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Water leak inside the car

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The car was left ever the weekend on the drive way and when we got back there was a standing water on the passenger side and a bit wet on the drivers side.

It was pouring down here whole weekend.

No leak through the roof or the back as all is dry, but under the door speakers the carpet is soaked.

I'm planning to take the door panels off, but it was still raining yesterday.

Any ideas or suggestions while I have to wait for a better weather?

Thank you

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I'm having similar problems - and boy does it rain in Glasgow! Passenger seat well gets damp (not soaking) after downpour - although I have manually inspected the roof drains behind the seats and they seem clear. I am going to clean and check the foam water paths that guide the water into the roof drains for damage.

Could this be climate control related....where does the condensation line run from in a UK car (driver or passenger side)?

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Hey Beety,

I don't think that it is the aircon :(

Have a look in here, that explains a lot ;) http://www.porscheclubgbforum.com/tm.asp?m=290310

But another think I have found!

When you open the front boot, the compartment where the battery is, I have found about 5 litres of water there, as there are two holes/tubes/drains, which were totally blocked.

Now, I have unblocked them, but one of them (the one on the passenger side) I have pushed a bit too hard and pushed it in out of the hole.

Does anybody know if this will make a leak into the car as well?

How I have found out about this, the water got into the alarm siren and now it's short cutting and making funny noises :(

I hope that it will fix it self when it gets dry.

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No worry this make no leak into the car, but the alarm siren ( and if the car is equipped with a lift sensor - white box ) is/are faulty. There is a good chance that the brake booster contains water, this give you in the future problems with the brakes ( stick ). Pour out the booster A.S.A.P.

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Ok took it all apart and have a few questions...

Brake booster - is it the part located under the battery plate? Looked all dry there, but I didn't open that as it seamed sealed.

Lift sensor - the white box was under the water and the siren was making some funny noises (short-cuts due to the water), stopped now, but there seams to be some water inside the white box - good or bad????????

Now each time the car is locked, we get the double bleep as something is open, but all is closed :(

The door

I took the panel of on the passenger side and all looked in order and dried out.

The drain hole was clear, so I don't understand where the water was coming from :(

Just in case I have taken out the rubber plug, which is in the front of the door, so let me know if that is a big mistake ;)





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The brake booster is located under the black plastic cover, the master brake cylinder is bolted on it.

The lift sensor is faulty and is the reason for the two bleeps. ( TWO bleeps = ALARM system fault --- ONE bleep = something not closed )

You mean one of the four plugs on the bottom of the door, in this case no problem.

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The brake booster is located under the black plastic cover, the master brake cylinder is bolted on it.

The lift sensor is faulty and is the reason for the two bleeps. ( TWO bleeps = ALARM system fault --- ONE bleep = something not closed )

You mean one of the four plugs on the bottom of the door, in this case no problem.

this is a great help RFM and all of you, thank you :)

Now, would you know how to open and clean out the booster, I think I'm good with hands if I know what I'm doing ;)

So the alarm is looking like a dealer job :(

Yes one of those four.

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You cant open the booster, all you can do is remove the booster pour out and let him dry. This gives you no guaranty for the future replace is the best option. Brakes are a safety item, two hands are not enough, if you got no experience with brake systems go to a workshop.

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  • 8 months later...
did you source the problem with regards to the original water leak. I too have a very wet door card, drivers side specifically at the bottom front.


It sounds like somebody has taken your door panel off in the past, possibly to replace the window regulator or to install "upgraded" speakers, and that they didn't bother to re-install the waterproof foam liner properly.

In any case, you may be able to re-use the waterproof foam liner that is in between the inner metal door skin and the back of the door panel by reheating the (black) adhesive that attaches it to the door skin while pressing it against the metal. You can use a hot air gun or a hair dryer, but be careful not to burn through the foam liner. Also make sure that the areas that have wires or a cable going through are well sealed.

If the foam liner does not stick well with the old adhesive, use a new sealer such as Permatex Black Silicone Adhesive Sealant (Permatex item #81158), available in any auto parts store.

Here is a link to a procedure for removing the door panel, with good instructions and photos:


Make sure that the key is off and out of the ignition before you disconnect the side air bag, so that you don't set off the airbag light. Don't put the key back in until everything has been buttoned up again.

Regards, Maurice.

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