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3.4 Swap PDF

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This is the support topic for the DIY Tutorial 3.4 Swap PDF. Please post here if you have any questions or feedback.

Edited by Loren
This DIY Tutorial has been removed by the author.
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  • 10 months later...

Hello Todd,

this is Mark with the 2000 boxster and I am doing the conversion to a 3.4 or probably 3.6.. You had written me in an e-mail that you have used new reman engines. I would like to do the same, but they want a core for pricing. How did you get around this? or will they accept a 2.7 litre engine core for a 3.6? How did you get around this core issue? Any ideas how I could get around it??

Ok, it took me a while to get around to this but here is the latest 3.4 996 engine swap document. Also for those not wanting to pay $1500 to have the DME redone, I can provide this service along with a new wire to add to the harness and instructions on calibrating the MAF to avoid running issues for $150 to contributing renntech members, $200 for non-contributing members.


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You don't. If you don't return an identical core, you forfeit the core deposit so on a conversion the total engine cost is the cost of the motor + the cost of the core.


Hello Todd,

this is Mark with the 2000 boxster and I am doing the conversion to a 3.4 or probably 3.6.. You had written me in an e-mail that you have used new reman engines. I would like to do the same, but they want a core for pricing. How did you get around this? or will they accept a 2.7 litre engine core for a 3.6? How did you get around this core issue? Any ideas how I could get around it??

Ok, it took me a while to get around to this but here is the latest 3.4 996 engine swap document. Also for those not wanting to pay $1500 to have the DME redone, I can provide this service along with a new wire to add to the harness and instructions on calibrating the MAF to avoid running issues for $150 to contributing renntech members, $200 for non-contributing members.


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  • 5 months later...
The procedure for removing the motor is provided in the factory service manual and most likely the Bentley manual as well. I have no secret sources for engines, sorry.


I Recently did a 3.4l swap on my 98 boxster. After the mod I still feel as though there is something missing. I recently read that the redline should be 7100rpm. Mine sputters at 6600-6800. What gives?

Is my ecu programmed incorectly? How do I find out? Do I need a custom ecu. The car has a remanufactured porsche 3.4l engine, Dansk headers, Ghl muffler. The work was done in upstate NY. Any help would be appreciated


3.4l helpl
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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...
Ok, it took me a while to get around to this but here is the latest 3.4 996 engine swap document. Also for those not wanting to pay $1500 to have the DME redone, I can provide this service along with a new wire to add to the harness and instructions on calibrating the MAF to avoid running issues for $150 to contributing renntech members, $200 for non-contributing members.


Hey Todd,

I have been wanting to upgrade my 2001 porsche boxster S engine to a 996 but have been overwhelmed with the amount of work and mechanics telling me it is difficult and costly, Thanks to you, and learning all this information- I am moving forwards and have ordered a 1999 996 engine for install into my boxster, I am going to be donating to this site for sure. My question is, can you further explain how the DME is reprogrammed on the boxster and if its something my porsche shop can handle. What will I need, is it possible if i can send you out my dme and codes for a reprogram?

The shop that has my car is very interested in setting something up with you as they work on many porsches. Is there an alternative to the intake problem not fitting besides buying the evo intake setup?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So my 2003 boxster S had a IMS/Rear main seal failure... To fix it i have sourced a salvage 2008 boxster with the engine perfect (roll over). So heres the question... what should I do? I am a dealer and for my 2003 boxster s with 37,000 miles I have been offered 8,000$ at auction. Its goin on auction again this week and I'm not sure I am up for such an intensive opperation.

Also, if anyone wants that engine I could get it for them. How much do they normally run???

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Ok, it took me a while to get around to this but here is the latest 3.4 996 engine swap document. Also for those not wanting to pay $1500 to have the DME redone, I can provide this service along with a new wire to add to the harness and instructions on calibrating the MAF to avoid running issues for $150 to contributing renntech members, $200 for non-contributing members.



I, for one, would like to commend you for the generous and unselfish way in which you share the information that you have gathered through countless hours of hard work.

Judging from some of the comments, you are like a lighthouse in a storm for ships lost at sea. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Regards, Maurice.

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So my 2003 boxster S had a IMS/Rear main seal failure... To fix it i have sourced a salvage 2008 boxster with the engine perfect (roll over). So heres the question... what should I do? I am a dealer and for my 2003 boxster s with 37,000 miles I have been offered 8,000$ at auction. Its goin on auction again this week and I'm not sure I am up for such an intensive opperation.

Also, if anyone wants that engine I could get it for them. How much do they normally run???

You should be able to get between $1000 to $1500 for your core

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So my 2003 boxster S had a IMS/Rear main seal failure... To fix it i have sourced a salvage 2008 boxster with the engine perfect (roll over). So heres the question... what should I do? I am a dealer and for my 2003 boxster s with 37,000 miles I have been offered 8,000$ at auction. Its goin on auction again this week and I'm not sure I am up for such an intensive opperation.

Also, if anyone wants that engine I could get it for them. How much do they normally run???

The 987 3.4 would be a fairly straightforward swap but some caveats would apply.

If you do decide to sell the car I may be interested in it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
So my 2003 boxster S had a IMS/Rear main seal failure... To fix it i have sourced a salvage 2008 boxster with the engine perfect (roll over). So heres the question... what should I do? I am a dealer and for my 2003 boxster s with 37,000 miles I have been offered 8,000$ at auction. Its goin on auction again this week and I'm not sure I am up for such an intensive opperation.

Also, if anyone wants that engine I could get it for them. How much do they normally run???

You should be able to get between $1000 to $1500 for your core

who is willing to buy these cores. I have my 3.2 boxster core laying around.

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  • 10 months later...

Not likely. Wayne at Pelican parts asked me to help him with the engine swap section of his 101 Projects Boxster Book due out this summer, so rather than rewrite an updated pdf I helped him with that.


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