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Help with Diagnosis: Window Drop-Down not working; regulator issue?

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The driver side drop down feature no longer works, passenger side is fine. Here are the symptoms and from what I have read sounds like a regulator issue:

1. When opening the door from either the inside or outside the window moves a small amount but not enough to clear the window seal.

2. The auto-up function raises the window a few inches then stops. Window motor standardization has no effect.

How do I rule out the door latch being the problem.

Thanks in advance.

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When you open the door, and the window drops a little. but not enough, can you push the glass down into the door? Shouldn't take too much pressure, but when my regulator failed I realized I could push the window down as it should have, then it would correctly go up when I shut the door.

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The driver side drop down feature no longer works, passenger side is fine. Here are the symptoms and from what I have read sounds like a regulator issue:

1. When opening the door from either the inside or outside the window moves a small amount but not enough to clear the window seal.

2. The auto-up function raises the window a few inches then stops. Window motor standardization has no effect.

How do I rule out the door latch being the problem.

Thanks in advance.

Must be a virus going around, on 8/9, I began having the same issue. However, both windows go down when I unlatch the top. The driver's window just won't work with the door handle.

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  • 1 month later...

Must be a virus going around, on 8/9, I began having the same issue. However, both windows go down when I unlatch the top. The driver's window just won't work with the door handle.


The 4" window drop down that occurs when you unlatch the top is not as sensitive a drop (because of the 4" distance) as the 1/2" drop that is supposed to occur when you pull on either the outside or the inside door handle.

When your window regulator cable stretches (or gets frayed) a little, while the motor may actuate and turn the window regulator gear, the slack in the cable tightens up, but by that time the gear is no longer turning and the window itself has not yet started moving.

There is a guy on 986forum who has come up with what looks to be an ingenious solution to salvaging a window regulator that has only "loosened up" (i.e., not broken or frayed), which involves installing a bicycle brake adjuster in line around the cable.

If I find the link to that solution, I'll post it here.

Regards, Maurice.

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Must be a virus going around, on 8/9, I began having the same issue. However, both windows go down when I unlatch the top. The driver's window just won't work with the door handle.


The 4" window drop down that occurs when you unlatch the top is not as sensitive a drop (because of the 4" distance) as the 1/2" drop that is supposed to occur when you pull on either the outside or the inside door handle.

When your window regulator cable stretches (or gets frayed) a little, while the motor may actuate and turn the window regulator gear, the slack in the cable tightens up, but by that time the gear is no longer turning and the window itself has not yet started moving.

There is a guy on 986forum who has come up with what looks to be an ingenious solution to salvaging a window regulator that has only "loosened up" (i.e., not broken or frayed), which involves installing a bicycle brake adjuster in line around the cable.

If I find the link to that solution, I'll post it here.

Regards, Maurice.

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I found the post. Thank you.

Must be a virus going around, on 8/9, I began having the same issue. However, both windows go down when I unlatch the top. The driver's window just won't work with the door handle.


The 4" window drop down that occurs when you unlatch the top is not as sensitive a drop (because of the 4" distance) as the 1/2" drop that is supposed to occur when you pull on either the outside or the inside door handle.

When your window regulator cable stretches (or gets frayed) a little, while the motor may actuate and turn the window regulator gear, the slack in the cable tightens up, but by that time the gear is no longer turning and the window itself has not yet started moving.

There is a guy on 986forum who has come up with what looks to be an ingenious solution to salvaging a window regulator that has only "loosened up" (i.e., not broken or frayed), which involves installing a bicycle brake adjuster in line around the cable.

If I find the link to that solution, I'll post it here.

Regards, Maurice.

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I found the post. Thank you.



If you are able to implement that fix with the bicycle brake adjuster, perhaps you could post a few detailed pics here as the 986forum post was not very comprehensive.

This is such a common problem that we could succeed in reducing another one of Porsche's profit centers! wink.gif

Regards, Maurice.

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  • 7 years later...


My drivers window is now only dropping a fraction of an inch.  I think the bicycle brake adjuster fix will solve the problem.

I found the pics of this once, but can't seem to locate them again.

I'm reactivating this thread to ask if either of you, or others, might have the link or thread with the pictures of that great fix idea.

Thanks in advance.


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