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center console

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Does anyone have instructions on how to replace the center console? And the armrest? I was planning on purchasing these items. The center console I was told by Sunset Import that a metal hinge kit is needed.



2000 Boxster

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Loren, thanks.

Would you happen to have instructions on how to replace the armrest on the door?

The armrest is easy. There are two pins that both secure the armrest to the door and serve as hinges. You can push these out and / or pull them with a needle nose pliers.

Be careful not to lose the little washers and make a note where they go so you can reassemble properly.

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you might want to remove the upper center console before removing the lower center console. I find it will be easy to take out the lower center console when you first remove the upper center console, I will attach the instruction on removing the upper center console.

I beleive it may take you 30 mins to complete the removal of both console


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  • 5 weeks later...
you might want to remove the upper center console before removing the lower center console. I find it will be easy to take out the lower center console when you first remove the upper center console, I will attach the instruction on removing the upper center console.

I beleive it may take you 30 mins to complete the removal of both console


I'm stuck.

I took off the cd disc caddy and the storage. How do you remove the upper console frame? I can't seem to find any screws to remove.

Also, there are these 4 orange looking plastic things inside the upper console frame. One snapped off, is it important that I need to replace that one?

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you might want to remove the upper center console before removing the lower center console. I find it will be easy to take out the lower center console when you first remove the upper center console, I will attach the instruction on removing the upper center console.

I beleive it may take you 30 mins to complete the removal of both console


I'm stuck.

I took off the cd disc caddy and the storage. How do you remove the upper console frame? I can't seem to find any screws to remove.

Also, there are these 4 orange looking plastic things inside the upper console frame. One snapped off, is it important that I need to replace that one?

I beg to differ. I have removed and replaced the lower console to replace the dodgy platic hinge on the rear glove box with the metal retrofit kit using the B& M instructions above and in my view there's no need to remove the upper console as suggested above to do this.

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you might want to remove the upper center console before removing the lower center console. I find it will be easy to take out the lower center console when you first remove the upper center console, I will attach the instruction on removing the upper center console.

I beleive it may take you 30 mins to complete the removal of both console


I'm stuck.

I took off the cd disc caddy and the storage. How do you remove the upper console frame? I can't seem to find any screws to remove.

Also, there are these 4 orange looking plastic things inside the upper console frame. One snapped off, is it important that I need to replace that one?

Someone must of haven taken off their upper console at one point in time? Any feedback?

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No need to remove door panels to remove pocket cover. And no need to remove upper console to remove center console. If you are careful, it slides right out.

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I beg to differ. I have removed and replaced the lower console to replace the dodgy platic hinge on the rear glove box with the metal retrofit kit using the B& M instructions above and in my view there's no need to remove the upper console as suggested above to do this.

I installed the metal retrofit kit last weekend. I didn't remove my console. There is just enough room between the back of the console and engine bulkhead to saw off the broken plastic part and insert the new pieces. If you keep a vacumn handy you can keep the cabin tidy while you work.

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