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2017 991 Radar Detector Install & Type

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Just bought my new  2017 - 911  Carrera 991 C2 , and wondering what type/brand of radar detector I should buy, and how to install it (hard wire it) ?

  I also read somewhere, one must be careful, where to place/mount the detector, due to some windshield (windscreen) tints, as that will adversely affect the performance of the radar detector.

Anyone have any thoughts or info, on name brands, how to install one, and the windshield tint issue ?    Much obliged & thanks 

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You are correct about tints as some of them contain metallic materials which can totally block a detector.  For best reception, the detector should be mounted as high as possible without being blocked by tints.  Valentine Research, manufacturers of the highly regarded V1 detector have an excellent "white paper" on their website about optimum mounting locations.


Mounting the device has many options, from suction cups to mechanical mounts that suspend from the rearview mirror mount, but all are a matter of personal choice usually based on cosmetic appearance issues.  You need to do some research in this area to make a decision.


There are multiple hard wiring options available, all you really need is access to a wire that is hot with the ignition in the on position, and a good ground.  Some people have used the wiring for the dome light controls above the mirror.


As for which brand, you will get a lot of opinions, most based on personal preferences rather than actual performance.  My personal choice is the V1, which offers 360 degree detection, bogey counter, and unlimited upgrades as new threat technologies pop up.  My choice is based upon reading side by side performance reviews, and nearly 20 years of never being hit with a ticket from radar or laser that went undetected as I have roamed all over the US.  Others will probably chime in to tell you this or that brand is better, but to date I have not seen another device to equal the V1's history of consistent  performance.  Do your homework, you are buying something to keep you out of trouble, so know what you are buying.


Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another vote for the V1.  When the technology changes (hardware or software) it's upgradable or replaced by the vendor at a very reasonable price.  I mounted it up by the rearview mirror and as JFP says there is a wire up there which can be accessed through the sunroof control panel, if memory serves, to hardwire it.  The V1 even comes with the part(s) you need to do this right out of the box (or at least it did when I bought mine).  Really the only way to get "caught" with the V1 is if you're hit with instant on, but in that case nothing's gonna stop it.  The V1 also holds its value extremely well.  When I wanted to sell mine in the past (moved to Manhattan where you can't drive over 20-30 mph under most circumstances) it sold on eBay for almost the same price I paid for it new.  Heck of a deal.  Good luck.

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Thanks fellas , I think Santa got me one,  but any others a bit cheaper than the Valentine , Escort, Bel tronics etc  ?  Also any other installation tips will be appreciated, so I don't ruin the interior on my brand new 911/ 991 Thank You 

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34 minutes ago, britdave said:

Thanks fellas , I think Santa got me one,  but any others a bit cheaper than the Valentine , Escort, Bel tronics etc  ?  Also any other installation tips will be appreciated, so I don't ruin the interior on my brand new 911/ 991 Thank You 


With defensive electronics like a radar detector, "you gets what you pays for".  Cheap is not the route you want to go, unless you value your driver's license the same way. :blink:

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45 minutes ago, britdave said:

Thanks fellas , I think Santa got me one,  but any others a bit cheaper than the Valentine , Escort, Bel tronics etc  ?  Also any other installation tips will be appreciated, so I don't ruin the interior on my brand new 911/ 991 Thank You 


As far as installation tips, really the method stated above about tapping into the car's wiring is the cleanest and least intrusive method as far as ruining the interior goes.  It's really simple and clean which is the reason most people have chosen to do it this way. 


Agree that you get what you pay for so just think about the incremental cost of a V1 and then think about what just one additional traffic ticket might cost.  Generally speaking, one speeding ticket saved can roughly pay for the entire device.


Congrats on your new car!

Edited by Silver_TT
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Britdave,

Like JFP says, "you get what you pay for." Just a few tickets and insurance bumps will pay for the nicest detector. The police and troopers do profile us whether we like it or not.

The Valentine is a great unit. It's big advantage was the Arrows. It let you know where the cops were. But it's patent ran out and Escort now has a unit with the arrows call the Max 360C.

The big advantage of the Escort is that it blue tooths to your smart phone and with the Escort Live GPS ap the units talk to each other and the warnings are posted on your phone in advance! You get a phone mount from ProClip. I mount mine on the A pillar right next to the steering wheel so it is always within my sight. Escort also has the best suction mount. You mount the detector next to the rear view mirror and run the wire under the head liner down the A pillar to the fuse box. The detector uses very little power so you can grab power from any switched source and the detector will come on when you start the car. You also want a wired ProClip. That is wired to power that is always on that way your phone won't run out of power on a long trip and the phone will also charge when you leave the car. 

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