things are difficult to deal with. I probably had too much to deal with at the same times.

Thanks to you fdorn (Frank) you are really a nice person. I will always enjoy reading your post about your adventure on the track (I really envy you) and I will keep the F40 as a dream car. Can you imagine the cost of a 4 wheels brake jobs tongue.gif.

Maurice and Boston Duce, every time I see one of your post, I know I am dealing with experience people that know what they are talking about. I always read your comments with interest. Thanks to keep me back to reality and thanks for your encouragement.

Sunnyside, you are new to the forums and really really active. I remember reading somewhere that you have a lot of experience with cars. Your numerous answers to different problems people have had show that you are a very knowledgeable person. Thanks for your encouragement and please stay with us.

This morning I have raised my sleeves and start working on this beast. Did the Gbox mod, retorqued the drive shafts (in case) and did a good clean-up, Now I am waiting for the parts to arrived..... Thanks again J.P.


This is the attitude that i like, keep up the good work JP!

ps. for everybody is hard in these days but when you go out in the night with the windows down the radio off just to cruise in the 996turbo all the problems disappear :P

Totally agree in all respects .....thank you.


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  • 4 weeks later...

After replacing, rear tires, litronic control unit, all four brake pads and discs and finally after a good alignment my car is back on the road. And it is almost perfect! Drive better than before because of this last touch by a pro at Garbis alignment" a small shop in Laval north of Montreal. Thanks again for your encouragement. I got more experience working on the TT and this experience , I hope, will help other people in need of help to found a cure to a failure or malfunction on their car....

The next step is the reprogramming of the keys.... Sometimes next week.....

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After replacing, rear tires, litronic control unit, all four brake pads and discs and finally after a good alignment my car is back on the road. And it is almost perfect! Drive better than before because of this last touch by a pro at Garbis alignment" a small shop in Laval north of Montreal. Thanks again for your encouragement. I got more experience working on the TT and this experience , I hope, will help other people in need of help to found a cure to a failure or malfunction on their car....

The next step is the reprogramming of the keys.... Sometimes next week.....

Like always a good man, thank you JP! :)

Glad that everything is well with the car but I have a question for you, when will you flash it? :D

ps. why are you reprogramming the keys?!

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Alex, of course it is tempting since every one talks about it. And also everyone seems to be happy with the result. But also it seems to me there is no end to this avenue.... Especially when you read 6speed you realize that people pursuit for more HP never end.... Of course, being retired, my budget is limited and finally I am trying to be happy with what I've got ;-) Just the basic maintenance cost is already more than I can handle.

About the keys, one of my keys lost is function completely. I was told the only way to fix that is with a PIWIS .... So it will be my first time at a dealership.... Have a good day Alex!

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