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Infrared Passenger Compartment Monitor(IPCM)

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The sunroof control switch (SCS)...(see picture1) kept popping out so I had to get the cover off which required removal of “bug eyes“ which are part of a Infrared Passenger Compartment Monitor System  (IPCMS) to expose the holding screws(HS). Is this a one sensor system and this (picture2) Looks fine or there is a lens missing. I’ll have to check and see if I can set off the alarm while inside the  car but most of these systems don’t work if incomplete...

Any fellow enthusiast recognize or have had opportunity to see this removed...normal or not.

Thank for your responses in advance(TFYR)....have to make sure my Porschease is spot on (or its abreviatitis...an obsession with having an abbreviation of letters for everything on a car.  It’s actually money savings because if you had to pay for every time they printed PDK out in it’s full name the cars and parts would be even more expensive.


Quick true/false question. Not driving your car will ruin sparks plugs. True or False?




Edited by Roderick Slack
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Car in another state “been running like a truck”...threw misfires and was determineD “coils need changing” and “Cars has not been driven and spark plugs have failed”. Yes ...a dealer put this in writing and of course wanted $1500 tp do it. Crying shame...I know sales are down during the pandemic but getting it back selling bogus service ain’t that misbehavin?

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Anybody willing to look under the lenses cover of their infrared passenger compartment monitor system and compare to my picture and see if like me or not. No one is getting together for meeting or I could ask someone...I’m just saying fellow Porsche files 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Had the same problem with the switch on my 2002 carrera "popping out"....took it apart and super glued it onto the broken plastic mounts.....that worked, now the sunroof go's up and down but will not slide open....just a continuing saga....to much plastic that gets old and brittle and then breaks.....good luck!

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