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I have PSE on my 03 Cab and I love the sound. I also like the option of turning it off when I want a little more peace and quiet. I have not heard alot of the aftermarket exhausts but I enjoy the sound of my PSE. I also like the fact that it is a factory product.

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It is one of the favorite features on my C2. You can basically adjust the volume of it by stepping on the gas. The faster you go the nicer it sounds. I don't find it too loud at all but if you are in a situation where you want a little more quite you can just simply lay off the gas in addition to using the switch in the dash and it is not too noticable at all. The PSE makes a 911 sound like what a 911 should sound like IMO. I have also done the PSE cutout hack and have no problems with it.

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What do you mean retrofit the exhaust? As in after the fact not ordered with the car from day one? If that is the case, I did it that way. Didn't think the car would need the PSE. I mean, it is a Porsche after all and it should sound like one when you drive it right? Wrong. I felt myself always wanting a better sounding note to reflect the true boxer engine sound. PSE was the answer. All 911's should come standard with PSE. IMHO though.

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What do you mean retrofit the exhaust?  As in after the fact not ordered with the car from day one?  If that is the case, I did it that way.  Didn't think the car would need the PSE.  I mean, it is a Porsche after all and it should sound like one when you drive it right?  Wrong.  I felt myself always wanting a better sounding note to reflect the true boxer engine sound.  PSE was the answer.  All 911's should come standard with PSE.  IMHO though.

Yeah, sorry I use the term Retrofit in my daily work. Yeah after the FACT. Is this something you had a shop do? Any suggestions. I find myself feeling the same way. Gotta be my biggest gripe with the car overall.

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I just wish I had it on since day one! Good news is, since I knew what it sounded like before and what is sounded like after I can honestly say "what was PAG thinking when they put that wimpy exhaust on the car?" Can't imagine my car without it. But exhaust is like tires, each person will have their own opinion and some will simply just not like the PSE.

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"what was PAG thinking when they put that wimpy exhaust on the car?" 

To pass Noise Legislation/Regulations in certain countries.

You will find that the PSE is technically illegal in some countries as the car will not meet their noise regulations for new vehicles if fitted as standard.

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Thanks Costas, I was aware of the noise regs. My question was rhetorical.

But then it begs the question (like the ride height requirement in the US), why not fit ALL 911's with the PSE except for those with noise regs..........like PAG has a RoW suspension and then a US suspension that most of us end up changing to RoW (or the like).

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When there are people lining up to buy them for $1500- $2000++ why not? that's part of being the most profitable car company in the world. Take a standard muffler add $25 worth of pipe and valves then sell it for 2-4X as much as the stock muffler....


Edited by dj996
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When there are people lining up to buy them for $1500- $2000++ why not? that's part of being the most profitable car company in the world. Take a standard muffler add $25 worth of pipe and valves then sell it for 2-4X as much as the stock muffler....


Hey DJ, what's that?

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Great feedback, Has anyone retrofit the exhaust into a C2?

I just made the switch on my car (02). I highly recommend it! I also had the switch installed (w/o auto-mute) and it is nice to be able to quite the exhaust when needed for a phone call (work conference calls etc) etc.

Its an expensive mod for really only enhanced sound but IMHO well worth it.


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And the PSE sounds Vs say the FABSPEED sound?

I have two Fabspeed mufflers on my 996C2. They sound great and are of a very decent build-quality. Unlike PSE they are in stainless-steel.

That's something to think about. So then you might end up paying for the cool ability to turn it on and off. Which I do think is one of the greatest features of the PSE.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
The fabspeed prob add some hp, the pse zero, as it is nothing more than a pipe welded btwn the inlet/outlet. How could it add any power. I have GHL's on mine sound great, not too loud, not quite, just right.

The later PSE completely re-routes the exhaust gasses through the muffler and through a different, full-size outlet pipe altogether when in loud mode. this is spliced into the part of the muffler that the tailpipe attaches to.

This later-style PSE on a 3.6 feels like it produces a little more and at least one member of the UK Porsche Club (see post from Ess_Three in this thread: http://www.porscheclubgbforum.com/tm.asp?m=99681 ) has reported over 10BHP increases on the dyno. Has anyone else had a before/after dyno run with the latest PSE?

Ian W


Edited by ianwallwork
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The 2nd generation definitely looks better than the 1st gen PSE. And I hope it is an improvement. But how sure are you that the internals are extensively modified? As opposed to just adding an extra outflow pipe off the stock case. From what I've seen with my 1st gen PSE nothing would surprise me.

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The exhaust gasses apparently take a different (if only shorter) route through the muffler to exit at the top rather than the centre of the can. When the valves are closed, the gas goes through an additional chamber - hence quieter - and exits through the middle outlet like standard. This was confirmed by another Porsche Club GB member who had seen a new-style can opened up but I can't find the thread just now. Will add it to this message when I find it


Do you have any details of the differences between all three 996 PSEs? The early type is obviously visibly different to later ones but I wasn't aware there were two later types. Any idea what they changed and when the changes came about?

Hope you can advise

Ian W

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