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Will this oil filter wrench work?

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I saw that on ebay some time ago from a different seller. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...3982&rd=1,1 I would have bought one to check out the quality, but the shipping cost was the same as the wrench, and I already have the Hazet and Mann wrenches.

It is made by JTC tools in Taiwan, but I could not find the model 1235 on their site. http://eng.jtc.com.tw/ I cannot see why it would not work on a Porsche. It does look shorter but there is a Porsche mechanic at my dealer that uses a BMW wrench made in Japan by Kyoto tools. The wrench only needs to grab the bottom of the filter cannister.


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Someone got a deal as the Hazet is going for around $30 on ebay.

Here is another Hazet also listed for a K- series motorcycle. Current bid is $5.99 on US ebay.


Jeff, you keep trying so hard to find me one, but I think I'm fated to not get one. The seller won't ship to Canada because of all our red tape!

thx for trying


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Over the years at our local work on cars days many oil changes on different Boxsters have been done. Sometimes the oil filter cannister is on so tight you would never be able to get it off with just your hands.

That was certainly the case with mine.

My hand is also not calibrated for torque. My torque wrench is.

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Don't put it on so tight next time, it needs only about 20-30ft/lbs to keep it from leaking max. 20-30ft/lbs it just tight with your hand to the point where you don't have to really put any muscle into it. Just until it stops turning with your normal power. If you have to make a face, thats getting into 50ft/lbs territory and is obviously to tight, so no funny faces when tightening it on.

I can do head studs by hand and be within 5ft/lbs with my Snap on torque wrench so you just get used to it after a while. Of course the last step in the tightening process I use a torque wrench, just figure I would say that so people don't jump all over me. Then again when you own an Eagle Talon and do 2 head gaskets a year because of 30psi of boost you get good at torquing a head on...

Edited by 986Jim
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"Cause I was at work I sent my wife to one of the local auto parts stores (with a good description and pictures), and the guy gave her one that didn't even have the right number of flutes! So into another store this weekend, and I now think I have one that works - a Plews LubriMatic #2. It seemed to fit OK when I put it on the filter. We'll see when it's time for the next change.

On to the next issue ...

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Ahhh first one huh.. Well your second oil change will be much easier. I just changed my oil last week and I put the filter on by hand last year in the spring and it came off this year by hand again with no tools at all and it never leaked, so it doesn't take much pressure to seal it up. Try it by hand next time I'll almost guarantee you it will come off by hand. My VR6 jetta is exactly the same year but I change that car 3-4 times a year, again that baby comes off by hand no prob.

I bought my CBR used and the dip**** who did the oil the last time did the same thing, but I couldn't even get a wrench on it. I had to puncture the filter with a screwdriver right through the side and use the handle to spin it off it was on so tight. I dunno what possess people to screw them on so tight.

Edited by 986Jim
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