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Litronic Headlight FLICKER? Intermittent startup... Switch problem?

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Hey guys, I installed a new pair of Litronics a few weeks ago, and the first time I turned them on, the lights just flickered as if there wasn't enough power going to them or something. Then turned the switch to off, and the 2nd time, they worked perfectly.

I notice this happens almost every time I turn them on, maybe 9/10 times. And will work perfectly normal the 2nd switch-on attempt.

Today, I turned on the headlight switch, and it would flicker and not fully ignite, and then kept on doing that on subsequent attemps. After giving up for awhile, I came back and tried again and they fired right up perfectly.

(both sides always work in unison, whether it be both doing the flickering, or both operating normally, so I don't think it has to do with a connection/plug issue on a particular side).

Any ideas on what the culprit might be? Maybe headlight switch connector?

Thanks in Advance! :thumbup:

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  • 2 years later...
not sure about ignition's connection to light switch. I'd change the light switch 1st. clean the contacts at the headlight if you're experiencing only 1 light failure.

When it comes to cleaning the contacts, what process do you guys use?

Thus far I have replaced:

1. Headlight.

2. Headlight switch.

next up is the ballast if the cleaning doesn't work.

01 996TT

Edited by a66cobra1
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The ignition switch sends a feed to the lightswitch once ignition is on (thats why when you turn off ignition the headlights go off)

Likely suspect is the lightswitch as both lights are affected - common fault on the car and an Audi part, Buy it at Audi and its cheaper than Porsche.

However - the switch comes apart easilly - no fiddly parts inside and nothing to loose really as you have a knackered switch - and if you make a complete bodge of taking the switch apart you still have a knackered switch.

Take the lightswitch out of the car - you will notice the metal body has a number of indents where the metal is squeezed into detents in the plastic top half, Use a small screwdriver to prise the metal out of the detents and the two parts seperate.

Inside is just springy bent over posts of copper - give them all an adjust by slight bending and a light sanding of the contact points with some wet and dry - a quick electrical spray and reassemble.

Job done and money saved.

If those on here are interested i will take a switch apart and photgraph the job and post, its not difficult.

Edited by Glyn
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The very first thing I would do is pop out and re-seat both lights and make sure you have them locked down. As the manual states, when you lock them in using the 5mm socket tool, you should hear a definite click. If they're not locked down, vibrations will cause them to lose connection and flicker.

If that doesn't solve the problem, I'd then start spending money on switches.

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While this problem may be caused by vehicle wiring, it is possible that you simply have a failing HID capsule. As they fail, they will often flicker for the last part of their lives. Most of us probably don't have enough hours on our headlights, but I'm sure some of us have enough to experience a failing bulb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How to quickly tell if it is the ignition switch or the headlight switch:

Turn the headlight switch to the on position, pull out the fog light- then hit the switch straight back in with the palm of your hand. If the lights then come on, it is the headlight switch.

The DIY for replacing the headlight switch is here:


My original discovery for the HLS occurred when I was trying to remove the switch, and I accidentally "tapped" it, and lo-and-behold, the light came on.

Buy the new one at Sunset Imports. Great guys, affordable price.


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