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Cats sleeping on my car!

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I've discovered that cats are sleeping on my car. Unfortunately, I don't have an indoor/covered parking spot and have to leave the car in an outdoor lot. I noticed that there was cat hair on the car and though it annoyed me, I didn't give it too much thought. However, when I brought it in to get detailed, I was informed that they have been scratching the top and marking their territory on my soft-top by urinating on it! Now this is not something I will accept. There are many stray cats in our neighbourhood, so I can't really complain to the neighbours. For the time being, I've started to cover the top of the car with a tarp, and just tuck it into the windows on both sides, but this isn't something I want to be doing long term. The cats are still sleeping on the tarp, but at least it isn't directly on the soft top.

any suggestions? I thought about trying some of the cat repellent sprays, but not sure I want to spray that into my car.

this is very frustrating!

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I parked my car out ONE night because we were in the middle of a move and a cat urinated (or sprayed) on the top near the base of the rear window. It took me nearly 8 months to fully get rid of the smell from the inside of the car. IMO, the tarp and/or a cover is a must if you leave outside. Having owned cats all my life, the only thing I have ever seen that actually works in training them is a combination of noise and motion that will get their attention. Maybe you can figure out a setup that can utilize the following..


Good luck!

Edited by por986
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Assuming you don't have a sensitive alarm, get the cat out of it's routine, they're creatures of habit. Forget a static solution.

-Certain smells or tastes whatever turns cats off (Google it). Spread it out on a strip of cardboard (1.5'x4'), move it around your car every night… on top, on the trunk, etc.

-Find a loud horn or bell, vibration, thump emitter, get clever, that just goes of intermittently but frequently at night. Again, there creatures of habit. It's a torture teqniqe under the Geneva convention, but harmless because the cat can split.

In short, irritate the cat unpredictably, intermittently, automatically and annoyingly at night, the cat will split. Wouldn't you?

Regards, PK

Edited by pk2
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Catch them in the act and spray them down with a water hose. Worked for me and although I did see that cat around after it was never on my car again.

This thread is HILARIOUS !!!!

I had a bird poop on my Cayman yesterday evening and it displeased me... if it was a cat (although I am a cat person) I'd have a dog in my garage :)

Try a mouse trap with tuna ;)

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Having had a similar situation with stray cats using my garden as a litter box. I finally had enough and tried to be polite but I had neighbors that believed that cats are a 'free sprited' pet and need to be outside. WHAT A JOKE. I finally broke down bought a inexpensive live animal trap then baited it with cat food and once I have the culprits in the cage I called the local animal shelter and they took them away. After catching 5 of them they stopped coming so I then put them in my car drove them to a local park 10 miles away and let them be 'free spirited'. When the neighbors inquired and went looking for their 'house' cats I just said 'nope havent seen them'. They have since not bought any more cats or adopted any more strays.

Good luck...

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