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GT3 (MK 1) Brakes

Flying V

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Hi guys!

Just last sunday, it was the firstt time I was able to track my GT 3 - mk1. **** was it fun!

However, towards the end, my brakes started to fade. One of my friends that had the same car before experienced the same thing when we tracked his car. Also I was also able to read in one of the topics posted in this group that it is suggested to upgrade the brakes for the mk1 due to the same problem that I experienced.

To address this problem, do I need to change the whole caliper system? if so, to what kind? Will changing or upgrading brake pads help or at least an option?

Thanks and God bless!


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You did not specifically say what type of brake fade you experienced. Was it a soft pedal (bleed the brakes) or increased stopping distance (pad fade).

If you are using stock pads you should first look at switching to a track compound like pagid orange. Also in addition to bleeding the brakes you may want to replace/upgrade your brake fluid.

Porsche brake systems are more than adequate. You did not state your track experience. Novice drivers tend to use their brakes too much and too hard which exacerbates brake issues.

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Hi V.... ar38070's advice is correct. Fresh, high temp brake fluid and good track oriented pads are your next step. That will optimize the brakes you have. That being said, though, many have found that the Mk I GT3 can be driven beyond the capabilities of it's front brakes on the track. Porsche addressed this situation when they designed the GT3 Mk II. The Mk II has bigger front rotors (350mm vs 330), bigger 6 pot Brembo calipers with even bigger pads. and, maybe most importantly, vastly better front brake cooling. Air is directed through the fender liners from the front radiators and bigger, lower scoops are attached to the lower front control arms to direct cool air from beneath the car onto the inside of the rotors. Many of the track oriented Mk I's in the UK have had their front brakes updated to Mk II specs. It's a bolt on process. Increasing the cooling air flow would be a big help too. You can email Gert at carnewal.com (info@carnewal.com). He has the upgrade kits and also after market cooling kits.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Mk1 brakes - you just need to use the appropriate pads/fluid and use the correct braking technique.

If you are using stock pads and fluid you should be impressed that the brakes functioned for as long as they did - a testament to how good the brakes are.

As mentioned above, the first step would be to get track-focused pads and fluid, this alone will make a significant difference to fade-resistance. For pads I would recommend either Pagid (orange or yellow) or Performance Friction Carbon Metallic pads. Then get your brake system filled with Castrol SRF fluid (double the price of the competitors and very much worth it). These 2 steps alone would probably remove the fade you are experiencing.

The reports in the early days of the Mk1 brakes being poor were caused by a lot of inexperienced drivers who were braking incorrectly - these same people have since learnt and moved on, and admit that it was problems with the driving and not the brakes. Here in the UK there are many Mk1s still running the original brakes and able to keep up with the Mk2s and RSs all day long - because the drivers are braking correctly. The problem originated from people braking early and with moderate force - so the brakes are applied for a lot longer, which actually gets them very hot. Then there is also less time between braking for them to cool. What they needed to do was have faith in the brakes and brake late and hard - this means the brakes are applied for a shorter period and they actually generate less heat - it will also improve your lap times.

So get your pads, fluid and technique fixed first, and only then if you still feel they are fading, spend the money on changing to Mk2 calipers, discs and pads.

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  • 1 month later...

I tested a Feb.2000 GT3 MKI which is for sale at my dealership. The car is in Clubsport version and has 30.000 km (+/- 19.000 miles) on the counter. Overall it is in mint condition. The only thing is that the front brake calipers red paint has turned shaded red-orange. I guess due to heat of heavy braking :eek:

Is this linked to the brake-cooling issue referred here above or is it a bad sign on how the car was treated...Should I worry about this?

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If the car is tracked, the caliper paint is going to fade. The black calipers fade to grey. That is just the way it is. Sure with larger calipers and better cooling they will take longer to fade, but they will fade. If the car is mechanically sound then do not worry about it. If you start experiencing problems on the track then check out the prior comments.

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  • 5 months later...

I would agree with Greig that unless you are a Supercup team driver, you will NOT outdrive the brakes on Mark 1 GT3. I have a GT3 Clubsport (first/only one in the USA) and am an experienced/winning racer in the Porsche Club here in the US (also having driven a GT3 Cup last season as a point of comparison).

Run Motul fluid (instead of ATE Super Blue) and Pagid "Black" pads (I have literally melted Pagid Orange's where they crumble). Don't believe the wives tales that the Blacks are hard on your rotors -- that's bollocks! The Black pads will handle heat over 1000 degrees F. The 330mm rotors offer plenty of stopping power for someone with good brake modulation skills and smooth driving technique.

My suggestion is DON'T GIVE UP on your car or lose confidence, simply upgrade your pads/fluid and work on braking technique.

Happy motoring.

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