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window lowering function

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2003 996 Cab 6pd 74000 km

A few days ago my window lowering function on the driver side stopped working.

I have read all the threads I could find and they were very helpful. I was unable to get a clear solution based on what I read as my window is behaving a little differently.

This is what I have observed:

  • when actuating the window with the window button the window travels up ok but on the way down it seams to travel faster the last 3-4 inches.
  • with the door closed, moving the inside or outside door handles seams to actutes the window lowering function based on the sound, however the window does not travel down. In this case I can move the window down the 1/2" by hand
  • having moved with the window down the 1/2" manually, the window does automatically close on the upstroke

Based on this it appears the electrical system is functioning properly and I have a mechanical problem.

A few of the threads made mention of an "Adustment valve for window lowing function" - could this be the solution and if so where is the valve?

I have the door apart but cannot see anything that is broken.

Any help would be appreciated.

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2003 996 Cab 6pd 74000 km

A few days ago my window lowering function on the driver side stopped working.

I have read all the threads I could find and they were very helpful. I was unable to get a clear solution based on what I read as my window is behaving a little differently.

This is what I have observed:

  • when actuating the window with the window button the window travels up ok but on the way down it seams to travel faster the last 3-4 inches.
  • with the door closed, moving the inside or outside door handles seams to actutes the window lowering function based on the sound, however the window does not travel down. In this case I can move the window down the 1/2" by hand
  • having moved with the window down the 1/2" manually, the window does automatically close on the upstroke

Based on this it appears the electrical system is functioning properly and I have a mechanical problem.

A few of the threads made mention of an "Adustment valve for window lowing function" - could this be the solution and if so where is the valve?

I have the door apart but cannot see anything that is broken.

Any help would be appreciated.

Since you already have the door panel off, you should be able to easily determine whether this is just a simple case of the usual stretched cable and/or worn components on the window regulator.

If you observe the cable closely while operating the window, each time starting with either the window completely up or completely down, you should be able to see that the slack in the cable is first taken up before the glass window actually starts to move. If that's the case, then you will have to replace the window regulator in order to restore the 1/2inch drop.

There is a guy on 986forum.com that has devised an ingenious way to adjust the tightness of the cable by inserting a bicycle brake adjuster in line around the cable. If your cable is stretched, or one of the components are worn so as to result in a slack cable, his solution could work. If the cable is frayed or unraveling, that solution won't work.

Be aware that if you operate the window with the door panel removed and airbag disconnected, you will set off the airbag light, so be sure you have access to a PST2, PIWIS, or Durametric before you turn the ignition on to operate the window.

Regards, Maurice.

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Tried it out and it appears the cable is stretched. I checked out the bike cable idea - makes sense - I will try it this weekend.

I will have to bring it in to a mechanic in town that has Porsche software to reset the Airbag error.

thanks for your help.


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