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I have seen the advertisment for the "Sprint Booster" and I did a search and did not see any threads for the Cayenne on this. Just wondering if anyone bought or has used it? Is it a good product or waste of money, I know it doesn't give more HP but for those that have it does it increase throttle response (especially for those with turbos)

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I have it in my 06 Manual transmission vr6 cayenne. Why is everybody saying its a waste of money ? i had it in my 06 C230 ( manual too). Let me tell you this, it saved me so many times. It helps you react alot quicker in one of these occasions where your idle and all of the sudden you need to move. I dont know how automatics operate, but with manual transmission, it takes a good second for the throttle body to follow my foot. it totally eliminates the stupid lag that comes with stupid drive-by-wire " improvement". BMW ever since i had my E46 M3 , had a sport button, which worked like SprintBooster and so much more( it also activated some different suspension modes, aggressive timing, etc) but essentially it eliminated the LAG between your foot touching the gas pedal and actual throttle plate opening.

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White paper for sprint booster:


In short it connects to accelerator and thus does not modify anything in ECU/TCU. Since Sprint Booster amplified accelerator signal, pressing accelerator half way is like pressing it to the metal with our foot. Most "sport" button in automatic vehicle activates a different ECU engine mapping (downsift earlier and hold on to high gear longer) and sprint booster can't do this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

has anyone tried the new multi setting sprintbooster.

I am not a user of SB, but I have been following forum threads on SB in MBWorld.org.

With standard SB, when you depress the accelerator half way, it is equivalent to fully depressing the accelerator. Hence your back is push to the seat whenever you accelerate. But sometime you might want more relax driving. For what I can remember, the multi setting SB has 3 settings. With 2nd setting when you depress 3/4 way it is equivalent to depressing all the way. 3rd setting will give you back the original car setting, equivalent to not having SB.

I always doubt the safety of using SB, for example what if the SB is defective and it generates full voltage (i.e.: equivalent to full throttle).

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

I put the Sprint Booster in my 2004 V6 and definately feel the diff...cuts lag on accelaration...got it on ebay...the 1st one I received didn't work...the seller sent a 2nd one without having to return the first one and it works great...it's not that expensive but it really helps shorten that annoying delay on acceleration

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I put the Sprint Booster in my 2004 V6 and definately feel the diff...cuts lag on accelaration...got it on ebay...the 1st one I received didn't work...the seller sent a 2nd one without having to return the first one and it works great...it's not that expensive but it really helps shorten that annoying delay on acceleration

How did you determine the first unit received wasn't working??

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  • 1 month later...

The first unit just caused "confused" up/downshift for some reason and actually Slower accel.; the replacement unit did exactly what they claim...very noticable, and appreciated, quicker response to accel...Sprint doesn't claim to incr. HP, just to greatly reduce accel lag. Easy to install, too. Worth 350.00 fo sho. Not snake oil in this case

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