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Weight Reduction - Need Help

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I weighed my C4S with me in it and 1/4 tank of fuel - - 3,580 pounds.

I need to put it on a diet for TT next year and really need some creative ideas.

Challenge: I do not want to go for the obvious first since the car is still a daily driver and I want to keep it that way for a couple more years. Can I remove the A/C? Sure. But I like it in the summer.

So the challenge is to remove things (Lighten things up) without sacraficing too much yet in daily drivability.

Can you offer up ideas?? THANKS SO MUCH.

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I weighed my C4S with me in it and 1/4 tank of fuel - - 3,580 pounds.

I need to put it on a diet for TT next year and really need some creative ideas.

Challenge: I do not want to go for the obvious first since the car is still a daily driver and I want to keep it that way for a couple more years. Can I remove the A/C? Sure. But I like it in the summer.

So the challenge is to remove things (Lighten things up) without sacraficing too much yet in daily drivability.

Can you offer up ideas?? THANKS SO MUCH.

It is tough to achieve this goal and retain the comforts of a daily driver. I would probably set a goal (and budget)of say 300 lbs and see what I could accomplish, exhaust system, keep the cats, add sst headers and lose the mufflers, change out seats but lose some comfort, lighten up the wheels, ditch the sound system, remove front trunk trim/carpet, lose the spare tire for a start.

Good luck and let us know what you find.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's tough to talk weight with all that AWD hardware underneath you, slowing you down on a dry track. :) But in all seriousness, there are plenty of things you can remove without too much effort, and probably reinstall in a weekend's time:

-Passenger seat

-Door cards

-Rear seats

-Center console (there's a nice OEM delete kit for this)

-Rear console

-Instrument binnacle (I think the gauges will mount without this, not sure)


-Rear belts




-Spare tire


-Airbags (be ready with a tester for a reinstall)


-Glovebox assy

-Headlamp assys (assuming your class allows this)

Then of course there's the slippery slope of "adding lightness" via lightweight parts:

-Racing seat


-Lighter wheels (you can get the Turbo hollow-spoke versions of your wheels, or an inexpensive but quality aftermarket set)

-2-piece rotors

-Straight pipe exhaust (for weight reduction, possibly not performance enhancement)

-CAI in place of stock airbox

-The list goes on and on...

Since weight reduction measures are most beneficial to experienced racers for those "precious tenths," or those gutting a car to make a dedicated racer, I'd question the need for serious weight reduction if I were in your shoes. I may start with removing the big and heavy bits like the passenger seat, and spending my money on a lighter set of wheels and a harness-compatible racing seat. Lastly, I know I can stand to lose a few (20+) pounds, how about you? Might be wise to go on a diet as the car does. :)

I've never done a competitive timed event outside of an autocross, so I'm not sure what sort of competition you'll be seeing out there. I imagine there are those out there with deep pockets who will outdo your efforts handily on their dedicated track toy. Perhaps the most important question is: Have you reached a plateau with your car in stock form, where you consistently hit the same time on the track? Maybe then is the time to start losing weight. Otherwise, how will you ever gauge your progress as a driver?

Let us know what you do. I love to see things get taken apart...


I weighed my C4S with me in it and 1/4 tank of fuel - - 3,580 pounds.

I need to put it on a diet for TT next year and really need some creative ideas.

Challenge: I do not want to go for the obvious first since the car is still a daily driver and I want to keep it that way for a couple more years. Can I remove the A/C? Sure. But I like it in the summer.

So the challenge is to remove things (Lighten things up) without sacraficing too much yet in daily drivability.

Can you offer up ideas?? THANKS SO MUCH.

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