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So I recently had the RMS replaced on my 04 CTT at a local indie. I ended up having to pay nearly a thousand extra for additional work that I do not believe should have been completed. The mechanic said I needed a new drive belt, coolant hose, breather hose, valve cover gaskets and spark plug cover gaskets. After cost of parts and labor it was $950 or so. My question (which I think I know already) is why would he be messing around with those items if he was changing the RMS? To do so doesn't require any to end work, right? If I'm wrong please let me know and if anyone has a guide on how to change the RMS on a turbo Cayenne is love to read it over. Thanks.
Sent from my Google Pixel XL 2 using Tapatalk

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On 10/01/2018 at 5:31 PM, andrewjt19 said:

So I recently had the RMS replaced on my 04 CTT at a local indie. I ended up having to pay nearly a thousand extra for additional work that I do not believe should have been completed. The mechanic said I needed a new drive belt, coolant hose, breather hose, valve cover gaskets and spark plug cover gaskets. After cost of parts and labor it was $950 or so. My question (which I think I know already) is why would he be messing around with those items if he was changing the RMS? To do so doesn't require any to end work, right? If I'm wrong please let me know and if anyone has a guide on how to change the RMS on a turbo Cayenne is love to read it over. Thanks.
Sent from my Google Pixel XL 2 using Tapatalk


I hope they changed your torque convertor seal as well or you might be in for a nasty surprise one day. 

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38 minutes ago, andrewjt19 said:

I don't know would that be a part of that job typically? It was warranty work.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

Well to get to the rear main seal they have to split the engine and transmission and remove the flywheel thus exposing the crankshaft main oil seal. 

The torque convertor seal is right there so it's a no brainer one would have thought and only a 40 dollar part. 

Maybe they did it without you knowing but I would ask so you know. If in the future you get red transmission fluid leaking out the bell housing holes that's the torque convertor seal leaking and the whole process needs to be repeated. 

I had it done on mine before selling it. What a pita. 

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Well to get to the rear main seal they have to split the engine and transmission and remove the flywheel thus exposing the crankshaft main oil seal. 
The torque convertor seal is right there so it's a no brainer one would have thought and only a 40 dollar part. 
Maybe they did it without you knowing but I would ask so you know. If in the future you get red transmission fluid leaking out the bell housing holes that's the torque convertor seal leaking and the whole process needs to be repeated. 
I had it done on mine before selling it. What a pita. 
Ok. I'd assume they didn't since it was warranty work, but I'll ask. The coolant pipes were changed before I bought it so I'm kinda hoping they did that then. I'm the third owner of this CTT. Honestly, I've had more issues with mechanics than anything. I feel like no one knows what they're doing with this car. Sometimes I just don't have the time do to the work so it's easier to bring to them. I just dropped 3k in a week and most of the work I could have done. Oh well, it's just money. Live and learn.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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