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I recently purchased a 2009 997S Cab new (never titled) from a dealer. It had 650 miles on the odometer. To sweeten the deal he cpo'd it for me. I didn't know this was possible on a new car, but it seems to have been accepted by PCNA. Question: Aside from the increase in the number of years coverage, and the number of extra miles under the cpo, are there any differences in the mechanical aspects of the coverage in the standard warranty versus the cpo warranty?

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I recently purchased a 2009 997S Cab new (never titled) from a dealer. It had 650 miles on the odometer. To sweeten the deal he cpo'd it for me. I didn't know this was possible on a new car, but it seems to have been accepted by PCNA. Question: Aside from the increase in the number of years coverage, and the number of extra miles under the cpo, are there any differences in the mechanical aspects of the coverage in the standard warranty versus the cpo warranty?

Hey alirob!

What is CPO?


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I recently purchased a 2009 997S Cab new (never titled) from a dealer. It had 650 miles on the odometer. To sweeten the deal he cpo'd it for me. I didn't know this was possible on a new car, but it seems to have been accepted by PCNA. Question: Aside from the increase in the number of years coverage, and the number of extra miles under the cpo, are there any differences in the mechanical aspects of the coverage in the standard warranty versus the cpo warranty?

Hey alirob!

What is CPO?


CPO = Certified Pre-Owned

You can download the brochure here

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The CPO programwas improved as of August 2008. Check out the new CPO brochure:


On page 4, it says "The Porsche Approved Certified Pre-Owned limited warranty is just like

our new car limited warranty."

You have a six year (from "in service" date), 100,000 mile warranty. If you sell the car to a private party, the balance of the warranty is transferrable to the new owner for a transfer fee of about $100. Selling the car to a non-Porsche dealer will void the balance of the warranty for the next buyer. Selling the car to a Porsche dealer will preserve the balance of the warranty for the next buyer.


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  • 3 weeks later...


I believe you are correct. The initial factory warranty remains in effect for the full 4 year/50,000 mile period.

Mind you the factory warranty starts when the car has been punched by the dealer. When cars languish for months on the dealers lot, many times the dealer will "punch the ticket" of the car - intimating to Porsche that the car has been sold. This eliminates the embarrassment of having an unsold car and keeps the factory's allotment of new cars coming.

I know a fellow who purchased a used Boxster from a Route 1 used car dealer that still had about a month of factory warranty remaining. It was fortunate because the car, coming in off a lease had a couple of major problems whuich the local Porsche dealer was able to work off prior to the expiration of the warranty.


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I believe you are correct. The initial factory warranty remains in effect for the full 4 year/50,000 mile period.

Mind you the factory warranty starts when the car has been punched by the dealer. When cars languish for months on the dealers lot, many times the dealer will "punch the ticket" of the car - intimating to Porsche that the car has been sold. This eliminates the embarrassment of having an unsold car and keeps the factory's allotment of new cars coming.

I know a fellow who purchased a used Boxster from a Route 1 used car dealer that still had about a month of factory warranty remaining. It was fortunate because the car, coming in off a lease had a couple of major problems whuich the local Porsche dealer was able to work off prior to the expiration of the warranty.


The dealership will "punch" (they call it RDR, for Retail Delivery Record) a car when it has sat on their floorplan for over the holdback period, which is typically one year. Holdback is money the manufacturer will pay the dealer abve and beyond their profit for a timely sale. Most manufacturers require demos to be RDRd for warranty in-service date tracking, I dont know if Porsche does. 650 untitled miles sounds like a demonstrator, the factory will only put double-digit miles on the cars post-build.

I hear that some states require a vehicle over certain miles (250?) require the car to be titled as used. I'm not sure if that means the dealer trades the MSO for a title in the dealer's name and the transfers that tile to the new owner, or if there is no middleman title to the dealer. Either way, if the money's right you're getting a lot of car and extra transferrable warranty to boot. Enjoy it!

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