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Flat Paint on a Porsche?

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Looks great...we are going to be in the process of repainting our 98 986 in the next year and I have always thought about a 'flat' paint with a satin clear coat. I thinks it sets the car apart. I am thinking about a hybrid of sliver/gun metal as the original color is Artic Silver Met. with the top being black with a black leather interior. It would be easy to maintain not show allot of road dirt and be completely different from every other 986 of that vintage.


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I recently had the car painted and I snapped a few pictures of it before they applied the layers of clear.

I almost had them leave the flat blue on it but chickened out at the last second.

Anyone here like it?


Have to see it in person -- but it looks pretty cool with the pictures....

What did a complete paint job run you?


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It was very close in person to the way it looks in the pictures. In fact I may have even liked it better in person.

A friend of mine does paint and he did it for me. I gave him some cash on the side and paid for all the supplies. I think I paid around $700-800 in just supplies. He even had some of the stuff left over from a previous job that I didn't have to pay for. I think he said he would normally charge around 4K for a job like the one he did.

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Although I would never do it... I have to admit it looks pretty freakin cool..

Just one question though.. Why is the car being painted with the bumper covers on it? Flame me if it wasn't...

Edited by phillipj
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Although I would never do it... I have to admit it looks pretty freakin cool..

Just one question though.. Why is the car being painted with the bumper covers on it? Flame me if it wasn't...

I know, I wanted to strip the whole thing down and paint her. One of my friends has paint booth and we did it at his place. We will be tearing some of her apart at a later date and playing some more!

The paint on the car was perfect but some lady pulled into a parking spot and bumped the front bumper while I was getting a haircut and it pushed it into a pole. Needless to say I had to paint the front and rear bumpers so we ended up doing the whole car.

The military doesn't pay me enough to have everything done at a shop so I try to do as much on my own as I can!

Thats why i'm so great full places like Renntech exist! You guys have probably saved me 5 grand over the past month or so!!

Either way the paint turned out beautiful!

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I recently had the car painted and I snapped a few pictures of it before they applied the layers of clear.

I almost had them leave the flat blue on it but chickened out at the last second.

Anyone here like it?


That looks absolutely great, don't be a chicken next time someone rams your car into a light pole. I've always thought if I got a hardtop for my boxster, I would paint it flat black - to match the fabric top. Check out the RUF CTR3 in flat matte gray in the Dec 2008 issue of Excellence if you don't think flat paint looks good - it will change your mind.


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