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2000 996: foam debris from A/C vents

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Yeah. All of the flaps in your air conditioning unit have a layer of foam on the edges to help them seal off passages and block airflow when needed. Over time this foam can deteriorate and you will experience what you are seeing.

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Thanks. I have found the threads that you mentioned

there are several threads about this issue in the forum. check out search engine. As I understand it, the foam is coming off the edges of the flap in the a/c system that mixes hot/cold air.

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What is the "fix" for this problem? I've heard you have to take the dash apart, but aside from that minor inconvenience, what else must be done? New fan blower, doors--- or can the foam seals be repaired? I couldn't find a link to the answer using the search engine so this problem is probably above my skill level.

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What is the "fix" for this problem? I've heard you have to take the dash apart, but aside from that minor inconvenience, what else must be done? New fan blower, doors--- or can the foam seals be repaired? I couldn't find a link to the answer using the search engine so this problem is probably above my skill level.


No need to take the dash apart. Poster "rsfeller" has posted the most outstanding DIY on this issue a couple of years ago.

Here is the link to the procedure: http://www.renntech....__1#entry111502

Go to post #10 for the updated offsite link for all photos and details.

Regards, Maurice.

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1schoir, thanks for the link but when I tried it, it was down. Does anyone have a newer link to repairing the door foam on AC blower? I was encouraged to hear that maybe the dash does not have to be taken apart? I love picking foam pieces out of my hair and clothes, especially since it disintegrates soon as you touch it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1schoir, thanks for the link but when I tried it, it was down. Does anyone have a newer link to repairing the door foam on AC blower? I was encouraged to hear that maybe the dash does not have to be taken apart? I love picking foam pieces out of my hair and clothes, especially since it disintegrates soon as you touch it.


I contacted Shawn and he has posted a new link, which now works: http://www.carboncow...id=16&Itemid=96

Let us know how you make out.

Regards, Maurice.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have this problem in my 1999 996. Given the amount of foam coming up out of my vents, it surprises me that it's just the flap described and photo documented in the DIY. (Great job, by the way. Many thanks for the careful "ber-ceedure".)

I live in South Florida and have no problems with the quality of my AC, other than the "snowstorm" of foam flakes that come out of the vents.

I guess the real effects of this loss of foam is with the heater?

I'm weighing my options here. Either I just keep fishing foam out of the vents until it is all gone, or I go in.

But duct tape? Is that going to last in a high heat environment? I know ducts are for hot and cold air, but duct tape as a baffle?

I'm wondering if aluminum foil makes more sense.

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