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PSE Fitting on a MY07

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I fitted a Porsche Sport Exhaust (option XLF) on my MY07 987 over the weekend.

The procedure was technically quite simple but sometimes a little physically challenging.

If anyone is considering doing the same and wants any advise/tips just let me know.

For info my car has Sports Chrono which makes the fitment easier and you will need a friendly Porsche dealer to software enable the exhaust after it's fitted!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't suppose you would know why porsche are making life difficult for pre MY07 owners wanting the PSE? Apparently there is an issue somwhere with the install but i have heard nothing on why that is. Rumours abound that it's a DME thing, while i also hear its about emissions.

It;s something i want to try myself but unfortunately there is little guidance out there on this hurdle.



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I had a Porsche dealership put the PSE on my 2006 987S. It is great. I also have Sport Chrono.

The only issue is that the vacuum lines don't have any place to hook-in. So, they just installed it without the lines, and the mufflers are always in Sport Mode (loud). Sounds great, and this is the way you would want it anyway.

Total cost was just under $2,200. Sunset Porsche has the parts. Phil will set-you-up!

Edited by White987S
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I take it you didn't have the button spec'd from factory? Thanks for the offer but being in the UK, there is always a thick layer of tape to cut through before you even get remotely close to what you want :(.

I seem to be getting the same responses from the OPC's here.



Edited by Popolou
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I take it you didn't have the button spec'd from factory? Thanks for the offer but being in the UK, there is always a layer of think tape to cut through before you even get remotely close to what you what :(.

I seem to be getting the same responses from the OPC's here.



Popolou, what "button" are your referring to? If you mean the Sport Chrono button, I have one of those from the factory, since my car was ordered with Sport Chrono (option code # 639).

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I take it you didn't have the button spec'd from factory? Thanks for the offer but being in the UK, there is always a layer of think tape to cut through before you even get remotely close to what you what :(.

I seem to be getting the same responses from the OPC's here.



Popolou, what "button" are your referring to? If you mean the Sport Chrono button, I have one of those from the factory, since my car was ordered with Sport Chrono (option code # 639).

You say that the shop couldn't plumb the lines so i assumed that the Sports chrono option wasn't ticked. If this is not the case, would you kindly elaborate on this then. Are you saying that the neccessary gubbins to actuate the valves are not in place for any pre MY07 as evident by your install?



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I take it you didn't have the button spec'd from factory? Thanks for the offer but being in the UK, there is always a layer of think tape to cut through before you even get remotely close to what you what :(.

I seem to be getting the same responses from the OPC's here.



Popolou, what "button" are your referring to? If you mean the Sport Chrono button, I have one of those from the factory, since my car was ordered with Sport Chrono (option code # 639).

You say that the shop couldn't plumb the lines so i assumed that the Sports chrono option wasn't ticked. If this is not the case, would you kindly elaborate on this then. Are you saying that the neccessary gubbins to actuate the valves are not in place for any pre MY07 as evident by your install?



My PSE is in "sport" (loud) mode at all times. The factory set-up make the mufflers quiet at certain speeds and RPM's.

My set-up does not actuate any valves.

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I take it you didn't have the button spec'd from factory? Thanks for the offer but being in the UK, there is always a layer of think tape to cut through before you even get remotely close to what you what :(.

I seem to be getting the same responses from the OPC's here.



Popolou, what "button" are your referring to? If you mean the Sport Chrono button, I have one of those from the factory, since my car was ordered with Sport Chrono (option code # 639).

You say that the shop couldn't plumb the lines so i assumed that the Sports chrono option wasn't ticked. If this is not the case, would you kindly elaborate on this then. Are you saying that the neccessary gubbins to actuate the valves are not in place for any pre MY07 as evident by your install?



My PSE is in "sport" (loud) mode at all times. The factory set-up make the mufflers quiet at certain speeds and RPM's.

My set-up does not actuate any valves.

I think pre MY07 there is no place in the engine bay to attach the vacuum tubes (possibly because a pre MY07 car does not have VarioCam plus, someone more technical might know???). All the sports chrono bit does on a MY07 car is stop you having to run electrical cables from the DME to a new switch on the dash for the Sports Exhaust. On a MY07 Sports Chrono car the exhaust is activated using the Sports Chrono button so no additional electrical wiring is required.

Does the above makes sense???

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I take it you didn't have the button spec'd from factory? Thanks for the offer but being in the UK, there is always a layer of think tape to cut through before you even get remotely close to what you what :(.

I seem to be getting the same responses from the OPC's here.



Popolou, what "button" are your referring to? If you mean the Sport Chrono button, I have one of those from the factory, since my car was ordered with Sport Chrono (option code # 639).

You say that the shop couldn't plumb the lines so i assumed that the Sports chrono option wasn't ticked. If this is not the case, would you kindly elaborate on this then. Are you saying that the neccessary gubbins to actuate the valves are not in place for any pre MY07 as evident by your install?



My PSE is in "sport" (loud) mode at all times. The factory set-up make the mufflers quiet at certain speeds and RPM's.

My set-up does not actuate any valves.

I think pre MY07 there is no place in the engine bay to attach the vacuum tubes (possibly because a pre MY07 car does not have VarioCam plus, someone more technical might know???). All the sports chrono bit does on a MY07 car is stop you having to run electrical cables from the DME to a new switch on the dash for the Sports Exhaust. On a MY07 Sports Chrono car the exhaust is activated using the Sports Chrono button so no additional electrical wiring is required.

Does the above makes sense???

Yes. But, I am not sure about the VarioCam Plus statement. How long did the job take you? More than 3 hours?

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I take it you didn't have the button spec'd from factory? Thanks for the offer but being in the UK, there is always a layer of think tape to cut through before you even get remotely close to what you what :(.

I seem to be getting the same responses from the OPC's here.



Popolou, what "button" are your referring to? If you mean the Sport Chrono button, I have one of those from the factory, since my car was ordered with Sport Chrono (option code # 639).

You say that the shop couldn't plumb the lines so i assumed that the Sports chrono option wasn't ticked. If this is not the case, would you kindly elaborate on this then. Are you saying that the neccessary gubbins to actuate the valves are not in place for any pre MY07 as evident by your install?



My PSE is in "sport" (loud) mode at all times. The factory set-up make the mufflers quiet at certain speeds and RPM's.

My set-up does not actuate any valves.

I think pre MY07 there is no place in the engine bay to attach the vacuum tubes (possibly because a pre MY07 car does not have VarioCam plus, someone more technical might know???). All the sports chrono bit does on a MY07 car is stop you having to run electrical cables from the DME to a new switch on the dash for the Sports Exhaust. On a MY07 Sports Chrono car the exhaust is activated using the Sports Chrono button so no additional electrical wiring is required.

Does the above makes sense???

Yes. But, I am not sure about the VarioCam Plus statement. How long did the job take you? More than 3 hours?

The job took about a day. About 2 hours for the exhaust. About 3 hours just getting the required wiring harness freed in the engine bay (Porsche had cable strapped it and taped it in about the most humanly difficult location to get at.) and about 2 hours for the vacuum tube and charge valve connection (again had to be careful Porsche give you absolutely no additional vacuum tube; a miscut and it's off to parts to order some more)!!

If I had to do the job again I would estimate about 3 - 4 hours all in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So from what i'm reading here , if you have the sport chrono pack , but an early 3.2 boxster then you will need to find an alternative point on the intake manifold to get vacuum to activate the flap valve in the exhaust. The other option is to fit the exhaust without the option to control it , or if no sport chrono is fitted , buy an new switch panel for the lower console , wth the sport exhaust button and wire it in yourself.

I cannot believe there aren't any lines that couldn't be cut and tee'd to allow for this. What would be helpful would be a picture of where the sports exhaust gets it vacuum supply from on a 3.4 engine , to compare with the 3.2. Anyone able to help ? Thanks

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Since i last post on this, i've had the chance to open up the engine bay and take a peek around for the neccessary lines.

I've found that there is indeed a standard change-over valve (where you connect into the vaccum system) however located between cylinders 2-3 as opposed to 1-2 in the TSB. Removing it, it's very likely that you can plumb into to get a vaccum line to the electric change-over valve as part of the PSE kit.

The only trouble i noticed was that i couldn't find the 2-pin harness that was meant to be connected to a dummy block found underneath the scavenge pump. It's this cable that connects to the electric change-over valve. Also, the change-over valve is meant to be connected to a lower point on the engine hoist as per the TSB again, but the space is already occupied by a large breather pipe.

I'll try and upload those photos i took of my MY06 987s.



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Here's the snap i took of the engine bay when i was investigating whether the neccessary gubbins were there for the PSE: -


As you can see, the standard change-over valve is located between cylinders 2/3 and the 2-pin harness thats meant to be behind the RHS branch of the intake manifold isn't there (at least, i couldn't find it). I suspect, and if wizard263789 wants to come back to me on this, it could be very well hidden down there so its possible that it may exist, but i couldn't spot it.

Towards the back, you'll see that the lifting eye already has a hose attached to it. According to the TSB, that (occupied) screw hole is meant to support the electric change-over valve. It therefore seems that there are a number of differences between the 3.2 and 3.4 blocks beyond merely capacity.

My car is in for a little recall work but will confirm with them that there is no PSE option within the DME for a MY06 car. If that's the case then it should put to rest the issue of anything prior to an MY07 car going for the full install of the the PSE (DME and all) but, and as already posted, you shouldn't have any trouble installing the mechanicals and leaving out the vaccum lines.



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Ok. For those interested I have re-attached Popolou picture with the location of the cable connector and also the electric charge valve connection point, as Popolou has said the the standard valve is also between cylinders 1 and 2 on a MY07 engine.

Here's the snap i took of the engine bay when i was investigating whether the neccessary gubbins were there for the PSE: -

As you can see, the standard change-over valve is located between cylinders 2/3 and the 2-pin harness thats meant to be behind the RHS branch of the intake manifold isn't there (at least, i couldn't find it). I suspect, and if wizard263789 wants to come back to me on this, it could be very well hidden down there so its possible that it may exist, but i couldn't spot it.

Towards the back, you'll see that the lifting eye already has a hose attached to it. According to the TSB, that (occupied) screw hole is meant to support the electric change-over valve. It therefore seems that there are a number of differences between the 3.2 and 3.4 blocks beyond merely capacity.

My car is in for a little recall work but will confirm with them that there is no PSE option within the DME for a MY06 car. If that's the case then it should put to rest the issue of anything prior to an MY07 car going for the full install of the the PSE (DME and all) but, and as already posted, you shouldn't have any trouble installing the mechanicals and leaving out the vaccum lines.




Edited by wizard263789
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  • 7 months later...
So, if I want to disconnect the vacuum lines so the valves are always open, where are they until the car? Can I get to them without putting the car on a lift?

You should be able to get to them without a lift. You will see the lines, one on each side. The are braided stainless steel.

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Yes you can disconnect them without a lift. A better solution would be to remove the connector for the engine bay as otherwise you are going to have to cable tie the vacuum tubes up to stop they flapping about in the breeze!

So, if I want to disconnect the vacuum lines so the valves are always open, where are they until the car? Can I get to them without putting the car on a lift?
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  • 1 year later...

Ive recently bought a used PSE and plan to fit it to my 987S 2005 MY. Having looked at the differences between the 3.4 engine and 3.2 I beleive that it can still be installed. The differences between 2007 model boxster / cayman and the previous units , seem to focus on the wiring for the PSE being plug and play. The 997 shares the same rear DME as the boxster and this does have the capability to control the PSE , the TSB suggesting that wiring can be spliced to control it. I know that the PSE has been fitted to a 3.2S in the UK with full controls , as I spoke with both the Porsche dealer that did the work and the owner of the car. I plan on fitting the exhaust and prepping the wiring myself before taking the car to an OPC to have the rear DME coded and the wiring finished off. I am as yet undecided if I will also add the facility to run the PSE independantly of the normal software so that it can remain on all the time. I will post up pics of the install as I progress over the next few weeks.

Edited by berty987
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Ive recently bought a used PSE and plan to fit it to my 987S 2005 MY. Having looked at the differences between the 3.4 engine and 3.2 I beleive that it can still be installed. The differences between 2007 model boxster / cayman and the previous units , seem to focus on the wiring for the PSE being plug and play. The 997 shares the same rear DME as the boxster and this does have the capability to control the PSE , the TSB suggesting that wiring can be spliced to control it. I know that the PSE has been fitted to a 3.2S in the UK with full controls , as I spoke with both the Porsche dealer that did the work and the owner of the car. I plan on fitting the exhaust and prepping the wiring myself before taking the car to an OPC to have the rear DME coded and the wiring finished off. I am as yet undecided if I will also add the facility to run the PSE independantly of the normal software so that it can remain on all the time. I will post up pics of the install as I progress over the next few weeks.

Most people I've spoken to (including myself) have disconnected the vacuum line so it stays on permanently, so if it is easier/cheaper I wouldn't bother wiring it up. The exhaust sounds great when you put your foot down and there is no drone between 2000-3000 rpm so I wouldn't worry about having it on permanently. Out of interest (PM if better) how much did you purchase your PSE for as I might have to get rid of mine if I install a turbo.

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The PSE unit from porsche comes as a kit and retails for about 1200 Uk pounds. I picked mine up from e bay for 150 pounds...It was removed from a 2007 Cayman last year so its only seen a years use at most. I think you should be able to sell a used PSE in good condition for close to 400 pounds, I guess I was just lucky.

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