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2000 Boxster S troubles

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2000 Boxster S

Problem 1:

At start up cold or warm engine emits sometimes white smoke and sometimes a white/blue type smoke. I thought this may be typical for the car but now it does it much more that random. For example at a stop light the other day and when the light turned green the whole block filled with smoke and it seems to be getting progressively worse.

Problem 2:

Loud “squeaking” noise coming from engine. It sounds like a belt noise but the belt was replaced along with the alternator and the noise is still there. The noise does not get any louder when the engine is reved and seems to go away around 3500 rpm while driving. Once down to idle to noise comes back.

Problem 3:

Car seems to run a little hotter than in the past. From what I can remember the car would run at approx 180 -185 on highway and go up slightly at idle. The car is now running approx 200-210 range on highway and may go up approx 5 degree at adle.

I think that a piston ring may be bad but I really don’t want to jump to any conclusions at this point. Any advise?


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#1 Flat engines will often produce a puff of smoke at startup due to oil settling in the cylinder heads. They are not elevated above the level of the crankshaft (as in a V engine), so the oil doesn't completely drain.


#3 Remove your front bumper skin and clean out the radiators and condensers. They are known to fill up with dirt and crap, and need to be cleaned periodically. Check your coolant level and make sure it's where it needs to be.

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Smoke = air oil seperator failure

Squeak = vacuum leak (along with above), or water pump bushing failure

High coolant temp = agree, clean radiators, check water pump and fluid level

IMHO of course,


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Smoke= AOS would be my guess

Squeak= Take belt off and start the car. Does the noise go away? If so it could be an Acc or pulley

If noise does not go away, remove the oil cap and run the car. If the noise goes away then its the AOS

Temp= The weather has been getting warmer. I say normal, but like others say clean the Radiators

Edited by evansaero
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first problem with smoke definitely sounds like AOS failure. you want to be very careful. if the engine eats too much oil, the cylinder(s) can fill with (non-compressible) oil and something has to give. your engine!

i wouldn't risk driving it until you replace the AOS or rule out the AOS as a cause. you can check your throttle body for oil. when my AOS went bad, my TB was full of it. it's easy enough to check it.

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Interesting, My "S" pops a little bit of white smoke at start up for about 5 mins, then clears. But as mentioned this may just be excess oil in the bores due to the flat layout.

However, I think its a good idea to periodically check the oil separator.

Does any one have a list of methods to carry this out??

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Does any one have a list of methods to carry this out??

easiest way is to check the throttle body and AOS J-tube for more than a 'misting' of oil. the TB is held on to the intake plenum with 4 bolts. the J-tube can just be unclipped and checked. if copious amounts of oil are found, the AOS is bad.

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#3 Remove your front bumper skin and clean out the radiators and condensers. They are known to fill up with dirt and crap, and need to be cleaned periodically. Check your coolant level and make sure it's where it needs to be.

I noticed mine was running around ~95 degrees c so a few hrs ago I got this crazy idea to clean out the radiators in my 2001 S

Farout what a pain in the *** job that is lol, its 4am now and I just finished :)

But honestly the amount of **** that came out was staggering, they were quite clogged up, I even found shedded snake skin :S


That guide is quite helpfull, but honestly id be quite happy to never have to do that again lol

Good luck

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#3 Remove your front bumper skin and clean out the radiators and condensers. They are known to fill up with dirt and crap, and need to be cleaned periodically. Check your coolant level and make sure it's where it needs to be.

I noticed mine was running around ~95 degrees c so a few hrs ago I got this crazy idea to clean out the radiators in my 2001 S

Farout what a pain in the *** job that is lol, its 4am now and I just finished :)

But honestly the amount of **** that came out was staggering, they were quite clogged up, I even found shedded snake skin :S


That guide is quite helpfull, but honestly id be quite happy to never have to do that again lol

Good luck

And the sad fact is, they'll load up with crap again over time, and you'll have to do it again!

I need to do this on mine soon... just like the link you posted, I'm also in Austin (Texas), and it can get pretty freakin HOT here! We already hit 90 (F) this past Sunday.

BTW, thanks for the link... I needed to find something like that so I will know how to get into it!

Edited by FrayAdjacent986
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