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Durametric and Piwis clone...


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Aside from spending well over 10,000.00 for a PIWIS, Durametric is the best bet. If all you want to do is scan a code, yes, there are alternatives that can be less expensive, but why? If you're only worried about the code, you might as well take it to the dealer, because just knowing the code may not give you any actual values, computer data, or anything else to help you find and fix the actual problem. A plain code scanner for these cars is about as useful as trying to work on one with a phillips screwdriver and an SAE socket set.

The new features available in Durametric are more than just scanning a code and resetting a light. With the right interface cable and a few lines of Visual Basic code, I can do that myself. The real value from these tools comes from understanding the low-level logic and all of the addressing from the modules, that makes the values represent something we as humans understand. Not to mention, reverse engineering all of the addressing to do things like add the OBC hack, activate the ABS pump for bleeding and all of the other stuff that Durametric does, takes a great deal of understanding, and isn't going to be available in a 100.00 USB cable and CD-ROM.

Like most things with these cars, adn the tools required to work on them - you get what you pay for.

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I saw lately a "Piwis" software for laptop and usb cable for sale for $100.00. Do I have more function than Durametric ??? Anyone tried it?



Well, at least it's not one of those Hong Kong "knock offs".

I highly doubt it's as useful as its ad lines state, but if it turns off the airbag light and reads code, it could be a useful code reader for not much more than a code reader.

I can't imagine that Porsche's attorneys know about this, as they would be on them for the unauthorized use of the trademarked term "PIWIS". They are VERY protective, even in cases where they have no claim over the material being complained of.

If you do end up getting one, please give us a review.

Regards, Maurice.

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Well, at least it's not one of those Hong Kong "knock offs".

That's exactly what it is - a 'knock off' of the Durametric. I know someone who bought a Chinese copy, and it would only run on an outdated version of the software, and just stopped working a few days later.

Go with a genuine Durametric - you will be able to keep the software up to date, and get decent backup.

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Now why would you buy anything where the image of the software CD was blurred in the advertisement. No street or PO Box address given (claims Canada but no specifics...pretty vague). In other ads the company advertises specifics for a make but picture shows generic code reader. These guys are bogus IMHO.

With the Durametric you get a ligit product, well known, supported and your cost, while higher, supports improvements where Porsche makes it possible. Low risk.

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Thanks you all for your suggestions and comments. I got a Durametric and really satisfied with it, but I was just curious about this cheap way of accessing a very limited and sophisticated tool.... Thanks again, J.P.

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