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Kumho ECSTA SPT Tires

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I am in need of my first set of replacement tires on a 98 Boxster. After reading app. 4000 posts on tires I can honestly say that at best I am confused. My driving style is semi- aggressive and I spend more time on back roads than elswhere. I plan on no track time in the near future. I would be pleased if someone could tell me about their experiences with Kumho tires and especially the Ecsta SPT. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration. Ed

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I am in need of my first set of replacement tires on a 98 Boxster. After reading app. 4000 posts on tires I can honestly say that at best I am confused. My driving style is semi- aggressive and I spend more time on back roads than elswhere. I plan on no track time in the near future. I would be pleased if someone could tell me about their experiences with Kumho tires and especially the Ecsta SPT. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration. Ed

I purchased the Kumho Ecsta ASX for my 2001 Boxster. Front 225/40/18 rear 265/35/18. I have put about 1000 miles on them and am very pleased with the performance and ride. I had Continentals before. I have not noticed any decrease in performance and a boost in ride quality. Also they should last well over 20K unlike the conti's.

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Heard a lot about the kuhmo ecsta's, but it all comes down to "you get what you pay for", you'll start to notice attitude changes in tires after 10 - 15k of use.

Ive upgraded my old P-Zero's to the Yokahama Advan sports, huge increase in ride quality and grip! These tires are so much quieter than the pirelli's it feels like im floating.

Performance, they grip like glue, im in the breakin period at the moment and even now they grip are better than the pirelli's

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i've read the same amount of posts as you - and i'm still confused! :rolleyes:

i have the Ecsta SPTs for my rear tires. (i have the Ecsta Supra 712s for the front - they haven't worn out yet...)

i think they're good tires. a few people complain about tire noise, but i don't think i've ever noticed excessive tire noise from any tire - except when i had huge knobbies on my '92 Rodeo.

they stick well in dry conditions, and they are pretty good in the wet. but as you probably know, it's very easy to get sideways in the Box. :drive:

i don't know if you *always* 'get what you pay for'. many times, a brand name is involved and that jacks up the price substantially. 'Porsche', anyone? ;)

i give them a thumbs up. :thumbup:

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I've got new SPTs at all four corners. While the temps haven't gotten above 55 here yet, what little "pushing around" I did on these tires, they seem to hold up well. I don't notice excessive road noise. I have not driven in the wet at all yet.

I plan on using mine primarily for a couple autocrosses, then lots of highway miles.

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I bought Toyo T1R for my car, 225/45/17 and 265/40/17 and am really happy with these. I have had Rosso's and S0-3's before and the T1R are easily as good on this car. Many tires don't come in a 265 width for the back and the T1R did so I was happy about that. They look hella fine too on the car, very nice tread pattern.


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I had Kumho Ecsta ASX on my previous car, which had Michelin Pilot Sports as the OEM tires... the Kumhos were great! They were not as grippy, but the ride quality was as good or better, and I didn't notice much noise difference. Had them on the car for 10k miles when I traded it on the Box. Aside from some wear on the edges of the front tires (didn't rotate them when I should have), the tires looked practically new!

When I got my Boxster, it needed new rear tires... It was a draw between the Ecsta SPT, and the BF Goodrich GForce Sports. I went with the BFG to try something different. They were the same price as the Kumhos... had a good treadwear rating (the Box is my daily driver, so I want to get as much tire life as I can!)

I like the BFGs I got, they grip well in dry conditions, and if nudged a bit, they will break loose... but they do seem to be a bit slick when it's wet.

The car still has some Bridgstone Pole Positions on the front that have a little tread life left... but they will lose grip and cause some understeer if I push 'em... so I'm starting to think about what I should put on the front... Probably go with the same BFGs for now, then in a year or so, switch to something else.

But anyway, I would say Kumhos are good tires, and they are cost effective. They probably won't be 100% as good as Pirellis or other higher end tires, but for the cost difference, they compete! A buddy had Kumhos on his C5 'vette, and then on his 99 996, and he liked them.

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I did have toyo t1R's on my car but was unsatisfied with the treadwear. as someone else stated, this is my dd and is not tracked, so treadwear is important to me. after the toyos wore out, i chose the kumho asx over the spt due to their longer treadwear rating and due to the fact that they are all season tires and i drive my car year round. have been very pleased with them so far, grippy enough for road use and a comfortable tire.

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I did have toyo t1R's on my car but was unsatisfied with the treadwear. as someone else stated, this is my dd and is not tracked, so treadwear is important to me. after the toyos wore out, i chose the kumho asx over the spt due to their longer treadwear rating and due to the fact that they are all season tires and i drive my car year round. have been very pleased with them so far, grippy enough for road use and a comfortable tire.

How many miles did you get from the T1R? Its not my DD so I don't care about threadwear, nevermind the fact that I burn my tires out and hang every corner I possibly can... Regardless, how many miles did you get on them ?

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