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Replacing the stock steering (PDK) wheel with a paddle shift version (thanks Jeff @ Sunset!). Does does anyone know the recommended torque value for the fixing bolt?

Thanks in advance -

I would like to do the same on my 09 Cayman S. I assume you used your air bag. Was that a difficult transfer?

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Replacing the stock steering (PDK) wheel with a paddle shift version (thanks Jeff @ Sunset!). Does does anyone know the recommended torque value for the fixing bolt?

Thanks in advance -

I would like to do the same on my 09 Cayman S. I assume you used your air bag. Was that a difficult transfer?

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  • 3 months later...

hi serrotab, were you able to succeffully install the paddle shift steering wheel? any particular items to wathc out for ? do we need to bring it to the dealer for installation? does it void any warranty? hope you can share your esxperience... thanks

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Hello Rick (if I may) ~

The wheel R&R is relatively straight forward and simple; I'd call it a difficulty rating of 3 on a 1 - 10 scale (oil change maybe a 2). Total replacement time was about twenty five minutes. I ordered a STSM12E "triple square", 1/2 inch drive tool bit from SnapOn.com http://buy1.snapon.c...-store&tool=all to fully and properly engage the bolt that attaches the wheel to the steering column shaft. It's similar to a six-point T-55 Torx driver, only a 12-point configuration. Well worth the $37.23 total IMHO, but I'm a "tool guy" anyway. First, unless you're feeling lucky, disconnect the battery (airbag). Then make a small incision with an Exacto knife in the circular depression at the bottom-center of the steering wheel body in the lower spoke area. I then inserted a 3/16 inch diameter drift punch to engage the retention spring and release the horn / air bag assembly. If you have the new paddle-style wheel available, an inspection of the center horn cavity area will reveal what's required. Once the horn / air bag assembly pops out from the wheel, disconnect the airbag and ground connectors from the horn assembly and the main connector at the base of the wheel / column interface. The airbag connectors are color coded blue / yellow for re-installation ease, with a secondary retention clip at the top of each connector which needs to be lifted before the harness-side connector(s) can be removed. Then, unscrew the center bolt. With a fine point Sharpie or equivalent, identify the top-dead center position on the steering shaft (there's a scribe line on the wheel) and subsequently remove the wheel. Install new wheel and torque center bolt to 33-lbf per Loren's recommendation. I reacted the torque via the wheel OD to avoid loading up the column locking mechanism. Reconnect airbag, ground and main connectors to the horn assembly. Here's the important part: While re-installing the horn / airbag assembly, VERIFY (about six times) that the flat ribbon-harness is properly laying into the recess in the wheel center body prior to fully seating the horn assembly into its retention clips. It's not hard to do, just requires careful attention. If the harness is not laying in the dedicated recess slot it will bind up the horn button and you will end up having to punch a hole in your brand new wheel to release and re-install the horn button. This delicate tidbit of info from my local friendly dealer mechanic; I didn't ask him how he knew… Reconnect battery and go for a little test drive. There were a few expected (dealer informed) error messages re. "Drive-Off Assistant failure, PSM failure, ABS failure", etc. that I cleared via Durametric; otherwise they will self-clear within a block or so, again per the dealer tech. All-in-all, for me it was and is a very rewarding and fun upgrade. It takes a little while to adapt to the left-down/right-up paddle shift technique, but way fun after that! The wheel feels great, and no issues with warranty that I know of; it is a factory option for 2011 (2010?) after all. A fellow C4S friend of mine loved the wheel; his wife pestered me to order another one through Jeff at Sunset as a Christmas gift to cease his jealous ranting. Props here to Jeff / Sunset, as in my experience with the wheel and many other orders he absolutely sets the bar for customer service, with great pricing to boot. If you're anywhere near the So Cal / South Bay area, I'd be happy to help / advise with your R&R, loan you the tool, etc. PM me –

There is one little design flaw... If you're right handed and a coffee drinker like me, it is most difficult to enjoy your brew and up-shift at the same time. Almost forces one to select auto-shift for the morning commute. Not so bad in Sport Plus mode...

Hope this helps, enjoy -



hi serrotab, were you able to succeffully install the paddle shift steering wheel? any particular items to wathc out for ? do we need to bring it to the dealer for installation? does it void any warranty? hope you can share your esxperience... thanks

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sure you may. i have beent rying to find a way to use the pm feature but i can seem to find it. Nevertheless, Thank you so much for responding. it now gives me the confidence to either install it myself should the dealer charge a riduculous fee or have the dealer if the price is right.

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  • 4 months later...

Just completed this install and it went well, but I now have an airbag light on the dash - any suggestions as to the cause and remedy?

All other warning lights like PSM, etc went off after a short drive.

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Just completed this install and it went well, but I now have an airbag light on the dash - any suggestions as to the cause and remedy?

All other warning lights like PSM, etc went off after a short drive.

You will need the Durametric software, or a Porsche PIWIS to reset the airbag.

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Just completed this install and it went well, but I now have an airbag light on the dash - any suggestions as to the cause and remedy?

All other warning lights like PSM, etc went off after a short drive.

You will need the Durametric software, or a Porsche PIWIS to reset the airbag.

Stopped by Stead Porsche in Walnut Creek this morning and they reset the light. Stead is great, I had no appointment, just showed up. Service Manager Melissa offered me a cup of coffee and they reset the light while I waited - no charge!

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