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Exhaust/Intake mods done - impressions

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OK....I finally got phase 1 of the mods to my Box done and had her out for a spin or two. EVO V-flow intake, ia Headers; and iA exhaust. Sounds S-W-E-E-T when I get in the throttle, even a little. Has a nice rumble to it at idle. Sounds like the car SHOULD sound, given the things it can do. A little more resonance than I would have liked, not terrible, just a little more than I would have liked. It's no big deal though, it only occurs between about 2500 and 3000 RPM. Drop down a gear instead of lugging it, or just drop your speed a bit and it's fine. Maybe it will keep me from getting a few tickets, who knows.

Then again maybe not. I had it out of the garage and on the street all of about 30 seconds before I got pulled over. Not because it is too loud, just too quick. I simply rapped it quick in 1st and second (Because it was the check out ride, I was watching gages and lights not the spedo..) and was on the brakes when I looked up and saw the cop...then the spedo, which was considerable over the 40mph speed limit. Of course, I had forgotten to turn the K40 system back on with all the excitement of the new "music". I just pulled over, appologised, and explained that I had just finished some engine work and had been watching the gages, not the spedo. Works every time when your an "older" fart. He just gave me a warning, then asked what I had put on her.

I don't have a dyno, but the butt dyno says the car is noticably quicker. It also broke loose on me just a bit when I was turning off one road and onto another while nailing the throttle...something I have done a hundred times before and it has never broken loose before. I didn't even think it would do that with PSM on. But I did remove quite a bit of weight back there with this change.

Next up - ROW M030 suspension update. I'm gonna drive for a while first though....1st rainy weekend we'll do the suspension. :P

Edited by Andy_M
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Let me know if you chip your car, I have the rest on my car and love it but wonder if the GIACC is worth the extra $$$$. Speaking of ROW 0030, buy it, I have it and love it!

The ROW M030 stuff is already bought and paid for. Sitting on the shelf just waiting for a rainy weekend. :thumbup:

....and yes, I do plan to finish up the HP mods with a remap of the ECU. Probably not until next winter now though...

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Let me know if you chip your car, I have the rest on my car and love it but wonder if the GIACC is worth the extra $$$$. Speaking of ROW 0030, buy it, I have it and love it!

I have the GIAC flash, EVO CAI, Schnell headers/mufflers as well as PSS9's...and I love what it did for me. I had a Pcar buddy who was thinking about mods drive mine, then I drove his without any mods, and both of us agreed that my car was a bit faster. Now, whether that equates to being worth the $4K I put into it making if "feel faster" (no dyno confirmation) remains to be seen. I definitely do not believe that there is a collective add-on horsepower gain from all the mods....in other words, the claims that the mufflers add X HP, and the EVO CAI adds X HP along with the X HP gains from the headers...does not compute. You might see a 20 HP gain from ALL of the mods together, but certainly not the cumulative horsepower gains from a total of the mods. Is that worth $4K to you? Probably not. What seems to get the guys is the spectre of "all those horsepower gains" advertised by the various manufacturers. I think that butt dynos sell more mods than any advertising campaign could ever hope to.

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Let me know if you chip your car, I have the rest on my car and love it but wonder if the GIACC is worth the extra $$$$. Speaking of ROW 0030, buy it, I have it and love it!

I have the GIAC flash, EVO CAI, Schnell headers/mufflers as well as PSS9's...and I love what it did for me. I had a Pcar buddy who was thinking about mods drive mine, then I drove his without any mods, and both of us agreed that my car was a bit faster. Now, whether that equates to being worth the $4K I put into it making if "feel faster" (no dyno confirmation) remains to be seen. I definitely do not believe that there is a collective add-on horsepower gain from all the mods....in other words, the claims that the mufflers add X HP, and the EVO CAI adds X HP along with the X HP gains from the headers...does not compute. You might see a 20 HP gain from ALL of the mods together, but certainly not the cumulative horsepower gains from a total of the mods. Is that worth $4K to you? Probably not. What seems to get the guys is the spectre of "all those horsepower gains" advertised by the various manufacturers. I think that butt dynos sell more mods than any advertising campaign could ever hope to.

I agree that the incremental HP claims are deceiving. I think we make W-A-Y too much of these Dyno reports. There are a million factors that can change those results drasticlly, and it isn't YOUR car being measured anyway !

I can say, with conviction, that my car is 1)quicker, 2)breaks the rear tires loose noticably easier just nailing the throttle, and 3) sounds more like it deserves to sound (if you catch my drift there...) Did I gain 5HP?,15?,20?...I don't really care. I can f-e-e-l a difference, I can h-e-a-r a difference, and that makes it worth the money and the work for me.

I also think that small changes on these cars make noticable differences. Maybe I can bust the rear tires loose easier because the exhaust is about 2/3 lighter, maybe its because I have added HP and torque, maybe its a little of both. Who cares ? It makes it more fun to drive and thats what it is all about, isn't it ?

Hey....it's only money. You can't take it with you. :P

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