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Hello.  My wife's CTT took a dump yesterday.  My indy says no compression and leak down pressure goes out the exhaust valve on #8 cylinder.  It has 120k miles, well maintained but unusual and usual problems fixed until now. Where do I start?


My friend suggests using borescope to look inside so that is what ill do.


The wife reported it was running a little rough intermittently over the last two week.  Indy got misfire codes. I had been consuming a quart of oil every 5-6 hundred miles recently but made good power and boost. 


I can get more specifics from my indy as needed.





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Yep.  Its risky.  I'm saving on labor doing some myself and have the help of a mechanic friend and a shop.  I looked into used motors but as another mechanic friend said, I already have a used motor.   If I walk away, its a huge loss.  Another used vehicle is still a used vehicle and comes with risks.  With a new vehicle, one essentially commits to spending x amount of dollars over a 2-4 year period. I've got a '15 escape right now and my wife hates it.  There is lots of  piece of mind getting a new vehicle with a warranty and maintenance included - occupies less brain space for sure.  


Either way its pay now or pay later.  


I haven't made a decision but I wouldn't go the rebuild route if the labor part wasn't cheap.  And I have help with future breakdowns. 

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On 23/12/2017 at 2:31 AM, sunlion said:

Yep.  Its risky.  I'm saving on labor doing some myself and have the help of a mechanic friend and a shop.  I looked into used motors but as another mechanic friend said, I already have a used motor.   If I walk away, its a huge loss.  Another used vehicle is still a used vehicle and comes with risks.  With a new vehicle, one essentially commits to spending x amount of dollars over a 2-4 year period. I've got a '15 escape right now and my wife hates it.  There is lots of  piece of mind getting a new vehicle with a warranty and maintenance included - occupies less brain space for sure.  


Either way its pay now or pay later.  


I haven't made a decision but I wouldn't go the rebuild route if the labor part wasn't cheap.  And I have help with future breakdowns. 

Seeing around 5k for that block and pistons plus another 2-3k at least for the work and consumables, head bolts, maybe new valves costing a fortune, gaskets, oring seals vac pipes surely brittle and break, fluids I'm screaming noooooooo. It will cost more than you expect I did double head gasket and spent 6k! The part list just keep growing. 


Having bought a 2006 ctt and then having to spend the best part of 7,000 on repairs over 14months I would say don't do it. Your still left with a car of no additional value and your be wishing you sold it and moved on long ago when the next big expensive repair is required. 

For example: front diff, transfer case, rear diff, steering column failure and control module, steering rack seals, alternator, AC compressor, DME failure, water leaks Turbo T, pipes under intake manifold, any combo of pumps, sensors etc failure and diagnostics to fix. This is excluding normal servicing, brakes, Tyres etc All costing 1,000's to fix. 

Stick it in an auction and spend your hard earned dollar on a less deep money pit. 

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Lewis is right, I’ve had all those in his list failed and repaired while under warranty (bought 2 yr extended). I know it’s difficult and annoying but it’s in your best financial interest to let go of that Porsche !  I honestly believe they don’t make P-cars to last. They look great and give you a symbol of status but don’t plan on keeping it longer than 5-7 years. You’ll regret it. Sell it while it still has some value.

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1 hour ago, sunlion said:

A cayenne without and engine is not worth anything......perhaps parting it out......?????

Thick Oil additive Lucas for example and auction it. 

That's what some independent garages do as well but sell to private buyers offering no warranty. Scandalous I know. 

At least in auction buyers tend to be in the trade and know the risks the price reflects this. 

Not the most upstanding course of action but let's face it every car at an auction is there for a reason. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

update......um.......bought a new used one.....'17, platinum edition (sounds fancy but really is base cayenne,) 7k miles, CPO for 6 years, unlimited miles (recent Porsche cars change from 100k. miles,) fair amount of doo dads.....wife is happy: no life, without wife; happy wife, happy life......and she has 1 800 PORSCHE for 6 years, instead of 1 800 me......so thats my end of the bargain, plus the sales rep for all her questions.  


Was thinking of doing a V10 TDI swap into dead CTT but drove a treg V10 TDI today and it didn't do anything for me.  So I ditched that idea and plan to rebuild the motor.  Have an excellent machinist nearby who just invested in the tools etc for alusil blocks so he says to bring him the short block and heads, he will bore, hone, rebuild etc and I'll assemble rebuilt short block and heads........so that's the plan.......now its my project.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah - that’s an engine cover plastic bolt - rumbled around in the intake for a while then got sucked in an stuck  - keeps #8 exhaust valve open.  Last folks in there was my shop.  They said they’ll take it back and check it out then put it back together.  The whole front is off.....as we were in the process of pulling  the motor for rebuild.....


.....I’d like to post more photos but I’m limited to 2 mb.  

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Picked up the CTT today.  Repair shop put it back together and it runs fine.  Amazing. No (additional) charge!  Now I have an extra vehicle......so it must go bye bye. Would prefer to keep it over my LR3 but I need a utility vehicle and it has much less cargo space than the LR3.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Indeed.  I’m monitoring a few things - putting on miles to see if oil consumption is at baseline, roughly 700 miles/qt.  Will do leakdown and compression after 1k miles, but judging by the way she runs......there is no problem!

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/10/2018 at 11:43 AM, sunlion said:

Indeed.  I’m monitoring a few things - putting on miles to see if oil consumption is at baseline, roughly 700 miles/qt.  Will do leakdown and compression after 1k miles, but judging by the way she runs......there is no problem!

I'm reading a lot on used Cayennes today.  Just sold my Boxster & was toying with another toy (although on the opposite end of the spectrum!).  A local listing has a V8 'S' with a "knock" in the engine; long miles but short money and really nice condition.  I know it could become the Rolling Money Pit but I'm drawn to it, so help me! 

I doubt it's what you found however.

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