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04 Cayenne Turbo transmission "clunk"

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I recently purchased an '04 Cayenne Turbo with 24k miles.

Test driving the vehicle didn't display anything of what I am about to describe...

Most often, 4th gear upon acceleration (rarely on deceleration) bump, hiccup and associated "clunk".

Consistent issue with downshift under acceleration. Dominant in 5th-3rd downshift, but also present in 4th-3rd in acceleration only. Present in manual and auto-shift mode under moderate acceleration.

Any ideas for a resolution?

Is the vehicle considered safe until resolved? (stupid question, but I need to ask).

Many thanks

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Where abouts on the vehicle do you hear the clunk? If it's from the middle of the vehicle I would start by inspecting the driveshaft centre brng.

Middle of the vehicle - the first time I heard this, I thought I'd left the transmission on the road somewhere behind me!

It has been suggested that (an interim fix) is to replace the valve (something-or-others) in the transmission - however, due to likely waring on the transmission gears, it would only be a matter of time before a complete transmission would be required.


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The most common cause of that is a failing valve body in your transmission. Your description matches the symptoms to the "T." Its turned into a fairly common issue with the 04 - 05 Cayennes. I would not say that replacing the valve body is an "interim fix." If you get the valve body replaced your transmission should last indefinitely. I've seen a lot of Cayennes get valve bodies replaced and never have transmission problems again.

I'm curious, who gave you this advice?

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The most common cause of that is a failing valve body in your transmission. Your description matches the symptoms to the "T." Its turned into a fairly common issue with the 04 - 05 Cayennes. I would not say that replacing the valve body is an "interim fix." If you get the valve body replaced your transmission should last indefinitely. I've seen a lot of Cayennes get valve bodies replaced and never have transmission problems again.

I'm curious, who gave you this advice?

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It was a none-Porsche mechanic. He suggested that the constant wearing would damage the transmission - I'm vehicle mechanics illiterate!

Since the original post, I have taken it to a Porsche dealership in Dallas that confirm it as valve body. It's scheduled to be fixed on 8/16.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for this one.. i was just about to describe the exact same situation...

I just bought a 2004 Cayenne Turbo used here in Poland, and having a very "hard clunk" as described during some hard shifting. First time it happened I got scared to death that something failed ;) I am not having it during downshifts, only hard upshifts.

Now will be off to the local Porsche center to have them check the valve body in the transmission. :)

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Thanks for this one.. i was just about to describe the exact same situation...

I just bought a 2004 Cayenne Turbo used here in Poland, and having a very "hard clunk" as described during some hard shifting. First time it happened I got scared to death that something failed ;) I am not having it during downshifts, only hard upshifts.

Now will be off to the local Porsche center to have them check the valve body in the transmission. :)

Don't be surprised if it's over a USD$2,400 repair. It did fix the problem, and now my Cayenne is amazing!

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I believe I had the same problem. Mine is an 04 Cayenne S with 74K miles. It happened every morning when the vehicle is cold. When I stepped on the accelerator, the car won't move until after a second or two then the gear caught on created a big jerk or "hard clunk". It got a little better when the car is hot. I brought it to the dealer, at first they replace the transmission control module, (while the car still in the dealer) it didn't fix it. Then they said it's the gear sensor (or somewhere in that area) was bad and can't be replaced. I ended up replaced the entire transmission!

...... now the Cayenne is in the shop for the power steering replacement!!!!! it's a lemon!

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  • 10 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Just wanted to update that I finally managed to convince myself of putting the Cayenne to Porsche Warsaw for further checking and they took a couple of small checks on it and just ordered a new valve body. Its been 3 weeks now, and it all seems to be working fine. Total cost including labor was something in the area of 3000 EUR including VAT.

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For anyone in N. America having this problem I have heard good things about the modified valve bodies from Sonnax


I'm not sure if Porsche's valve bodies are the same problematic ones or modified by Aisin, the transmission manufacturer.

But at under $1000 for the modified/improved valve body if you are a decent mechanic you can do the job yourself as the transmission doesn't need to be pulled to do it. You just need to pull the pan and keep it all very clean.

Edited by hahnmgh63
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