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Short Shifter Hack - to do or not do do?

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It seems like one of the most popular hacks out there is to change out the shifter. I was keen on the idea until I talked to a friend with a 996 that said he's tried one and that, although shifting was more precise, shift effort seemed too high to feel good.

I'm curious to see what the consensus is out there (if there is one!).

So if you've got an aftermarket shifter, tell us which one you've got, how easy it was to install, but most importantly, how it feels in comparison to stock, and whether you like it.


'01, 5 Spd, Seal Grey

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I installed a B&M in my '02 S. Love the feel and precise shifting. Not too stiff at all; just the way I like it. The throws are nice and short. The shifter was very easy to install; just be certain to mark your cables so they return to the proper position upon reinstallation. Now when I drive other 986/996 cars, the shifter feels so long and vague.

Edited by jmatta
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I have had the B&M in the car for several months. I love it. It can be a bit stiff when cold - as I heard before hand. It seems to be loosening up over time, though. Shifts are short and sweet. A couple Porsche friends have driven it: one liked it (plans to do it) the other wasn't thrilled. It was very easy to do; I think it took a couple hours being very careful to mark, measure and protect exposed finished surfaces from scratches.

Find one in your area and drive it.


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It seems like one of the most popular hacks out there is to change out the shifter. I was keen on the idea until I talked to a friend with a 996 that said he's tried one and that, although shifting was more precise, shift effort seemed too high to feel good.

I'm curious to see what the consensus is out there (if there is one!).

So if you've got an aftermarket shifter, tell us which one you've got, how easy it was to install, but most importantly, how it feels in comparison to stock, and whether you like it.


'01, 5 Spd, Seal Grey

I have done this mod twice: once in a Boxster S and now in my MY04 Carrera. The install is not difficult as you can read from the archives. The performance improvement is limited to the throw distance in my experience. The shifting is not smooth and is actually unpleasantly rough. First gear is almost like I have no synchromesh as is third. I hope to be able to adjust around this but there you have my experience.

Edited by nagold252
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I installed the Schnell kit and I love it. I have been test driving various 996's with the standard shifter and I can't imagine I would ever want to go back. If I trade up it will be the first thing that I change out. Come to think of it, the shifter was the first mod that I did on the Boxster

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  • 3 weeks later...
Only four of you have done the short shifter? Of course not...

Please ... let us know how you like it!

thx Norm

01 Boxster, 5 spd, Seal Grey

I had a B+M. I removed it and sold it to another member because I hated it. It was nearly impossible to find third gear when the car was cold.

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I have a 5 speed Boxster, in which I installed the B & M shifter, and a Carrera with the stock shifter. I've got to say that I like the change the B & M shifter made to the "shifting experience".....so much so that I will install a B & M in the Carrera. I haven't found the B & M difficult to shift, cold or hot. There is a feeling of a slot when moving the shift lever from gear to gear (notchiness?). But, I have never found it dificult to find what ever gear I'm looking for. My wife noticed the difference in the B & M and likes it.

To hedge your bets, you might want to use the adjusting tool to check the shifter cables before you install a short shift kit. That way you'll know you're starting off with the proper adjustment. Unfortunately, the adjusting tool can't be used to check your work after installing the short shift kit because it doesn't fit on the after market shift shaft.




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  • 2 months later...

I have the B&M in my 996TT which came stock & I love it, I love it so much that I installed it on my 986 S.

I would also recommend to change out the plastic shifter linkage to the EVO billet shfter linkage, that made

a ton of difference on shifting, much smoother. I changed the shifter linkage on both my cars. :)

I'd say "Do It" it is one of the best upgrade you can do to your car, you won't regret it.


Top Ramen

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i didn't want the hassel of buying a cheap short shifter or the expensive one and not be happy with one but i did want to change the shift knob and have a more short knob look so what i did was remobe the shift knob and boot and i cut about 3 inches of the stick, had another shift boot sewn to a red color since my interior is red and put a nice black leather shift knob on....the oe shifter did not have threads so it kinda limits the choices....looks nice and because its oem no problem shifting or finding gears...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I put a B&M in my 99. The shift was short and not at all notchy. I also installed Schnell in my 2000 S. The shifting was notchy both before and after the installation. The shorter shifting only seemed to agravate the existing problem. I believe that it is improving with age but I think an adjustment is needed.

Rich in CT

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I have the B & M in my 99 Carrera. I love it. I find the gear changes very precise. I never miss a shift. I have driven a car with stock shifter and I hated it . Feels sloppy and shifts are slow.

I do notice a bit of stiffness when it is cold but that goes away after a few shifts.

I love mine and would never go back.


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I got the Porsche S/S installed at the weekend and its great. My shifting was quite stiff and notchy when cold - this hasn't gone away but the stiffness and notchyness with the reduced throw makes it feel a lot more precise. I hated the length of thrown from 1st to 2nd, now its spot on. I also find that its easier to select the gear I want when really pushing it without having to hun around the gearbox for a quick shift.

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