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06 Cayenne Turbo is ready for tires. I have 20" wheels (275/40R20) and do prefer a performance oriented tire. I am currently running the Michelin 4x4 Diamaris, which seem like pretty good tires but are getting louder towards the end of their tread life. Also not sure about overall wear (total miles) since the tires were on the vehicle when I purchased it.

Since a have a second set of wheels/tires for winter, I am strictly looking for a summer tire in this case. I actually do select "sport" mode and drive the 3 ton beast like a sports car through the twisty backroads. But I also do a lot of highway miles commuting and traveling as well. Viable options from my research are listed below. Looking for comments from those in a similar situation. Looking for the best bang for the buck. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Options in no particular order.

1. Pirelli PZero - lots of comments concerning quick wear (some in the 6000 mile range), fairly expensive normally but currently a special on Tire Rack ($808 for 4), good user rating

2. Bridgestone Dueller H/P Sport - seem to last according to reviews, reasonably priced ($952 for 4), good user rating

3. Michelin 4x4 Diamaris - some negative reviews concerning wear and road noise, expensive ($1668 for 4), average user rating

*all are Porsche approved and available via Tire Rack (where comments and pricing came from)

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My '08 Cayenne S needed new tires late last year after 30K miles to replace the OEM Continentals. I tried to get the Michelin Latitude Tour HPs (19" size), but they were back ordered from late October and still are. My Porsche dealer was able to get them from the commercial side of Tire Rack, but you can't get them from either Discount Tire/Americas Tire or the consumer side of Tire Rack. I've been happy with them for 5+K miles. I recently had to replace one that got a nail off the tread so couldn't be patched. They are N-rated and handle well. Initially my dealer installed the Latitude Sports and the handling was amazing, but I wanted an all-season tire so they put the correct ones on the next day. The all season version (Latitude Tour HP) definitely do not handle as well as the Latitude Sports, but are usable below 40°F. They are basically an SUV version of the Michelin Pilot Sport tires

I was about to give up and go for the Continental Extreme Contact DWS tires, which were highly rated by drivers but didn't have the Porsche N-rating, and then my dealer service writer told me he could get the Michelins I wanted. These looked like pretty nice tires as well

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I've had great luck with the P-zeros! They dont last long but handling and performance is pretty great considering the weight of the truck.

My '08 Cayenne S needed new tires late last year after 30K miles to r is greateplace the OEM Continentals. I tried to get the Michelin Latitude Tour HPs (19" size), but they were back ordered from late October and still are. My Porsche dealer was able to get them from the commercial side of Tire Rack, but you can't get them from either Discount Tire/Americas Tire or the consumer side of Tire Rack. I've been happy with them for 5+K miles. I recently had to replace one that got a nail off the tread so couldn't be patched. They are N-rated and handle well. Initially my dealer installed the Latitude Sports and the handling was amazing, but I wanted an all-season tire so they put the correct ones on the next day. The all season version (Latitude Tour HP) definitely do not handle as well as the Latitude Sports, but are usable below 40°F. They are basically an SUV version of the Michelin Pilot Sport tires

I was about to give up and go for the Continental Extreme Contact DWS tires, which were highly rated by drivers but didn't have the Porsche N-rating, and then my dealer service writer told me he could get the Michelins I wanted. These looked like pretty nice tires as well

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