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Hard clutch, light bulbs and baby seat

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I just acquired a 2004 C4S cabriolet, and I have few questions for the community.


1: The clutch pedal is hard, the car has 90,000miles and I have no records regarding the clutch status. the gearbox can benefit of a fluid change (scheduled for 100,000 miles service) as it grinds if I downshift hard from 3 to 2nd without rev matching, otherwise performing very well.

 Does this mean that the clutch is on its way out? is there a way to improve the pedal feeling?


 2: One of the Daytime running light is out. I have litronics. the headlight otherwise are ok when on. What lamp do I have to order?


3: Babyseat in the back of the convertible, any reccomendation on what fits in the back for a 2 year old todler? I am considering the clek fllo, anyone using it? I would like to gain more room for the baby seat installation (front facing), how easy is to remove the back seat?

thumbnail (19).jpg

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10 hours ago, Zeus F. said:

I just acquired a 2004 C4S cabriolet, and I have few questions for the community.


1: The clutch pedal is hard, the car has 90,000miles and I have no records regarding the clutch status. the gearbox can benefit of a fluid change (scheduled for 100,000 miles service) as it grinds if I downshift hard from 3 to 2nd without rev matching, otherwise performing very well.

 Does this mean that the clutch is on its way out? is there a way to improve the pedal feeling?


 2: One of the Daytime running light is out. I have litronics. the headlight otherwise are ok when on. What lamp do I have to order?


3: Babyseat in the back of the convertible, any reccomendation on what fits in the back for a 2 year old todler? I am considering the clek fllo, anyone using it? I would like to gain more room for the baby seat installation (front facing), how easy is to remove the back seat?

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Congratulation's on your acquisition.


Hard clutch pedal effort in these cars is typically a sign of a dying pressure plate.  I would not let this go very long as it will take the gearbox with it if you are not careful.  Also a good time to consider an AOS, IMS, and RMS update while the car is apart (the major expense in doing both of these is the labor to pull the gear box and clutch, so as you are already in there, it is just additional parts).


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agreed with all the above.

If the IMS and RMS have not been done, worth checking to verify, then you need to do that with the new clutch stuff.  Saves $$$ in the long run.

might be other maintenance stuff to consider as well for peace of mind.  water pump and coolant change come to mind.

Car really looks great.  Not sure about your other questions.  At least the rear "seats" have seat belts.

good luck with the car.  not really meant for baby stuff in the back, but I hope you find a carseat that fits.  yours will be best car in parking lot at the kids store for sure. 

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You might want to throw a water pump and surge tank in while you're in there and a new belt and tensioner for good measure.


My 2003 C4S had a very heavy clutch pedal when I bought it a year ago at 80k. Turned out that the helper spring, slave cylinder and hose were bad as well.  Don't know about the grinding on downshift, I've not had that issue. 


Keep the maintenance/wear parts up to snuff and you'll really enjoy this car. Best of luck!

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  As others have mentioned , your clutch is probably worn, one indication that your clutch is worn is high pedal effort. As the disc wears, the leverage of the diaphragm increases causing increased clamp pressure and pedal effort. The new design of the Sachs SAC (self adjusting clutch) used in the 997s and up, keeps the same effort as the disc wears.

  As mentioned it will be a good time to verify/address your IMS, RMS, and AOS while the trans is out.

  Also I would suggest a new synchronizer set for 2nd gear (and the pop-out deterrent)while the gear box is out. It does not require a full disassembly since the 1st -2nd loose gears and syncros plus reverse are the first thing to come off the shaft. IF not addressed immediately the continuous grinding will cause the teeth on the loose gear wheel to be damaged. It is very common for the 2nd gear syncros to wear on these gearboxes as they usually see the most aggressive shifts.

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