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hardtop fit concerns, need experienced input...

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I've searched on the 4xx TSB on hard top issues.

Just picked up a used hardtop, went on great and after a 300 mile ride home I was amazed at no squeaks, creaks or rattles...

until I got on the freeway. The noise coming from the windshield mate was horrible about 60mph. Upon inspection at the first rest stop it was apparant there is a considerable gab on the drivers side around the guide pin. I can place my thumb between the hardtop and lower windshield until I can feel weather stripping. I cannot do this on the passengers side. Upon trying to reseat this I determined nothing was going to change.

Again I've review the TSB, looked over Bentley and before I start pulling things appart this weekend I wanted some input on how to adjust tension and forward movement to the windshield edges to seal better. Since there is only one tension location in the center I can only see forward motion being produced from the rear left pin (into the twist lock) being possibly moved. Is that what's under the cover back there?

Can the guide pin be adjusted in any way?

this was not a salvage, it simply came off a 2000 OEM that the guy never used and it's now going on my 1997. Again not a single rattle or squeak but something is not lining up correctly on the left guide pin.

thank you in advance for your constructive ideas or experience.


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i don't think the guide pin can be adjusted at all.

the hardtop position can be adjusted somewhat by loosening the bolts located under the triangular cover, then tightened when the top is in the position you like.

you do have the spinlocks installed, right?

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i don't think the guide pin can be adjusted at all.

the hardtop position can be adjusted somewhat by loosening the bolts located under the triangular cover, then tightened when the top is in the position you like.

you do have the spinlocks installed, right?

My guess is that you need to move the opposite rear of the hardtop laterally in orer to close the gap at the windshield using the adjustments described by Chris.

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i don't think the guide pin can be adjusted at all.

the hardtop position can be adjusted somewhat by loosening the bolts located under the triangular cover, then tightened when the top is in the position you like.

you do have the spinlocks installed, right?

My guess is that you need to move the opposite rear of the hardtop laterally in orer to close the gap at the windshield using the adjustments described by Chris.

the spin locks look fine. I think the trick is going to be losing the those allen bolts and torsionally twisting the top forward to get it to mate better. We are going to look at it in the shop today, I'll post the out come.

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We made a DVD on how to install the spin locks and adjust a hardtop to the car.

You should also check to see that the centering journals have a plastic cap. They like to pop off.

Is that DVD for members or for sale somewhere?

My caps have been removed and looks like the TSB ones install, in is chewed up and we removed it hoping it would allow the journals to seat in furthur with little luck. We adjusted the allen bolts today with someone pushing on the back and this didn't close the gap like I hoped so we are scratching our heads now. The left side is easily 1.5cm away from the window compared to the pass. side.

more research to come!

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There's no evidence of a repaint on the hardtop (other than what you may have had done to get it to match your car), is there? No evidence of shipping damage?

Also, can you state for a fact your car has never been in an accident and repaired?

Hopefully your answer to all of the above is no......

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There's no evidence of a repaint on the hardtop (other than what you may have had done to get it to match your car), is there? No evidence of shipping damage?

Also, can you state for a fact your car has never been in an accident and repaired?

Hopefully your answer to all of the above is no......

from what I can tell the answer is no and the owner gave me no vibe on to believe him. I took it to our garage at my business and all my mechanics took turns kicking tires and staring at the top. we did find some slight differences in fit and height above the windshield on the drivers side. they had some seriously disturbing ideas that I'm not considering.

Anyways I had one guy push really hard on the back toward the front on the left as I cranked down the adjustment bolts. looks liked I got another centimeter of closure on the gap. At the same time I don't feel the wind intrude into the cockpit so the sound may be turbulence created by the fact the drivers side peeks a 1 cm high above the windshield then the other side.

Rather strange there appears to be no adjustment to height at the guide in at those to bolts to adjust its movement in any direction. Porsche has lots of faith in their fit finish of this product! Maybe a Porsche tech bent and grunted this top to the previous cars fit due a flaw.

Keep in mind my convertible top is 100% perfect at the top of the windshield when my top is up. So any flaws are most likely due with the hardtop. Leaving work now for the freeway, will update!

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i have the same issue with my hardtop..spent hours adjusting and it fits well, but on the driver front corner, the gap is off and it leaks in that spot. I have the dvd, it isn't all that great on the top (it's really just an install on a car that needed no reall adjusting)....great on every thing else...no offense intended here,

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i have the same issue with my hardtop..spent hours adjusting and it fits well, but on the driver front corner, the gap is off and it leaks in that spot. I have the dvd, it isn't all that great on the top (it's really just an install on a car that needed no reall adjusting)....great on every thing else...no offense intended here,

so do you just live with it?

for me I don't know if I would keep the top. I'm not happy with it and I wouldn't want to really sell it someone unless they can live with it for around town driving in the winter. It's nice as it quites road noise, large trucks ect...but I have to listen to intrusive wind the whole time on my 30 minute journey to work. not a fair trade off.

this didn't fix it yet, my adjustments produced the same noise at the corner with only a little reduction.

does anyone know if the two receiver pin bolts allow for any up/down motion of lining the top to the windshield.

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i have the same issue with my hardtop..spent hours adjusting and it fits well, but on the driver front corner, the gap is off and it leaks in that spot. I have the dvd, it isn't all that great on the top (it's really just an install on a car that needed no reall adjusting)....great on every thing else...no offense intended here,

so do you just live with it?

for me I don't know if I would keep the top. I'm not happy with it and I wouldn't want to really sell it someone unless they can live with it for around town driving in the winter. It's nice as it quites road noise, large trucks ect...but I have to listen to intrusive wind the whole time on my 30 minute journey to work. not a fair trade off.

this didn't fix it yet, my adjustments produced the same noise at the corner with only a little reduction.

does anyone know if the two receiver pin bolts allow for any up/down motion of lining the top to the windshield.

mine is not a wind issue...it leaks water. it is as if the top is not made right. (or bent, which it isn't) I will fiddle with it more tomorrow

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