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04 996 Sunvisor mirror flap broken

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The driver side mirror flap pivot point (on the flap itself) recently broke off / disintegrated on our 2004 996 Coupe. Is the mirror flap avaliable separately or with the lighted mirror assembly, or do you have to buy the entire visor? For that matter, are the visors or visor parts even avalilable new anymore?

I would really prefer a factory fix and not velcro it in place.

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Do yourself a huge favour and order new mirrors from Sunset. I tried to fix mine and it was a waste of time as the fix lasted for a little while and came apart again.

Thanks for the reply. Did you order just the visor mirrors or the complete visors? What are the part #'s?

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Thanks for the reply. Did you order just the visor mirrors or the complete visors? What are the part #'s?

Here's one source. They also have a cheaper one with no illumination.


(note: I have no affilitation with these guys. I'm just a customer)

I'm sure other places carry this as well.

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Thanks for the reply. Did you order just the visor mirrors or the complete visors? What are the part #'s?

Here's one source. They also have a cheaper one with no illumination.


(note: I have no affilitation with these guys. I'm just a customer)

I'm sure other places carry this as well.

Great, that's exactly what I need! BTW, did you have to transfer your old mirror to the new assembly? If so, what is difficult?

I used to live in the Tampa area, so I know them.

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Sorry for the delay in response. PN i have for the mirrors only is 996-731-903-01-01C.

I got them from Sunset in 08 and they were $58.72 each.

Good luck with the fix. It's pretty easy once you pull the visors off their stalks.

There is a thread here somewhere on popping the mirrors out.


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Great, that's exactly what I need! BTW, did you have to transfer your old mirror to the new assembly? If so, what is difficult?

I'm not sure, since I didn't order these. I did a "repair" on my broken mirror flap. I epoxy-glued the broken plastic pieces and spring clips that hold the flap closed. The repair lasted about 6 months, then they broke again, so I wouldn't recommend it. Now, I have gone with velcro dots. I'll probably pick up these replacement parts at some point.

If I recall, removing the mirror was simple once you got the plastic housing removed from the vinyl visor. Removing the housing was a bit tricky. You need to know where to place your screwdriver or spatula to depress the removal tabs correctly.

Search is your friend. Here are some links:

Visor Removal (hint: you just pull it off)

Plastic Insert Repair

Removing the plastic housing

Good luck!

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I have a '01 996. Ordered a non-lighted mirror and replaced the broken flap on a lighted mirror with the new flap. Fit perfectly. Saved about $25 bucks (difference between lighted mirror and non-lighted).

Great, that's exactly what I need! BTW, did you have to transfer your old mirror to the new assembly? If so, what is difficult?

I'm not sure, since I didn't order these. I did a "repair" on my broken mirror flap. I epoxy-glued the broken plastic pieces and spring clips that hold the flap closed. The repair lasted about 6 months, then they broke again, so I wouldn't recommend it. Now, I have gone with velcro dots. I'll probably pick up these replacement parts at some point.

If I recall, removing the mirror was simple once you got the plastic housing removed from the vinyl visor. Removing the housing was a bit tricky. You need to know where to place your screwdriver or spatula to depress the removal tabs correctly.

Search is your friend. Here are some links:

Visor Removal (hint: you just pull it off)

Plastic Insert Repair

Removing the plastic housing

Good luck!

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Good thing about order new visors, is that now you can get rid of the yellow warnings fixed on the visors. Get two new ones without the ugly warning notices, makes the interior look much cleaner.

When I did a repair on my visors, I was able to remove the scratched-up yellow airbag warning lables with a bit of steel wool (brillo soap pad), some isopropyl alcohol, and a bit of warm water. They look much better now. Of course, new visor mirrors would have been simpler. :)

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  • 5 years later...

Today I fixed my broken sun visor flaps. Mine were broken in both places, ie.the pins that hold the flap in place broke so they fell off completely, and the metal spring horseshoes broke off so the flaps won't stay up when open.

I only replaced the hinge pins as the springs are too far gone. Will use tiny velcro pads to keep the lid open for the time being. Below is the steps I took to fix the hinge pins.

I took some steel nails (1.5inch) and cut down to a small pin size. Then cut half the nail head off to make more of a semi circle shape. This was all done with some metal cutters. Pliers also.

Next I drilled small holes in the plastic where the old pins used to be. The new nail pins can now be inserted from the rear and into the lid to keep it in position. Best to put the lid in place first and then instert the pins.

Last I used a small glue gun to keep the pins from falling out.

Job done. All in all took about 30mins.




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