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Tear in Boxster top

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On Sunday my car was broken into and they put a 7 inch slash on the driver side of the top. :angry: The insurance adjuster will be out tomorrow to look at it and see what it will cost to fix. 2 dealers here in California quoted $3426 and $3585. Thats for the canvas and labor. While speaking with my insuarnce rep., she suggested that sometimes the top can be sewn together. Is this true? I don't want my car looking like Frankenstein. I will defenitly push for a replacement top. Anybody have this kind of problem before? ;)

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Get it replaced ...

Your insurance company has no right to force you to accept a non-original looking repair.

And depending on the year of your car, you might want to get a glass window version of the top.

$400 parts, 8-10 hours labor

There is a special tops section of the forums here that should give you ideas if you browse there.

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$400 part? I don't think so.

OEM one is a lot more. Even the GAHH with the new glass back window is about 700-800 + shipping.

$3.5k is a lot. However, dealer offers 2 yr warranty which is great since adjustments to fix rattles will be under warranty.

My advice is to get full replacement value and do the GAHH glass window at a reputable shop. PA upholstery is pretty good, there are a few more in SF bay area. Premier upholstery in Sunnyvale is also good. Avoid Bascom in San Jose.

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Make sure you get an OEM top!!! I bought a 2004 S with a replaced top and it has been nothing but trouble for me. It never fit properly, there is a lip which will catch rain, and after less than a year the glass is separating from the canvas.

It was the same deal, the original owner had his vandalized, and someone did a song-and-dance about non-OEM being the same...and now I'm stuck with the problem. My dealer won't even look at it, said it voided the warranty.

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The discussion about the top replacements is getting frustrating.

I'm not in need of a new top, yet...but expect that I will WANT to replace my plastic windowed top before I NEED to.

The other threads I've read indicated that the first replacment tops had problems with some of the glass windows seperating from the canvas rather quickly, and that later tops have worked out the problem. Isn't this true?

Those of you who have had problems with glass leaving the canvas...how recently was the top replaced? Is it one of the early or late ones? Which brand? Are there tensioning issues that contribute to success or failure? What about weather/temperature issues? Who did the replacement - DIY or specialty shop?

Is there a Porsche replacement for older Boxsters that doesn't require the newer frame?

Oh so many questions. :cursing: While I'm at it...what about answers to life, the Universe, and everything?

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quote name='Badcow!' date='Sep 14 2006, 02:56 PM' post='52201'

how recently was the top replaced? 10 months ago

Is it one of the early or late ones? Not sure what you mean. It was a non-OEM replacement on an '03-4 Boxster with the glass style. New, I guess?

Which brand? I have no idea, but this one has a black vinyl beading which goes all around the outside of the window.

Are there tensioning issues that contribute to success or failure? I think so. The top cables were always bowed back beyond the virtual B pillar with the top up. It was a problem I meant to fix but didn't get to until it was too late.

What about weather/temperature issues? Yes, separation began with the 100 degree days in June.

Who did the replacement - DIY or specialty shop? Specialty shop. They left parts out, stripped some bolts, etc. It will probably get worse when I pull things apart eventually.

Hope this helps the "knowledge base." All you really have to know is that you get what you pay for, unfortunately.

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Sorry to hear about your horrible experience. I will be replacing the top with a glass version from GAHH in N. Hollywood, Ca. Anybody use them before? Also the dealer quote for stock halogens was so high, I will be able to replace my stolen Litronics with a new set. :clapping:

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  • 6 months later...

I just replaced mine a few months ago. I went with one of the Robbins tops with a glass window. It even has hookups for a rear defroster. I got mine for only $350 on ebay from TopsOnline and only paid an additional $400 to get installed in January. I think it was about 9.5 hrs of labor.

It was well worth the money. The Robbins top is real nice and I think it is better made that the OEM top I previously had on it and only a fraction of the price. I have been very happy with how it turned out. Here are some pics. The top is wet in these pics because it just rained, but im sure you can get the idea.





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