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Seat belt chime disable through PIWIS

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2004 Carrera 2, US spec.

I'd like to disable the obnoxious seat belt chime through the dealer.

I had it into the dealer yesterday for a detail, and the dealer didn't have any issues with doing it, but we couldn't get it done.

Tech didn't think it was possible on 996's (though I've heard otherwise). Service manager hooked up the computer (PIWIS?) and we looked through various options trying to find anything related, but no luck.

Anybody know exactly which sub-menu or function can be used within the dealer computer system to turn off the seat belt warning chimes??


Yes, I wear my seat belt while driving.

No, I don't wear my seat belt when juggling cars around in the garage or driveway.

Yes, I'm comfortable with that decision.

Edited by pfbz
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I've never seen a specific option for this when coding instrument clusters, although we don't have that "feature" over here. I would assume it is the cluster which controls the chime. I expect it is a regional issue, so if there is an option for coding for a different country, I would try that.

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From eHow.com (US requirements):

"Initial Law

In 1972 owners of new cars purchased in the United States began to see seat belt warning systems or airbags installed for their protection. Most manufacturers elected to install low-cost seat belt reminder systems in lieu of costly airbags. The National Academies Press (NAP) reports when vehicles were put in gear, seat belt buzzers and reminder lights would activate for one minute until both front seat occupants had their seat belts fastened.

Amended Law

The initial law was intended to increase airbag installation, but it proved ineffective. Drivers could simply tuck fastened seat belts under their seats or otherwise bypass safety warnings. In the following two years after the initial law passed, the NHTSA mandated vehicle manufacturers to interlock the car's ignition with the seat belts.

Current Enforcement

Since 1975, when Congress declared interlocking mechanisms unlawful, manufacturers have been required to install four- to eight-second audible and visual warnings regardless of seat belt position, according to the NAP. In a 2007 NHTSA study, 84 percent of drivers with these warnings functionally installed wore their seat belts."

I think Richard is correct you "might" be able to get around it with different country programming - but they may also give you unwanted results (like metric readings etc.).

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There is less than 5 Km/h no speed signal present for ABS, doorlock, belt chime PSM, etc. If you are below that speed for movements in the garage or drive way, there is no problem. Disabling can not be performed with PIWIS over here.

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Most OEM's have been pretty tricky in setting up various "Federal Nanny" mandated safety features in these cars such as the TPMS and seat belt chimes. Quite often, some of these simply cannot be altered without an aftermarket re-flash of the computer, or (if possible) disabling the feature also disables some other major system, which is unacceptable to the car's owner. This does two things, the dealer network has "plausible deniability" when asked to disable mandated features, and it drives the aftermarket nuts when they try to do what the dealers will not.............

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I just got a mile down the road with my 996 about a 1/2 hour ago and saw a light on my dash of 2001 996 and it was the seat belt light.

But I heard no sound. Not sure what that is all about and not sure I have heard or not heard it before as I usually am pretty good at putting on the seat belt first.

Maybe my car has the same ailment as my Iphone after the lates Iphone update that killed the speaker in it ;)


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If the light came on while the seat belt was in use, try spraying some contact cleaner into the buckle (car not running, towel under the buckle to catch overspray). Some times these issues are just crud built up on the contacts in the buckles and the spray is a quick and lasting fix.

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Just to clarify, my desire is not to interfere with anything other than the constant audible reminder.

I don't think it's a legal issue. eg: My F-150 has instructions for turning on/off the audible 'Belt Minder' right in the owners manual. Not any sort of secret, back door, or dealer only procedure, just a sequence of ignition key and buckle/unbuckles. I doubt Ford would be flaunting federal safety laws on their highest volume vehicle year after year...

Other Porsche models evidently have relatively easy ways to disable the chimes. I've seen reports of certain buckle/unbuckle sequences working on caymans, and PIWIS working on 997's and 996's, but my service advisor just couldn't find the right screen.

Is it also possible that there are different 'permission' levels within PIWIS? Or that different versions of PIWIS added/deleted the capability?

At any rate, the thread wasn't meant to be a discussion on the applicability of federal law, just if anybody could confirm:

  1. Can a 996 MKII audible seat belt reminder can be disabled with PIWIS?
  2. What is the procedure or page to do so? [Nothing obvious in the instrument panel or airbag general sections]

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