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This is the latest mishap caused by my existing medical condition of epileptic seizures. Excuse the lousy drawing, but I couldn't bring myself to snap a cold-hearted cell phone photo. I'm under a doctor's care fror the condition, and thankfully nobody was hurt, as the accident happened at 40 mph and involved only parked cars. According to an old friend who's a retired atty, fellow car nut and once worked in the insurance biz, the car looks repairable. Aside from the sprung headlight (I'm a retired cartoonist), the drawing is quite accurate. If my insurance company will cooperate, I'd like to treat this topic as a repair work-in-progress, so I'm not asking for sympathy; I've already cried myself silly.

post-25989-000999100 1279645730_thumb.jp

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Oh my I'm so sorry to hear about your mishap. Luckily you are not hurt. Looks like the same can't be said for the green monster. Please let us know if thecar will be repaired.


Thanks Phil. On top of that, my driver's license was (understandably) suspended for 3 months, but least it wasn't revoked. I'm learning to ride the Big Orange Sports Car (L.A. Metro bus), as well as infinite patience when working with the insurance company.

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Not to be rude, but why are you driving at all if you're prone to such episodes?It seems to me that you're very fortunate that you haven't hurt someone or yourself.

I guess I'm being critical but it doesn't make sense to me.

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Not to be rude, but why are you driving at all if you're prone to such episodes?It seems to me that you're very fortunate that you haven't hurt someone or yourself.

I guess I'm being critical but it doesn't make sense to me.

As long as my dilantin blood levels are within the normal range, I'm OK (they were a bit low at the time and my dosage has since been increased), but I understand your point; the last thing I want is to hurt anybody. That's also the reason why my license was suspended for 3 months and yes, that'll be a tough decision I'll have to make if my driving privileges are restored.

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This is the latest mishap caused by my existing medical condition of epileptic seizures. Excuse the lousy drawing, but I couldn't bring myself to snap a cold-hearted cell phone photo. I'm under a doctor's care fror the condition, and thankfully nobody was hurt, as the accident happened at 40 mph and involved only parked cars. According to an old friend who's a retired atty, fellow car nut and once worked in the insurance biz, the car looks repairable. Aside from the sprung headlight (I'm a retired cartoonist), the drawing is quite accurate. If my insurance company will cooperate, I'd like to treat this topic as a repair work-in-progress, so I'm not asking for sympathy; I've already cried myself silly.

I started reading your post thinking you're joking or being sarcastic of the fact that in the last couple of days there have been unusual threads of Porsche accidents across different forums. But it turned out to be another accident... I'm sorry !

...but I'm glad you're alright and you'd have a chance to explore different side of life while not driving.

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sorry to hear that....

There is a possibility that if my body shop guy says it's repairable, the ins co will let me have the hulk, less the salvage value, and if there's enough $$ left over, I'll have it hauled over to his shop for repair. He said that with some expensive cars, it's quite do-able, and that I might even come out ahead. Watch this space.

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You will have a salvage title though. Which means the car will be basically worthless. The car will never be right.. You would be better off parting out the car or better yet just getting another one..

Just my 2 cents...

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You will have a salvage title though. Which means the car will be basically worthless. The car will never be right.. You would be better off parting out the car or better yet just getting another one..

Just my 2 cents...

I fully understand that, but I can't afford another 997C2S. I'm gonna accompany my body shop guy to the yard this PM, and see what he says. We both can be very frank with each other. After I trashed the rt frt wheel/tire and suspension in the AARRGGH incident, I had a 4-wheel alignment done with all angles set to spec, and the car never handled better.

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This is the latest mishap caused by my existing medical condition of epileptic seizures. Excuse the lousy drawing, but I couldn't bring myself to snap a cold-hearted cell phone photo. I'm under a doctor's care fror the condition, and thankfully nobody was hurt, as the accident happened at 40 mph and involved only parked cars. According to an old friend who's a retired atty, fellow car nut and once worked in the insurance biz, the car looks repairable. Aside from the sprung headlight (I'm a retired cartoonist), the drawing is quite accurate. If my insurance company will cooperate, I'd like to treat this topic as a repair work-in-progress, so I'm not asking for sympathy; I've already cried myself silly.

That's the saddest drawing I've ever seen man, sorry for your loss. and I'm glad that no one was hurt, I hope that you can find a way to avoid driving in a condition that would prompt a seizure again.

Anything can be fixed, but it's hard to make it exactly what it once was. There are few scenarios where it would make more financial sense to bring the car back to life vs. buy another, but here's hoping you find your way back into a 911 sooner than later.


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I had a guy tell me that when you put the car on a stretch table,

you apply the stretch and release the stretch and the car goes back to

it's un-stretched shape.

I think it will be very dificult to stretch the pasenger wheel back into shape.

You might be better to find a car that has been in a fire and put your parts

on it.


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I had a guy tell me that when you put the car on a stretch table,

you apply the stretch and release the stretch and the car goes back to

it's un-stretched shape. I think it will be very dificult to stretch the pasenger wheel back into shape.

You might be better to find a car that has been in a fire and put your parts on it.


I'm gonna explore all my options re total loss payout vs repair before making my decision. I have one hole card; my insurance co trucked my car off to a salvage yard prematurely and without my permission. I figure they now owe me at least a coupla days to make up my mind.

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But isn't your insurance company going to give you a decent payout on the total of the car?

I expect a call today. Pretty sure they're supposed to pay me retail value, which is about $ 52K according to KBB, and that's what I originally paid for it a year and a half ago. If that's what the payout will be, I'll take it.

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You can easily get another 06 low mile 997S for the high $40's. Good luck. I hope your health condition improves and your back behind the wheel soon (safely.):drive:

I'll not get my hopes up just yet, after all, these guys are the same outfit that had my car trucked to a salvage/auction yard w/o my permission. Thanks for the well wishes Phil.

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Not to be rude, but why are you driving at all if you're prone to such episodes?It seems to me that you're very fortunate that you haven't hurt someone or yourself.

I guess I'm being critical but it doesn't make sense to me.

As long as my dilantin blood levels are within the normal range, I'm OK (they were a bit low at the time and my dosage has since been increased), but I understand your point; the last thing I want is to hurt anybody. That's also the reason why my license was suspended for 3 months and yes, that'll be a tough decision I'll have to make if my driving privileges are restored.

Sorry about the car,

From another Porsche driver that is epileptic, my body started to reject/process Dilantin so fast the dose increase was out of control. Talk to your DR. about using Carbatrol since it has a slow release. I've been on it for over 6 years with no issues. This has given me the confidence to really enjoy driving my 05 997 C2. I was paranoid about driving with Dilantin.

Good Luck

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Sorry about the car,

From another Porsche driver that is epileptic, my body started to reject/process Dilantin so fast the dose increase was out of control. Talk to your DR. about using Carbatrol since it has a slow release. I've been on it for over 6 years with no issues. This has given me the confidence to really enjoy driving my 05 997 C2. I was paranoid about driving with Dilantin.

Good Luck

Just now got back from my doc's and a blood test. I'm seeing him again in 3 wks, and I'll ask him then about Carbatol (sounds suspiciously to me like an injector cleaner ;), so it just might work better for car nuts). I've had no problems however with dilantin absorption, but it's nice to know I'm not alone.

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Still awaiting word from my insurer re payout and settlement. In the meantime, I'm exploring another possibilty suggested by the body shop: installing a "clip" or a complete front end assy from another C2S; providing they can even find a suitable one. Before everyone runs screaming for the exits at the mere mention of the word, does anyone have any real experience with this kind of repair? Thanks.

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Just got a very decent offer from the ins co. Think I'll start looking for an '06 C2S like Phil suggested. I got lotsa time to find the right one.

With all due respect, PLEASE consider not driving any more. I know you feel you may be able to get your condition under control, but all it takes is for you be wrong once and you could end up a statistic. What if you had hit a cyclist or pedestrian?

I attended the funeral of a man who was killed by an driver who suffered an epileptic seizure, he was killed in front of his wife and young children.

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  • 1 month later...

Everybody thinks I'm nuts, but if the DMV re-instates my license (I have a hearing coming up next Friday 10 Sept), I wanna get another C2S. The cause of the blackouts was actually a mini-stroke, and if I continue to take the prescribed dosages of Dilantin plus 81mg aspirin daily, I'll be OK. I haven't had another episode since the crash 8 July. My question is: what exactly is the Sports Chrono Package, and is it of any real value? In my search for a suitable '06 replacement, nearly every prospect has the option. My late C2S didn't have it, and frankly, I didn't miss it.

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